Would you rather wake up tomorrow with 10/10 looks, or $10,000,000,000.00 in your bank account?
Would you rather wake up tomorrow with 10/10 looks, or $10,000,000,000.00 in your bank account?
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What a autistic question, the money of course. You can get plastic surgery and go from there lmao
10/10 looks tbhtbh
that money even if it made me be 1/10
First one obviously. I don't give a shit about money.
Money in the bank account obviously. Looks can only get you so far in some aspects of life.
Having money means both freedom and security.
Money, no fucking question (assuming it is somehow not seen as suspicious by anyone).
The 10 gajillion dollars because I would never have to worry about money and spend my time trying to actually get a girl. Wouldn't let her know how much money I have until I'm convinced she likes me for me though
Gimme the gil, magical fairy.
money, i'd rather be a rich ugly neet than a 10/10 wageslave anyday
The face will get me roasties, but the money will get me roasties and a Ferrari. I pick the money OP.
looks famalampai we super model now
The roastie will not actually like you and then still all your money if she manages to trick you into marriage.
10/10 looks until the day I die?
that's a more fair question OP
Looks, I can marry someone with money if I'm that good looking
The Money. I want to be able to survive. Plus I can get plastic surgery if I really want to be hot.
You are assuming too fucking much retard user. Do you think 10/10 Chad's roastie wife won't want to eventually waste thousands of dollars on shoes and expensive trips and what not ending up with a rich dude eventually? You have to be BOTH in order to not get cheated on and then she will still get bored.
I would take the money no hesitation, spend the rest of my life fucking escorts. I heard Mandy Muse does escorting on the side, so I'd finally be able to live out my dream
$10,000,000,000.00 in your bank account. easy. I've learned from the outlook of handsome people, that being handsome is a lot of stress. They're just people after all. They don't want to be seen as a 10/10. They want to be seen as just another human. So give me the 10 mili!
Ive been hearing this term roasties just lately and i hsve no clue what it means can someone explain
This. Untermensch just don't understand, sometimes you want to walk into a store and buy shit, and not have deal with people asking you to take them out, or you want to do your job at work without your coworkers constantly begging you to break your moral code of not shitting where you eat
I hope you get stomach cancer and start vomiting bile and blood and your eyes explode and you never see again in your life and your throat gets spliced open with a wooden knife.
$10,000,000,000.00 of unexplained currency just magically appearing into my bank account that will likely get me in trouble with the taxes, or wake up looking nothing like any of my IDs effectively making the whole situation seem as if some Chad had tried to steal my identity without thinking it through.
Either way I'm in for some major trouble.
The money
I'm a shutin so being pretty would be no use to me
I've been alone and without female attention my whole life. I would kill for women to just throw themselves at me everywhere I go.
Is your picture supposed to be a what 10 out of 10 men look like?
To fuck top tier girls good looks are not enough. You need game, money and social status.
With money you can procure all the rest (looks up to a point). And if everything fails, get 10/10 hookers in Russia.
It means you need to get the fuck out of here. I hope you get raped by a pack of niggers.
id rather wake up dead
The most well-paid male model in the world to the left, and the most popular teenage model of the entire decade to the right. So yes. Here are more charitable views of them:
Sean O'Pry: youtube.com
Lucky Blue Smith: youtube.com
only a fuckin retard would pick the former. Give me the MONEY.
The looks but only if it changed everyone's memiries (including mine) and pictures of me in the process.
I know this is the wrong choice but I have a deep complex about my looks that make all that money useless.
is this a joke? no one right in their mind would consider 10/10 looks over that much money
No way in hell they are 10/10. The one on the right looks like a flaming faggot or some kind of girl who got botched surgery. The left one looks like a child molester who works at a pizza place.
The money of fucking course. I can buy some east European child brides with that sort of money.
the money easily
Money obviously! Id just float about posssibly get a surrogate mother of my choice and raise a few of my spawn to leave my fortune to. Also get drunk and smoke weed erry day thatd be the shit right there bros
What is the point of having a lot money exactly? My uncle is a millionaire and I really would not care about having his fancy mansion, car or boat
I am an extremely misogynistic person, guess what I'll choose.
A millionaire might as well be a peasant compared to someone with 10 billion.
The money. Forget about having sex, if I never had to work again my life would be pretty gud.
I'm pretty good looking despite being a manlet, so the cash
The money, and I'll support my stacy with above-average inteligence sister. She's my hope, man.
Money is everything. You won't be forced to move a finger for the rest of your life. Always have the best health care for you and your family. Stockpile food and electricity and the world can go to war for all you care.
not having to work to live, it's basically as free as a man can be in the modern world
Uh okay, what would you do with that exactly? All it can do with it is buy shit you don't need or make people your monkey slaves temporarily.
I already have food, electricity, and healthcare. You don't need billions for that. I don't have a family because I wasn't born attractive enough to attract a women.
Having billions guarantees you will never be out of those things.
Are you upper class?
Can you afford the best surgeons and lawyers? Can you afford to buy a new car on a whim if you have to go somewhere and yours breaks down?
Can you ensure your property won't be expropriated by the government in case of a war?
>I don't have a family because I wasn't born attractive enough to attract a women.
Women are attracted by all kinds of men. All women are attracted to rich men.
10/10 looks, if you got all that money you could be arrested for randomly getting 10 billion
I already look good. I am just autistic. I take the money, maybe I can buy myself a better personality to go along with my looks. Lulz
Yeah it's overrated. the 10 mili is worth it
Money every fucking day. You are retarded if you choose looks.
