How do you stop caring about what people think of you
I need to know this so fucking badly I'm being teared apart from the inside worrying.
How do you stop caring about what people think of you
I need to know this so fucking badly I'm being teared apart from the inside worrying.
By realizing life is meaningless and we're all going to die, essentially as if we have never existed at all. No point in caring what others think. Just do what you want, enjoy, and don't cause harm to others
poor dumb apu, cutting the backs of his wrist
Why not harm others? With this worldview there is no reason not to harm others if I was okay with the consequences.
You should care about what people think of you. Not caring about what others think of you is how leftists, feminists, soiboys, and other scum were created and became so rampant. They were told not to care about what people told them and lived in their own degenerate bubbles. We need to start caring what people think and we need people to be shamed and bullied again. Contrary to popular belief, there are certain ways you should act and some things (being a leftist for example) just aren't acceptable.
How the hell do I do this? I've read this so many times and I agree with it but every time I'm in a social setting i just freeze up
How often do you think about other people? Of course you think about them, but with how much detail? You are objectively not more special than they are, they think not more about you than they think about other people so stop caring about what people think of you.
It's not really possible, for most of us.
Humans are made in a way that we care what others think. If you actually don't care, then you are, on some level dysfunctional.
Don't get me wrong - I wish I wouldn't care either, I just don't see how you could get there.
Also, just preemptively, let me say that the people who can't shut the fuck up about how they don't care are the ones who usually care a whole lot.
because you cant get nice things from the retards you befriend
maybe lack of empathy or something like that.
it's been years since i stopped caring about what the others think of me.
it's not a positive thing because everyone sees me as a weirdo, but idk i don't see it as a negative thing.
you don't, once you got the feels everyone see you and judge you you can go back, i feel that everyday, i just come to terms with it that everyone hates me and stuff, i know people don't give a shit of my existence but is the only way for overcome it for me
you pretend not to care until you really don't
>other people think about him
fucking normalfag reee
You need life experience. I always had that same problem until I started working and making my own way in this world. That's when I stopped giving a fuck about what anyone though. In my mind I knew I worked hard and got paid, did my part. I tried reading a bunch of self help books and watching youtube clips, none of that shit helps. You have to go through the fire yourself.
Caring about things that you don't have near complete control over is a waste of time.
You should absolutely care what people think of you, everyone that is successful at the basics of life does, many just pretend not to. Crafting your image, honing how you come off to people, working to alter people's perceptions, it is all important. Anyone who tells you otherwise is lying to try to keep you back and them get ahead. Think of people you actually like and respect, are they generally likeable? Do people have positive or negative things to say about them? These are some things to reflect on.
Thanks. But it's litterially ruining my life. Whenever I think about doing small normal tasks like asking someone for help or saying something to someone who I consider my friend I always ALWAYS worry that they're gonna think I'm wierd or creepy
I can relate, as I am in a similar position. Haven't found a solution as of yet, but the best I can come up with would be to just force yourself into public as much as possible, and keep fucking up until you learn the ropes.
kill yourself and stream it to your friends on Jow Forums
why would I give a shit what some retard normies and Jow Forums fucks think of me
By being completely independent and self-reliant; do not trust anybody, completely. Be selfish; an asshole. Just keep your beliefs and opinions to yourself.
The less you care about others, the less you care about what they think of you.
it's by realizing your own light inside. when you realize the truth you realize that most people are full of shit 99% of the time. words are spells, and a lot of people (ON THIS BOARD IN PARTICULAR) will try to spook you. really, it's just their weakness that they impose on you. but when you know the truth, it's all just sock puppets and spooky spells. i used to be more slef conscious than anyone, but i'm pretty friggin good with it now
I don't think you should, caring and knowing what people think is useful af, you just shouldn't let it bother you if it's negative, although sometimes that might be the desired effect, idk maybe I'm too much of a sociopath, but if someone has something negative to think about me, without me deliberately wanting to drive them away I just ruin them, and use it to better myself if they actually had valid points, and if people think good then even better, more ways to exploit them, in the end I think it comes down to you thinking you're inferior to others, which you shouldn't, sure you'll never be the best at everything, but if some sorry piece of shit think they can walk over you then you should stomp them like the bugs they are, in the end we all are, but the difference is that some allow to be stomped, and others do the stomping, just unlock your naturally built in egoism
Once you realize everybody is just out to further themselves whether or not they use you to do so.
I mean yeah, realizing it sucks - but almost a quiet hum comes about you and you have been stricken of your need to want/impress somebody else. But you stop caring what people think, and want less to do with them. So social interactions become superficial. Invitations to "hanging out" or any sort of function is turned down. I think at my last job it took me a solid 3 years to accept an invitation to go and hang out with any co-workers. Now I've recently moved, and have no need to impress anyone, no expectations are held over me. It's kind of freeing bruh.
I'm hoping that this mentality will just click with me one day.
Got triggered there did you, soiboy? Just know that you're literally the lowest scum on earth and no amount of not caring will change that.
I've come to this point by being let down so many times - and friends dying via overdose, suicide. Not to be considered a wet blanket, I am genuinely happy most of the time. There just comes a time when you are best left alone. 3 of my childhood friends died within a 6 month span of each other. Every time I thought I was able enough to cope and move on, another one died... same thing happened. So I decided to opt out - do I care how people feel? Yeah sure, I don't want them to feel unhappy or depressed... will I put myself out there? No. I will help them at a distance.
Become sexually aggressive... SEXUALLY. Become aggressive... SEXUALLY... Choose to give yourself completely to sexual thoughts... Undulate... Move in a wave-like manner. Connect with your self destruction and depravity you God damn faggot.
WA HA HA people DIED
Not that sort of way, just become numb to it - don't want any close to me.
Oh look, closet faggot is following social rules because of being a total normie
>I'm being teared apart
fuck off third world cock sucker
They're called normalfags dumb fuck
>inb4 fucking drug addicted loser
Xanax is the only thing that keeps me calm, and able to focus freely on whatever I want. No worries about anyone else, and I feel really nice throughout the day.
Yeah, keep being a beta cuck for the sake of not following rules. Meanwhile, I'll behave like a real man and do manly things.
You aren't psychic, so unless they tell you, you have no idea what they are actually thinking. Just because YOU have these thoughts about them disliking you does not make that reality. Thoughts by themselves are just that, thoughts. Thoughts that in the majority of cases fail to materialise.
Have you considered online CBT? There's no getting away from the fact you'll need to face your fears, but if properly supported it's easier. It's like re-conditioning your mind - do it enough times EVEN IF you are quaking with fear at the start. You need to teach your brain that it's not something to be scared of and over time, it won't be so worrisome. Best of luck user!
>leftists, feminists, soiboys
Are like that because society, the schools, their parents taught them to be like that. the media shills degeneracy and progressiveness and consumerism every fucking day. You're not sexist right? Yo'u're not racist right? You don't have issue with transgender people right? You don't have a problem with immigration right? You're up to date with game of thrones right? You got the new iphone right? blah blah fucking blah