You are violent
You are the problem
You are violent
You are the problem
Other urls found in this thread:
The word "incel" wasn't even used on this board until reddit kicked them off their site.
grviii bviii mviii
replace incel with some sort of a phrase for an extraverted muscular christian ex convict and this statement will be accurate.
we are nto violent in fact some of us wouldn't even be violnt to defend her due to certain conditions such as anorexia nervosa (me)
and simply refuse to let myself get damaged. we simply want a loyal gf whp sg=hows us the same amount of love we show them. is that REALLY too much to ask for?
i know some journalist is probably baiting this thread but ahh.
How fucking deluded do you need to be to think that lonely beta males are more violent to their girlfriends than football star chads
There really is no reasoning with these people. They just confabulate a reality that's convenient for them.
>How fucking deluded do you need to be to think that people who spend all day posting about how they hate and want to kill women are more violent to their girlfriends than football star chads
>You are violent
>You are the problem
Whatever happened to just being myself?
99% of wouldn't hurt a fly
Meanwhile Chad openly treats them like a piece of meat and they like it until they cross a line
>TFW reasoning with fools for over a decade
>TFW over it
>TFW r9k brain washing is like bleach for the grey matter
Original posts are easy to do but what about the electrocuted baba yaga.
>posting shit on internet mean shit
if this was true like you said, we would have faggots driving truck into crowds at least 2 times per weeks
>shy beta males who are afraid of talking to women would turn into wife beaters if they got a women
normals are delusional.
I'm a literal sub and I let my crush push me around and hit me all the time and I never do anything back and I've never considered hitting her back
Not physically abusive just mentally and emotionally abusive.
Women fail to see past the end of their noses, they're too pampered these days by endless hookups and fake flattery.
Gee I wonder...
since you mention about the verified thing
i wonder what the fuck do you have to do to get it. check twitter once in a while and i see people with the blue mark appear like they are important or unique who doesn't want anybody to impersonate them
but most of these people are fucking literal who
>Scott wants engagement
Fuck off Scott you're a pussy
And how do I think about women?
I literally want a mommy gf who punishes me
Violence against women goes up the more that fucking niggers becomes "cool."
Omg , no way.
Dont need them to tell me that.
I failed ager management class 3 times .
>They just confabulate a reality that's convenient for them.
This is pretty much it. Normans don't actually want to help people who may be struggling, because acknowledging that life is unfair upsets the balance of their just-world outlook and may lead them to question if they've actually earned their perfect little lives
Currently, Incels do NOT have girlfriends, so naturally, no domestic violence happens.
Moot? Is it really you?
Incel with a girlfriend? Then they wouldn't be incels anymore would they?
This. They haven't lurked so they don't understand bantz. Places like this are the only places you can joke about shit like 9/11 and hitler because normies take everything so seriously.
testing to see if trip moot is secure
>Moot? Is it really you?
Getting laid makes us guys (at least me, as I can attest) far less misanthropic. Prostitution saved my life and God knows how many school children. Most of the problem with a lot of these "incels" are the fact that they're too unwilling to break the bullshit rules of society that deprive them of there reason for living: to enjoy life and fulfill their biological needs/purposes.
Many people can not have lives worth living while at the same time living within the bullshit social norms and legal confines of society and law. So long as you absolutely know you can get away with it, and you're not endangering the lives, property, and well-being of others, go out there and do it.
Go fuck whores, go street racing, go smoke dope, go out in the woods and shoot homemade machine guns. Enjoy your life and make it fulfilling lest you find yourself wanting to shoot up a school and kill yourself afterwards.
>being a single virgin isn't the problem.
>uses the word virgin as a pejorative.
>Based on my entirely subjective and uncited notions of the impacts of ideologies I don't understand on violence, it's clear to me that domestic violence rates would increase if incels were treated like human beings, so it's obviously better for the world if we keep bullying and ostracizing them and depriving them of everything that makes life worth living. Fuck what incels might want, they're not human anyways haha
What's it like being the coffee boy for the middle management women at google?