Holy fucking SHIT! Do you know how many guitars I could buy with that?
Money obviously, I'd love to be a NEET.
I have never needed a surgeon or lawyer and doubt I ever will. If my car broke down I would borrow one from my family or just take the bus. I don't have property I live with my mom.
>All women are attracted to rich men
Gold diggers are attracted to rich men, it will be like glorified prostitution.
What the fuck would 10/10 looks do for someone with absolute no character or personality.
That's also a lot of money and would likely end up killing myself.
I choose none, OP.
If I got to look like pic related I would take that over all the money in the world.
You don't see the appeal in never having to work again, being able to afford virtually anything, and being able to travel as much as you like?
>What the fuck would 10/10 looks do for someone with absolute no character or personality.
You've got to be kidding.
Is this why this board is mostly threads of you faggots whining about being lonely. Just tell me what it means and I will leave
>I have never needed a surgeon or lawyer and doubt I ever will.
Good for you, you can only hope you won't need one because when you do you'll be regretting it, it surely won't be your 10/10 looks saving you from death or jail.
>Gold diggers are attracted to rich men, it will be like glorified prostitution.
No. Women are attracted to men who can provide them with resources. You see this everywhere and it's completely natural. it's not even a matter of "modern women" or misogyny. Women want family and most importantly they want someone who can provide to the family.
both are straight up upgrades to your current state anyway. might as well just take the looks, I know you want it. even with no personality women will throw themselves at you. hell, go to a party and you don't have to say a word.
Plastic surgery isn't magic. It can improve your looks, but it can only do so much given your genetic makeup. You're not going to go from 5/10 to 10/10 in the operating room.
You already don't have to work, the government and charities give out food if you're lazy. I don't need much more than what I already have, and I wouldn't travel I'm not a fan of other places and cultures.
With 10/10 looks you can just become a model and make plenty enough to provide.
Male models have to do nasty shit to get jobs. It's not all in the looks.
$10,000,000,000 is unspendable. I would be set for life. Who fucking cares if I look better than I do now.
Money. I can then buy concubines and use them as my surrogates.
Probably the looks because that much money invariably comes with responsibility.
You can get a fuckton of money with 10/10 looks (actor, model, etc) but you can't get 10/10 looks with a shitton of money. Plastic surgery only goes so far, and even if you somehow attained 10/10 status you won't look like a natural 10/10 and it will be obvious you had work done. Also people are just generally nicer to you when you are 10/10.
So if I become a 10/10, I can effectively get both in time.
>$10,000,000,000 is unspendable
Pfft. I could easily blow through all of that in a month.
$10,000,000,000.00, easy. I'll just neet it up for a while and kill myself if the loneliness becomes too much.
>not hiring high priced escorts
>not doing tons of coke
Bruh, id skip the 10/10 looks for 800k stuffed in my mattress.
Get money, pay 10/10 to blow me.
Easiest decision of my life.
Fuck off normalslime
>10 million
if my definition of 10/10 looks is being a girl, can I still do it? if so I would pick that
How would you even be lonely with that kind of money? You'd have a harem of golddiggers if you so desired.
10/10 because that's less likely for some faggot genie to go "the money isn't legal currency lmao" "use it and you crash the economy lmao" "The government is going to take it away lmao"
Well I assume I also get to be 6'4 and jacked because that's apart of the package. So I'll take the looks.
>Buy a harem of super hot girls
10/10 people seem to be happy. People who end up with 10 million out of nowhere seem to be unhappy. I think I'd go for the 10/10 looks.
lurkmoar, you're trying and failing to look like an oldfag when we can smell the newfag radiating off of you.
The money. I don't have a problem with what I look like.
money, no contest
it would be more interesting if it was looks vs 1 million $
uhh wake up kid "personality" is a fkn meme lmfao haven't you seen those tinder pics
The money because I could do PEDs like pro athletes and then I can just lift and eat anything I want regardless of expensiveness to make myself more attractive. I can buy nice clothes so I always look good. I can work whatever job I want (if I even want to, just to fill up the day/meet more people) whatever hours I feel like. I can reconnect and visit with my friends who I lost when we graduated college and went our seperate ways. I'm not 10/10 or even hot anything but I'm decent enough. My face isn't the real problem. Its everything else.
answer depends on ulginess and poorness of the individual responding
bitches like money over goodlooks any day
$10 billion. Harder to lose than good looks
10 billion dollars so I can buy all of my dream cars and a large garage.
all of you are damn retards
then you brag about how intelligent you are
you all supposed that the
was in American dollars
but it was in "Vietnamese Dong"
so now you are ugly and poor lol
the money. how is this debatable?
The money
10/10 looks will only decrease the chance of getting a meaningful relationship
the looks. after reading all the comments the money would just bring trouble the looks would just be a upgrade of this life i have now
Having so much money would be a detriment if anything, lottery winners usually ruin their lives because all of that money just makes their lives completely empty
I'd go for looks
Anyone who isn't a retard will take the money
Anyone who isn't a retard knows you actually can buy happiness if you have enough cash
Money. I need to be rich when life extension and space habitats come.
I'm an average dude maybe a 6/ 10 at best so with a ton of money I could do whatever I want with my life and bang gold digging sluts whenever I feel like it. No point in being a bit 10/10 that still has to wageslave
Youre gonna go from 5/10 to 10/10 with just the money.
Depends on what you mean by 10/10. What I personally want to look like, or what most people see as a 10/10 of my gender.