It's extremely.. normal? for somebody from this board, I was expecting some weird-ass IDM beat with rap on it and psychedelic fucking shit spewed in
that sounds fucking retarded who would ever attempt to do that? lmao
>we're on r9k
>implying people can 't be smart on here
This is far better. Not my music, but someone I know.
your music is horseshit and your friends music is shit too I hope you die from acid being thrown on your face.
nigga u sound like you listen to pre wolf tyler the creator and xxxtentacion
blood on the carpet is good, but shut the fuck up about murdering the beat u aint fucking nas man
I made this the other day
now your getting it lmao that's the whole point
I'm the hype music version of nas i.e mumble rapper version of nas so yes I am
anyways I made a new song just FYI here it is:
dead song
I enjoy your flow and the beats you use, but the topics in both songs are somewhat the same. You re-used a line as well. But I'm sure you can improve a bit in the future, and considering that these are what I'd assume are your first songs, I think you do have potential. You're about the same lyrically as I was when I started, so much respect. Though I'm praising you here, I do want to hear what you could do in the future. I think you can improve a lot, because while the beat, flows, and delivery were all good to decent, your lyrical ability is below average at best. I followed you and am excited for your future releases by the way.
i'm a way better lyricist and rapper than you.
can we get a link or maybe some lyrics?
It's not horrible but you try too hard
yeah I intentionally made it similar because of the edgy hype vibe I'm trying to go with. Lyricism wise I can get as deep as MF doom but I suppress myself alot alot because I know that hype music is more marketable than lyricism in 2018. so rip for that but thanks for the support my dude.
lyricism isn't relevant in 2018
I didn't try at all that's literally the thing
hype music is what everyone listens to no one seems to care about spiritual miracle bullshit they care about turning up.
and I'm not selling out or anything I enjoy making edgy hype music too so it's not like I want a paycheck or some retarded shit like that if someone is attempting or going to say that. But I also enjoy lyricism aswell but I know that isn't going to get me a fanbase. Only an underground one at least.
If you're trying to make hype music, a chorus wouldn't be a bad idea btw
yeah of course I'll get to that eventually thanks for the suggestion my guy and the support really means alot desu
damn that is a good mixtape
I mean you try too hard to sound a certain way
As long as you're enjoying what you do, I don't see any huge problems, but just make sure not to follow trends unless the trend is something you like
i wrote this on my break at work today
i am so confused
all i do is lose
comin time again to choose
smoke my 6th joint today or tie a noose
feels like everybody wants me to fall for their ruse
starsky never quittin the haze fuck you pill jews
dryeyes goin thru a phase so i might fuck you
dyin from the stress, psychosis, bipolar and drug abuse
bogey burns ash turns to stain my lungs are refuse
aside from seeing dealers i been living like a recluse
holed up in my room, in my bed, dick hard eyes red, fearing feds, wishing i was higher, wishing i was dead
i know how my brain works, chemically ingrained since birth
to hurt whenever in absence of big girth
joints... now i'm much worser
former precursor to a very bright future
now my brain's just chemical sutures
get out the door like my mask fucking lucha
i may be a bum but no longer a moocher
yeah I enjoy it alot actually and yeah ofc that goes with anything aswell
well I guess thats your opinion I suppose rip
This is infinitely better than OP's rap because it's actually thoughtful/meaningful and not braindead endlessly regurgitated "yo I stab a nigga I'm crazy nigga fuck yo bitch nigga" down-syndrome-tier writing.
Normally I'd refrain from roasting someone's artistic expression but unless OP is doing a satire on incredibly stupid generic rap, it's just bad. And even if it was satire it's still bad.
What do yall think of this tho
Not bad, I'd refine it a bit and cut the line about girth even if you're talking about joints someone will call it sus
nobody cares about lyrical talent in 2018 when you learn that you would be better off I can rap better than that lyrically speaking but there is no point of doing that you'll just stay underground forever jesus christ you're a fucking idiot who doesn't read posts
I really enjoy that desu. It sounds like it would go on a jazzy beat ans thats nice.
Here's a W.I.P. of a third verse in a song I'm in the middle of writing.
