My dad is getting remarried to a single mom and she has a 10 year old daughter, they're moving in soon.
How do I be a cool big brother that she wants to hang around?
My dad is getting remarried to a single mom and she has a 10 year old daughter, they're moving in soon.
How do I be a cool big brother that she wants to hang around?
watch OreImo with her. Originalitty is important
Don't be a creep, don't force her into anything, and just try to have fun.
In this culture I'd worry far more about keeping distant/avoiding anything that could ever even irrationally be perceived as intimate interaction with her. It's safest that you remain cold, aloof, and try your best to keep your distance from her, lest you risk being a "creep"/"pervert" in the eye of society and the law. This is the absolute state of the society we live in.
get a nintendo thing and play a lot of vidya with her. mariokart and party are especially good choices to play. don't introduce shooters or horror until she's about 13
Just be a good role model and be nice to her.
Also expect her to be fucking niggers in two years if she isn't already.
don't forget to cuck your dad and bang your new mom
Buy her a Gameboy Advance
At 10, they're impressionable so try to convert her to your interests. Or at the very least, educate her on the cancer known as feminism and other Jewery. Instill traditional values into her and make sure she doesn't turn out as a roastie.
Its over user, you've lost. You are no longer important in that household. I suggest pack your things and move states or join the military.
This. So much this.
I can say for sure that if you lads kill yourselves, you'd be doing the world a favor.
Watch cartoons with her, she'll probably be shy at first but don't let that discourage you. Also don't be a creep or try to show her anime please
>they're moving in soon
Which means you're moving out soon so don't worry about it
Yep, they should only have sex if she really wants it and only after she is at least 15 or whatever the legal age is in his country
Kys pedos
Just be nice that's it. It's super easy to get along with kids, your dad would appreciate the help because they're a handful. Expect to watch her 2 to 4 times a month and see what movies and snacks she likes. If she's that young and gone through a divorce she'll remember what you've done for her and maybe even help you one day.
She'll help OP via sexual favors
Why can't he fuck his step-sister once she is old enough?
try not to touch her vagoo
stop being so weird itt anons
But don't feel bad if you fail, you're only human.
Yeah. I gotta admit that when I was 12 I fucked my 11 year old step-sister. Shit happens. We were just kids
I second this,
or watch kiss x sis and get an even better experience because it's kind of OPs situation.
this is a tragedy waiting to happen...
just try to be nice and dont be weird
OP hasn't told us his age. Not that it much matters.
Vidja is a good idea.
kys plz
So he's either a pedophile or he is breaking the rules of this board. Not sure which one is worse
Well, you post on Jow Forums, so you/re probably a friendless weeb NEET.
So you will never be viewed as cool.
Imagine how Tomoko's cousin felt about Tomoko, after she discovered her cheating against children, that's probably how this girl will feel about you.
Redpill her on international Jewery. Make sure she knows Hitler did nothing wrong.
user do NOT turn her into natsoc..until she is at least 12
Obviously this is the only true option.
Do not developed a lolicon fetish.
Are you the dude that fucked his sister?
Nah m8, he's the dude who's about to fuck his sister.
Thats not the world we live in, you just seem to be too anxious
As long as you dont get weirdly physical it should be okay
Has to fit your social persona, too
If you normally cuddle with your mum or smth, it wouldnt even look weird if you cuddle with her
Just dont touch her weird, srsly
And dont show her a dick
Preferably you shouldnt get a boner
>around a child
>expect me to not get a boner
This is such bullshit, how is that even possible?
kill yourself pedo. you are the worst kind of person
Groom her to become one of those twitch thots when she grows up.
kill yourself moralfag. you are the worst kind of person
Are you thinking what I'm thinking Op?
Watch some Ghibli movies together and turn her into a weeb
Don't molest her.
Also, make sure to talk to her about things you know she likes. Wait for her to talk about them first so you know she's comfortable and ready to talk about them, and make sure to never drone on about them. It might also work if you straight up tell her, "Hey, you seem like a cool person, if you want to talk I'll be in my room". Don't be as cringy as I made it sound tho
OP, you've been granted a golden oppertunity.
You are the protaganist of a trashy incest anime!
You must not waste it, one fuck up could ruin your entire life, but the rewards for success are beutiful. The choices are yours, and yours alone!
take baths together
>ywn get an nbr imouto
dont fuck this up OP
Jesus Christ how is that not a instant put up on the FBI board
Watch some Augusts Underground with her, just filter out the gory scenes though
The FBI guys who were assigned to watching this place turned into lolicons, so they're basically new WTsnacks.
Lie to her, make sure she doesnt know about the pathetic life you live
Just be a good brother to her, she'll accept you as time passes
>Lie to her
>she'll accept you as time passes
I'm pretty sure these two things are mutually exclusive.
heya op, have 3 little sisters, oldest is 14
this might seem counter intuitive but you probably should wait till they come to you and not go out of your way to spend time with her, I'm not saying be cold but when woman know you're eager to spend time with them they see it as a sign of weakness
a "cool big brother" she wants to hang around isnt a cool big brother that wants to hang around her. even if ya do, refrain from throwing yourself on her and if she wants to spend time with you she will. if you ever doubt yourself and think she might not want to be around you that's probably the case if there's nothing to tell you otherwise. my sisters are on and off randomly between not wanting to spend time with me and wanting to for no reason even if we're not talking to each other often at all, be respectful of distances too.
This man tells the truth, I have a 9 years old sister myself.
Girls are like cats, they need to come to you