Be me, 28yo NEET living with mum

>be me, 28yo NEET living with mum
>sick of my pointless existence
>decide on Monday, things will change
>no more drugs, get off internet, wash myself
>Monday comes
>wake up early, don't change out of rancid clothes
>dont brush crumbling destroyed teeth
>smoke a bunch of weed
>start singing 'I am the globgoglabgalab' over and over
>keep smoking weed
>start shitposting on r9k
>life is not improved

what am I doing wrong

Attached: 5403.jpg (660x371, 33K)

Listen to the Gucci gang version

>want to stop being weak
>try to bench 400 lbs
>couldn't even move the bar
>omg woe is me what am I doing wrong? ;_;

You can't just decide you're gonna turn your life around when you have been living like a piece of shit for a long time. That shit takes discipline.

This board is a true treasure cove.

you mean treasure trove?

I got addicted to crystal meth the past month.

I've had 2 ODs and had to go to ER but I keep doing it. I can't stop, it's the greatest feeling in the world.

meth will destroy you, it's not like other drugs

Listen here OP.

I know how you must be feeling. I completely understand it. More than you know. I struggle with the same damn thing everyday.

I tell myself, this time will be the last. But then it's not the last. I go sober for more than a week, and then I wanna do it again.

I don't know what it is... but all I know is its because we really don't want to quit. We really don't want to stop. We love it. Why should we be forced to? Just cause the social norm is completely against it? It's our body, why do they care?

>mfw I truly think about this shit and realize
>I keep doing it because I don't wanna stop

If society said it's okay, who cares about it. It's our choice.

We would still do it.
Or wrong..?

TL;DR You don't really wanna stop.
Otherwise you would.

OP here. I love weed and a huge part of me doesn't want to stop but I can't help feeling like it's contributing to my inability to function. As for other drugs/alcohol I feel like I can completely do without. It's not what people think of me, I don't really care about that - I'm not ashamed to smoke weed, I'm ashamed to be a stereotypical do-nothing stoner parasite

You been having issues with cut shit?

Okay, I get what you mean.

Well, get a Gym Membership for starters, or a Job. Cause then at the very least you'll have something to go do when you're bored or something to get ready for on the Daily.

Just start getting out into the world. Go do something.

I mean it's not that difficult.
That or get weed that is top shelf on the sativa side. So you get up rather than down.

My post I think should have been directed to you, instead of OP, my apologies. Lol

I get what i get. Seems okay. all crystals no powder. Strength and quality seems to vary batch by batch though.

>doesnt notice sage tag still on

I've been fucked by n-iso cut shit twice and it's ruined by vibes. I wouldn't even mind shake compared to that poison. Oh well, good on you, stay safe and drink water :3

Stop viewing it as something you have to force yourself to do. I'm a slob and that's how I stop being a slob for at least a bit, you just get tired of dealing with the same shit day in day out. You have to want to do it because the routine just doesn't feel satisfying in any way anymore.

How can I tell if it's cut? What would the difference in high be like? Cause today I feel kind of weird, not particularly talkative, awake but exhausted, no interest in doing much but sit here. Very strange.

big fat crystals that crumble if you squeeze them. Strong smell and very corrosive. If you only get high for a couple hours and then get sleepy you've been fucked. That shit is all over the place- It's why ice has been so cheap. And it's even more poison than meth is. There are all sorts of cutting agents of course, so there's no telling what you get, but iso is one of the worst. Fucking mexican cartel cocksuckers...

I got that Oppenheimer shit if you need it bra

Okay it might just be me not sleeping enough.

Because I got high as shit for 12 hours on friday-saturday on a single line.

how big are your moms tits? what about ass?

fucking original post please