Jow Forumschildfree might be the r9k equivalent for women. It's all bitter WGTOW , female nihilists
Jow Forumschildfree might be the r9k equivalent for women. It's all bitter WGTOW , female nihilists
Why are there so many redditors on Jow Forums? Jesus.
>Why do you visit the top 6 website in the world?
>Never mind that it has so much info and opinions
Yeah, except women who don't want children aren't bitter, angry, and hateful- they just don't want to have children.
Yeah you are a fucktard, if it's so good, stay there, we don't want you on Jow Forums.
read that sr, its the nastiest biches alive, they want kids just didn't have what it takes to have one with chad, so blame the world. those are the real fembots
Guys help, I can't find the downvote button
>and opinions
That is why you stay away idiot.
>Implying Reddit is a place you stay
You retard. It's just one of my tabs. I'm not like YOU. I actually have more than 1 site to browse.
Just say cuck
>Stay there
Ever thought of killing yourself? You really should.
Even these women have all the sex they want though. They just dont want kids.
Try all you want there simply isn't any female equivalent to incels or mgtow or anything like that.
>me=nihilist asshole lmao
Even alt girls are trash, who would've thought.
childfree people are funny because of how insecure about it they seem, it really like people from Jow Forums
Why should I do that if my existence pisses off people like you?
Just tell me your address once faggot i'll fucking make sure to fuck you up. Im fucking tired of redditshitter. Thats fucking it. If I saw you irl you bet your fucking ass I'd bash your head in.
B-ut Nietzsche dedicated his life to warn us about the soul crushing dangers of nihilism.
What in Davy Jones' locker did ye just bark at me, ye scurvy bilgerat? I'll have ye know I be the meanest cutthroat on the seven seas, and I've led numerous raids on fishing villages and raped over 300 wenches. I be trained in hitandrun pillaging and be the deadliest with a pistol of all the captains on the high seas. Ye be nothing to me but another source o' swag. I'll have yer guts for garters and keel haul ye like never been done before, hear me true. You think ye can hide behind your newfangled computing device? Think twice on that, scallywag. As we parley I be contacting my secret network o' pirates across the sea and yer port is being tracked right now so ye better prepare for the typhoon, weevil. The kind o' monsoon that'll wipe ye off the map. You're sharkbait, fool. I can sail anywhere, in any waters, and can kill ye in o'er seven hundred ways, and that be just with me hook and fist. Not only do I be top o' the line with a cutlass, but I have an entire pirate fleet at my beck and call and I'll damned sure use it all to wipe yer arse off o' the world, ye dog. If only ye had had the foresight to know what devilish wrath your jibe was about to incur, ye might have belayed the comment. But ye couldn't, ye didn't, and now ye'll pay the ultimate toll, you buffoon. I'll shit fury all over ye and ye'll drown in the depths o' it. You're fish food now.
I mean, I'm technically an existentialist, but they're not wrong. They're just expressing facts about reality in the most depressing way possible kek.
Men who refuse to date aren't sexist, miserable douchebags either, but MGTOW spaces tend to veer towards that toxic extreme. The kind of people that would actively go to a board like r/childfree instead of just enjoying their childless existence are more likely to be the miserable, toxic ones.
It's the sincerity of not wanting kids that is doubtful. They can definitely come up with a rational justification for not wanting them, but just because it's logically tenable doesn't mean it doesn't eat at them in some way. Otherwise they wouldn't feel the need to join these communities in the first place.
It's like MGTOWs saying they are happy without women in their life.
>It's like MGTOWs saying they are happy without women in their life.
They're not necessarily happy, but modern conditions mean they would be more unhappy trying to deal with on than they are doing nothing
All these chanfags are butthurt
>reddit memes
unfunny garbage
women cant even understand Nietzsche
They are 100% right and you're just mad you wouldn't be able to sell the idea that reproduction is beneficial to anyone but rich jews even if you *were* Chad. The only way you'll ever manage to do it with someone is if they are stupid enough to trust you to know what you're doing, but the fact remains, you don't and you're full of shit.
sure way to let everyone around you to know you've never read him you fucking brainlet
You're the one who is garbage wallowing in your filthy website
It's funny they suggest Nietzsche to """nihilists""", as he stood for the opposite of what these retards preach.
