>want to be more social
>instal discord
>never join any groups or talk to anyone on it
The icon just sits in my tray mocking my inability to make friends
Want to be more social
I feel like an outcast loser even when I join in chatrooms.
every thinks i'm a retard and picks on me
I always feel like my conversation style and my sense of humor never gels well with any group I join.
i cant be social or have friends. id join a group or two to try but i dont fit in. just when i think i cant feel anylower aboutm yself people decide to come by and mess with my head and remind me that i am less than worthless by talking to me out of pity
i tfeels especially bad. inever had a high opinion of myself. i even got used to being abused butfor some reason this always hurts alot, i dont even know why
I can't join a server, especially from here, they are fucking shit and they make me feel bad because I can't keep up, I just keep the interactions to DMs
How do you even get to the point of DMs though? I can't even get there
sometimes people post their discord IDs in threads here but mods delete them pretty fast
Not him but I say "hey how are you?" And pray to god that they can carry a conversation
Join this comfy server /844sp or add me Lost#2786 and we can talk
People like this are exactly the ones you should avoid
This guys harbors homeless traps in San Jose, California in his apartment. Don't trust him.
Most people are vile and will end up putting you down anyways. Delete Discord and embrace loneliness. It is the only way to salvation.
I've been dealing with loneliness pretty well for a while, but the desire for companionship has been creeping in lately
add me
I've changed many lives (for the worse)
join this, make friends: VmBdS5
iktf, loneliness hurts too much
Go out side and have real fucking human interations if you want to be more social you fuck
I'm like this
I know why tho:
I never know what to say to people, irl or online. I'm just a boring guy.
I had the same problem. Discord groups suck unless you already know the people in them. Nobody wants to initiate or reciprocate discussion with someone they feel is just some rando when they can talk to people they already know.
I ended up making a normiebook account and joined a couple of closed groups relating to some of my hobbies and I surprisingly do not regret it at all. People are much more talkative there and the fact that there's enforced single-account and real-profile-picture rules there's pretty much no shitposting unless you join a dedicated shitposting group. If you change a setting in your profile privacy nobody can see what groups you're in on your profile or in search either.
How do we become interesting FUCK
Dude, I'll be your friend, hmu in here. btw, I've made a ton of friends since I joined, I'm sure you can find someone. /Dab58kb
Friend collectors like this are the worst people you will ever meet on discord
>add someone named kupo from a discord thread
>gives really short answers and doesn't even seem interested in talking to me
>someone in thread says it's a girl and that she's a bitch
>I ask for pic and she says only if I send a shirtless pic
>she sends pic and looks super young
>I send pic she requested
>she deletes her pic and calls me fat
>has stopped responding to me but still hasn't deleted me
dude this is roboot server yoiu can join and chat if you like
we cant ever be interesting, it is hopeless
Never deal with roasts
hmm I added her and she was really good conversing every time, I never asked for a pic though, nor did I imply I was interested in them that way now I'm not ever doing that because I look like shit shirtless
>want to try discord because EVERYONE uses discord nowadays
>realize i have no friends to add
>join server for game server i play on sometimes
>really hard to find the ability to talk, not even in text chat
>still in there because its the only fucking way to contact that specific group
I fucking hate that so many people use it. Why can't I talk to people like a normal person goddamnit
>be me
>feeling lonely
>install discord
>join a "robot" server
>talks in #general
>only guy who replies is the owner
>he replies with three - five word replies that i can't really work on or with
>conversation ends in 30 seconds
>realize owner is an autist who can't hold a conversation
>i go offline and play vidya
>owner kicks me
R-robot servers???
>tfw you just reminded me to say hi to my pen pal
>met him in a loner thread promised I would not ghost him
>conversation is pretty vapid and fleeting but still nice interacting in another platform
>join every server in this thread
>nobody is even talking in the main chat in either of them
Haha... Nice.
>tfw cant socilize even in a r9k discord
>they kick me out
well fuck you guys
Are you talking about the weaboo ass one with the moogle pfp? Doesn't seem as receptive to conversation but goes autistic and sends a bunch of replies that could have been a single reply if you mention something she's into. Shes alright. She said someone got assblasted at her and spams her discord in threads. So now she makes weird ass demands when guys ask for pics right after dm'ing her. If it makes you feel better she never asked me for anything weird and didn't ghost me even though I'm obese. She made fun of my doublechin but were cool.
Is it true she's a chink womanlet?
>not immediately saving the pic
Nigga, you fucced up
would anyone like to talk to me on a not-discord platform
He really did. She's so qt. I wish she would be my submissive Asian gf.
your fault for being fat
Ill talk to you now. Ok. I did it.
Post one
ok thank you user i've been waiting all this time for that (you). discord crashes a lot
No. There are my rares.
Youre welcome buddy, heres another (you) from your old chum, anonimuss.
You know what? I'm also sick of this. Everytime adding someone from here and having the conversation fall to bits within minutes or joining some random server and never getting to fit in since the social castes are more rigorous than in feudal rule. The game is rigged from the start. This is it, I'm making a shitty server for us shitty losers who are too stupid and braindead to socialize with other self-proclaimed losers. Social butterflies will get banned on sight, this is for genuine autists only. No voicechat. Even if no one joins, atleast I won't have to deal with this wretchedness anymore.