Jow Forums is literally a board of peace. Most people here just want to feel accepted and loved completely for who they, and not shamed. Of course physical affection is also part of it.
It's about time people started to ignore these roasties and what they put on social media, their power comes from people who interact with them because of what's between their legs.
I hate the prostitution meme. The social validation that comes with a girl choosing to have sex with you is more important than the physical act.
Normans' own hypocrisy is lost on them. Even though we're much more peaceful as a group than snackbars they think we're all evil. I don't particularly care about their opinions anymore
Good for you. However, I don't see how that is relevant.
I've started saying "you're generalizing, you wouldn't generalize Muslims because of a bad few going boom?". It gives them a taste of their own medicine.
Yeah, I kinda figured they would have picked up on that; seeing as it comes with the name and all. No, what we're seeing here is projection on an easy scapegoat.
>assumes everyone on Jow Forums has the same philosophies
Time to leave normie
I think it actually has nothing to do with robots and what they stand for, at best you might get feminists saying that Jow Forums is misogynistic but most other people would sympathize. The only reason they don't is because we're FUCKING WHITE MALES! Unironically though, if black bots were to represent r9k then the discussion around it would change a ton.
The man with the most children in history was Ghengis Khan. The guys who get laid a lot are the violent ones.
>because normies take everything so seriously, except things that are socially acceptable to not take seriously
FTFY, they work with whatever's popular.
Get out, just get the fuck out. We don't want you here
>tfw you will never just go around impregnating women and running away to not take care of it
This society fucking sucks. You can't stay and take care of the kid, but you can't just run away either.
This. It's an easy way to spot a redditor in disguise, nobody but normies and redditors uses it.
Do people still go on about this sort of thing, seems more like a 2015 saying.
Leftist was 2016 and basedboy was 2017, wonder what this years internet saying will be.
I don't want a gf for a very simple reason: I still have goals. I am the definition of incel regardless, but I cope with this by thinking that a gf would distract me from my ambitions and dreams.
Aren't most bots actually non-white? Because whites statistically have an advantage on getting a gf. Hence the meme "whites can't be robot"
Disagree, there's a high degree of overlap. All robots are incels and most incels are robots.
I mean if you're asking if SJWs still hate white males, yes. It doesn't matter what the cause is, if a majority of the supporters are white males then that means it is evil. Being against mutilating baby dick? Evil white males. Being against wrongful imprisonment? Evil white males. Being for equal rights? Evil white males.
Only fuckin faggot normies use the term though, faggot.
>All robots are incels and most incels are robots.
You forget about the volcels.
>but I cope with this by thinking that a gf would distract me from my ambitions and dreams.
Same. Its actually true though, you're better off raising your value by grinding than playing the game under leveled and constantly struggling.
>Am a robot
>Am currently using the term "incel"
Looks like your position needs some revision
spotted the redditor
Volcels cannot be robots because being volcel means you're at peace and at least somewhat content with being alone. Robots are neither at peace nor content.
>You forget about the volcels.
Yeah a lot of guys just don't give a fuck enough to play the game.
>faggot keeps using a term which deems him a faggot
Looks like you need to go back.
>Looks like you need to go back.
Where? What are you talking about?
No incel is a robot, and no robot can be an incel, because to be an incel you must use reddit, and to be a robot you must not use reddit. Fuck off back to your site you huge fag.
>because to be an incel you must use reddit
Factually incorrect. To be an incel you must be involuntarily celibate. That's it.
No it doesn't you retard. Robots can be at peace and content with their situation.
>uses reddit tactics to prove he's not a redditor
>Robots can be at peace and content with their situation.
No. They cannot.
Wrong. It's a term used by redditors and no one else. Go back to your site faggot.
>Asking me to prove a negative
Not how it works. I don't have to prove anything.
This. Incel aren't a Jow Forums concept. But they are a thing
>It's a term used by redditors and no one else
I've already told you why that's incorrect.
No, you just need to go back.
what's her data for that
Go back where? Still not sure what you're talking about.