The point is they are ambivalent about their situation and the more they assert the opposite (by going to a board about being childless and saying having kids suck) the less satisfied with their lives they appear to be.
It's still not anywhere close to a "female Jow Forums" as long as they all have all the attention from the opposite sex they want.
>just because it's logically tenable doesn't mean it doesn't eat at them in some way
That is exactly why it doesn't. You people are just so desperate for this biological clock meme to exist in reality on a level that might actually cause these women, who you don't even like, to compromise their better judgement just to push out a little half retarded squirrel.
Well feel free to stop complaining about people on reddit any time. I don't use it so it doesn't bother me that there is a hugbox for people who don't want to contribute to the Pacific trash island.
>Family and friends tell me I am being dark
They are nothing like Jow Forums
Honestly, what do you expect from women?
>I can't have kids, there was a incident with a horse years ago
What the fuck?
desu I can understand why people who don't want children may want to find people who feel the same way. Everytime I tell my family I don't want children (and that's just because they keep bringing the subject up), their reaction is basically the same as if I were telling them I just bombed a children hospital up and then jerked off their burned corpses while praising satan
>That is exactly why it doesn't.
It clearly does bother them, otherwise they wouldn't even be fucked posting about it.
What bothers them is that there are constantly people telling them it should be bothering them. Like if I told you, get a job, contribute to society, become a normie, just b urself. It's the same shit.
It's true, they only talk facts. The thing is that they just keep whining instead of moving on. They make this idea part of their identity. Thats the problem. Just like people who take persoanlity test and go around telling others "Oh look at me I'm a such and such which means this and that". It's like modern astrology
That is another thing - drumming up the persecution complex of being childfree. Lots of people do not have children and are fine. Your family and total assholes are the only people liable to bother you about in the civilized world, but families bother other each other about lots of bullshit.
>The thing is that they just keep whining instead of moving on.
So its basically similar to incels, except the fundamental difference is that the r/childfree posters aren't biologically inclined to lower their standards to achieve the goal of reproduction, which they do not want even with Chad, because even he is untrustworthy and unreliable.
thats it. I am delting 4han
>Like if I told you, get a job, contribute to society, become a normie, just b urself.
I'm not convinced that happens all that much either, hardly anybody gives a fuck about others enough to be handing out unsolicited advice. The most I've seen of it is on this board where somebody giving 'advice' is themselves clearly some insecure fag projecting.
Someone hasn't been to lolcow or crystal cafe.
Those are the real female Jow Forums equivalents, and they're full of just as much narcissism, idiocy, autism, self-sabotage, and bitter resentment as Jow Forums.
Except replace men that hate women so much that they force themselves to be gay with women that hate men so much that they force themselves to be lesbians.
>hardly anybody gives a fuck about others enough to be handing out unsolicited advice
You must be new because there have been plenty of threads in the past insinuating that women will "hit the wall" or have to have kids before a certain age and before they can secure the resources to raise them. I am giving you the benefit of the doubt as opposed to assuming you are being intellectually dishonest.
I don't know if lolcows are lesbians and I can't imagine more than 1% of the entire community are above 18.
Your opinion matters less than anybody here.
People making judgments about others isn't the same thing as hassling people about their lifestyle choice. I mean I guess you could be 'constantly' have people telling you your lifestyle sucks if you make a point to seek out people who will judge you and then have them antagonize you but that's pretty demented. Just like you could go to r/childfree and get upset about the people that people there don't like kids.
Exactly. Do you expect a redditor to understand that?
>is atheist because of logic, reason and upvotes
>fitness board is full of larping fatties who trick each other into eating onions all day
Kek and GTFO
>implying true robots and wizards aren't transcendentalists
Nihilism is for edgy brainlets