I wasn't raised right, every weekend brings a dozen hate crimes, homophobic enough to, make a hundred gays cry, I laugh at faggots, rap attack in action, slash a fag then bash him in his back to snatch his fashion, a rappin' madman, smashin' mags in mac tens, blastin' gats at fat chicks, yo yo Six-ix the people you runnin' from, while half you hate our songs, the rest of you is lovin' em, strait anarchist, made to flame cannabis, killin' like cancer is, still I write scandalous, I spit fire like an arsonist, run up on me, get shot up like the parkland kids,/
If you're not going to put effort into your writing, then you have to make up for it in over the top appearance, persona, and performance, thats the only thing that keeps dudes like Lil Pump or 6ix 9ine going
no shit and that's what I'm also very good at I know what I have to do in those aspects which is why I specifically chose this way of rapping. No one is gonna listen to me go MF Doom Tier in 2018 but they will listen to something that's gonna turn them up or make them feel "hood" or 'gangster"
Well at least you have the ego part down, until you get noticed by a label I'd put my money where my mouth is if I was you and refine my product until people can't talk shit on it instead of wasting time defending your mediocre existing product
bars are hot but everything else needs work
>"Fuck the fuckin world!"
Spoken like a true robot. You could be better. Like the second song better. You kinda sound like a whiter offbrand Eminem. I do like the lofi sound, reminds me of xxxtentacion's very old songs
or I can just use people like you to get me an ironic fanbase which would turn unironic because you meme'd me. That makes more logical sense as I drop better and better hype songs in the process. : ^ )
yeah I'm purposely progressively dropping better and better songs if you give up your whole hand of cards too quickly you can't get people hooked on your music. Think of it as drugs.
wow amazing it sounds like shit im surprised
needs better production, way too much high end
well at least you gave me a (play) so who truly wins here? and yes one single play matters to me faglord. also you didn't even sage my thread even better.
If you really want robot tier lyrics I was fresh from browsing Jow Forums all day after the canadian "incel" attack and it was all fresh in mind when I wrote this
yeah I'm a poorpoorfag so this is the best I can do I wish I could do better rip. at least it has a unique aesthetic.
Listening to it right now. It's like a mix between xxxtentacion's old shit like gnarly bastard and garrette's clothing. But your harsh vocals are like black metal tier. They're pretty close to Carach Angren vocals
Appreciate it man, I always wanted to be a punk or metal vocalist but it never happened so I figure this is the next best thing. That track is the first one where I feel like I hit a good niche, although my mixing still needs work it does add to the blackened feel. Gonna try to keep it up and drop a proper EP
chad marco is better
don't know who that is and don't care because it sounds like a literalwho
Yeah bud I wanna get into the Soundcloud game as a hobby. I've wrote a song and I'm writing lyrics for another one. I sound a little like a mix between Lil Uzi Vert, XXXtentacion, and Ski Mask the Slump God. I do a lot of the flows and voices X does. The song I'm working on has a Lil Uzi Vert vibe to it. My problem is I don't know how to make beats. What's the best free software?
Reminds me of back when I made shitty vaporwave and someone on commented it was the best thing since 3pac, still unsure if that was actually a compliment
>laughing at my enemies they say that i just really suck
lol truuuuuu
Pirating fl studio is your best bet, but it takes a lot of grinding and youtube tutorials to git gud. What I do is just rip beats off youtube, like if you type lil uzi vert type beat you'll get a ton of great producers trying to get their names out there.
it wasn't a compliment 3pac is basically a troll rapper lmao.
thanks for the (play) if you are a hater or if that's what your insinuating. lmao
I got my friend to make me my beats bit your best bet is to try to link up with someone online and rap on their beats.
Yeah I got a friend who raps too. Problem is, he's kinda shitty, he mumble raps. I kinda wanna do a few songs with him if I can get better at rapping. Some days I'm excellent and can keep up a flow other days I'm just shit. I dunno, when I rap I got an xxxtentacion style voice and flow
Honestly just repetitious practice is the best way to get better. Even if you write a song in 5 minutes you should practice it outloud over the beat until you know it like the back of your hand before hitting the record button.
>Muh needledrop style Reddit blog
>Muh real hip
>Le old school bruh
Shut the fuck up faggot. OP sounds fine. Stop overanalyzing everything
its shit
Yeah you're right. I wanna put some guitar in beats too. I can play guitar pretty good and made numerous riffs. I can just figure out maybe a bass line or something and sample a couple things. I don't have a specific set of music I wanna do I just wanna write songs that I wanna write you know? I could write a sad ballad over one day and the next write a hardcore bass heavy kill shit song
thanks for the (play) and the ironic play at that this is how people like me get viral. and I cannot find a single rapper that sounds like me so surely if someone knows a rapper that sounds like me and isn't a literalwho enlighten me. gl though lmao
Yeah thats the beauty of soundcloud, you can upload whatever without feeling tied down to a genre. But if you start getting noticed for a certain song typeand want to move past being a bedroom artist you may have to commit more to that sound or risk pulling an xxx's 17 and have a mixed bag of mediocrity that alienates your former fans
You are unbearably up your own ass, only someone legitimately stupid or high on drugs would lack self awareness like you do now.
you still cannot name a single rapper that sounds similar to me. uniqueness and marketing is what gets you viral you fucking idiot. And since people already like my music and I'm barely shilling it. I can get a fanbase. And stupid asses like you who give me attention will just contribute to it. Giving me what I want.