We Redditors can't go back since our main board got shut down.
We're robots now.
they should come here and read these threads. i wonder how they would respond
>Foundation of practically every single successful society/civilisation is the act of monogamous marriage
>Giving every man who participates a wife so that he continues to participate and contribute to society
>Societies where most men don't reproduce or get wives (Muslim, African) are horrifically violent and horrible for women
Really makes you think.
I don't have a gf, not because how I think about women, its more of how I think about myself.
I do take care of hygiene, I eat properly, and I am not overweight or that "hideous"
My problem is I just have no motives, no goals, no vision of my future.
I was "that kid" that no one interacts with, no one goes up to and says "hi, wanna do something?"
The person who was mysterious, but was also nothing.
After graduating high school, I couldn't imagine going to high school +, College, when I have no idea what to do with my life.
My cousin fucked up his college attempt, got into fights, trashed the place he lived in over there, partied too hard.
My brother hanged out with his friends, played games too much, went to his job, never got his degree.
My bro pregged a gf who never so much as shared much about herself with his family, now he lives with her, a new job, barely sees us anymore, keeps to himself, is a changed man.
I have seen change in people who once had dreams, who I once cared about.
Now I see I am irrelevant to any of this.
I don't have a girlfriend, because I wouldn't be capable of doing anything worth anything to anyone.
And as the world grows more hostile, more polarized, the smallest things leading to the worst outcomes.
The saying, you have nothing to lose, doesn't work anymore.
There is always something you can lose, and you can't gain anything without losing something of equal value.
I have no tainted record , and no one would do anything for me, so should I rot alone, at least I know I will never feel the pain that could be inflicted upon me other than the pain I know without them.
>using normie
>calling other people redditors
Fuck off normalfag.
It doesn't make them think though, they've never thought about the nature of the society around them or how the world they live in actually works. That's how you become a robot.
>My bro pregged a gf who never so much as shared much about herself with his family, now he lives with her, a new job, barely sees us anymore, keeps to himself, is a changed man.
Have you thought that maybe that his significantly cutting contact was not the result of his change but rather the cause of it? I am the same way as you, and I think you may have a toxic home life. I know my parents aren't particularly mean on the surface, but I think the way they treat me and my brothers is truly toxic in an insidious way. I think you should go to a therapist user, then attempt to live on your own away from your family a while. I'm not lucky like you, in that I have a bad record that I can't recover from, but you can still make something of your life. Try to get help and also get away. While you're still being controlled by your family, you can not grow as a person.
>I'm such a slave to my hedonistic lusts I would murder children if they weren't sated
holy shit bro, hard to put into words what a weak willed bitch you are
can't blame a wolf for being a wolf
>You are violent
rad dude
Look robots.
We get these posts on Jow Forums already, they're coming for you guys too now.
99% of incels are meek betas who would be scared to engage with a squirrel. Why do you think there's only been 2 virgin attacks?
No but most robots won't even call themselves incel. So anyone who use incel is either a plebdit or a normie
>People who post on an internet forum about how they have trouble simply speaking to people out of anxiety and nervousness are also violent psychopaths
Yep, that checks out
>coffee boy
is this the new way of saying onions boy?
So it's only 1% who are posting women hate threads, roasties/chads getting killed threads, Elliot worship threads?
Newfag got filterowned.
you're a hate group now
A coffee boy is an intern whose sole purpose is to bring higher-ups their coffee
let's face it most of the people here probably have a hard job trying to control your emotions
>shitposting is violence
is this the best you can do you disingenuous cunt?
remember to repost this in every incel thread.
and a onions boy is an intern whose sole purpose is to bring the worker drones their onions
I do kinda think posts glorifying violence and calling for a violent beta uprising are violence.
It's really depressing seeing so many people treating incels as a sort of contagion to be contained. Who are content to explain why we should stigmatise them even further since you know, if we actually fixed their problems, who knows what dangerous things might happen?
Blue checkmarks are literal scum.
It's now at 40,000 likes.
The world psychotically hates lonely, sad men.