Yeah 17 really diverged a bunch of fans who loved his old shit and the normies. His new album is full of normie tier songs besides Infinity and Floor 555. Don't get me wrong, I love both of his albums. He's probably the most influential rapper to my style. I wish he could make another metal EP or do more of his old shit. Any other advice to rap? Do you usually do hardcore shit?
Type rap in the soundcloud search bar. It should be a humbling experience for you.
I fuck with blood on the carpet. You got good bars good flow, unique style, overall good song. your probably mixing and recording all of this by yourself so props to you man I know how it's alot more work than people may think but if you could make it sound a bit more "studio quality" with your mixing it would make a huge difference with your songs. I followed you and keep up the good work nigga .
find a rapper that sounds like me that isn't a literalwho you cannot therefore those generic ass soundcloud rappers are not famous because they sound like everyone else.
I have my own unique sound.
yeah I'm gonna try to find a way to mix this better my friend OC makes the beats and he made me 5 more for me to rap on in the following days to come. And yeah I do all the mixing and recording myself and I even use an android phone hence the terrible sound quality but at least it's a unique sound of quality I suppose. Hopefully I can figure out a better way to mix though. thanks for your support my dude it means alot really
Yeah man I started out 8 years ago with a stage name and made backpack rap style stuff but wanted to find an outlet for screaming so I do this under my real name now. I'm hardly successful but my only advice is just keep grinding, writing, and do as many takes as necessary until you're truly satisfied with your track. Paying for studio time will get a cleaner sound but unless you are well rehearsed it will be expensive to do multiple takes. Once you're confident enough get on instagram and youtube to try to gain more exposure
bumping because why the fuck not my friends
Yeah if I do things live I'm gonna like wear a bandana or some shit. Not for some gimmick, but I want to keep my privacy plus it really irks me when I get a whole lot of attention and everyone knows about my name. I know a rap name for me. I'd love to be as popular as xxxtentacion but I don't think that'll happen. I can make beats and songs up in my head but when I start to write them down I forget 75% of it. Thanks for the advice, I look forward to starting. I guess check every few months for a rapper named Kult Killah (or A Kult Killah, I don't knwk which sounds better)
I definitely relate, its a lot of pressure to be recognized even if its just locally. Normies are mostly haters who don't understand an artist's perspective and some will try to make your life miserable if you get attention. But yeah will do my man, if I can't find you just follow my sc and I'll follow you back
Thanks man, once I ever make it I'll follow you man! I'm pretty busy a lot though but I have a lot to say. I want to do a few political songs but I'm afraid my politics aren't going to be agreed with by a lot and I want to make a song where I can make a verse where I wish we were colorblind so we couldn't see race or something like that
I feel ya, its kinda punk rock to be a conservative right now though. I posted a selfie with my maga hat and some pro-gun media on instagram and some people seem to find it intriguing. I think as long as you're sincere and candid with your message there'll always be some audience for it
make sure to check out OPs music massive bump here
OP a bitch my shit is better
yet your shit is generic as fuck and every soundcloud rapper sounds like that. find a rapper that sounds like me protip: you can't.
you can't get famous sounding like everyone else therefore you'll always stay irrelevant
I'm literally carving out the blackened trap genre, friendo. Very few other rappers are capable of the vocalizations I do. The closest is probably scxrlxrd
The first 1 was kind of shitty, the mixing and mastering was poor but the 2nd track is absolute fire
yet there's thousands of soundcloud rappers doing that and they are not famous gee I wonder why.
thanks my dude
Any rappers looking for hot beats?
I haven't seen or heard any. Plenty of kids trying to emulate old xxxtentation but like you they don't put effort into writing and have garbage recording equipment. I think you have base talent but your ego is way overinflated for your current skill level.
shill thread? I'll 'tribute
I promise you have never heard anything like it.
I sound nothing like old X though or X at all that's the thing which makes me the most unique. The garbage recording lofi shit is also unique and I can use that as a gimmick too. Lyrical shit is overlooked in 2018 and I literally am slowly releasing better and better hype songs if you give too much then they can't get addicted. it's like drugs that's how you treat music. thanks for the (play) though
You sound like galaxy goats
>galaxy goats
I don't sound like a minecraft rapper failed roast desu lmao
>tfw no rap friends
if anyone wanna rap and record with me and is in canada[\spoiler]
it's awful, but I haven't heard anything like it
bump before I go to bed this is original laddies