How do you feel about asexual women/ women who don't date? Are you angry at them for limiting the pool of potential gfs even further? Would you try to pursue one anyway or see them as off limits?
How do you feel about asexual women/ women who don't date...
shut the fuck up and post more tittays
Do you think those are natural? God I would kill 20 men to breed her.
I doubt there are any asexual women worth pursuing.
why do you have to do this to me.... i did amphetamines and i just gone with a fap binge and im trying to be healthy again
big natural tits AUTOMATICALLY set me off reee
I don't give a shit about them. They're probably cunts anyway.
Agreed show me more of those nice knockers
For the sake of discussion care to explain
What about a pair of big tiddies attached to an asexual woman? Would you consider them a waste?
>Are you angry at them
I'm indifferent to them. but those juggs. DARN IT! so hot and squishy
A bit sad because I think they're wasting their opportunity of realizing themselves as women by having a good marriage and children, but it's their choice and you have to respect it. Maybe they don't mind getting old and withered.
>concerning yourself with such a small population of society
No one cares gook lover.
I want one of them to be my wife
Pretty understandable seeing what a fucking pain it is to have a partner. My sex drive tanked some years back so if I wanted to date at this point a asexual woman would be ideal pretty much
Every asexual person I've ever met had severe mental problems. It kinda makes sense if you think about it. If your brain is so off kilter that you don't even have reproductive urges anymore, chances are there's some other shit broken too.
My oneitis is one. She is asexual, although she used to date some girls.
I think I'll always be in love with her. I wish we could cuddle.
yeah i get it's one thing for them to have low sex drives but what about women who do away with dating or romance at all? and i'm not talking about women who have dated and gave up on it or have too high standards
Dated a chick in high school who claimed Asexual, little while after we break up i hear that she's a big time slut
>Maybe they don't mind getting old and withered
>married women don't get old and withered
The stress of children makes them age 2x faster
Couldn't be any more indifferent to them really. I think compared to guys who go through life alone they're a minority.
Sorry about you being ugly user
I am indifferent to them
I only like girls i think might like me
I got a girl who's asexual and I'm not sure where it's going right now. She's being weird and it's like she's a stranger to me and I hate it. I remember when we first became bf and gf we were all over each other and made love all the time. We haven't made love in two months and idk what to do. I ask her if it's me but she says she's never in the mood or whatever. I'm starting to second guess myself and maybe she no longer finds me attractive. She's been talking to some other guy she met on OW but idk. Blog over whatever. Gonna sad eat and go to bed or something idk.
I had a crush on my friend's younger sister back in high school. I'm a good looking dude but she was literally asexual and wasn't interested. My autism didn't help either.
I've dated and fallen in love with a couple girls who claimed to be asexual. As much as I'm suspicious that true asexual girls are vanishingly rare and I wasn't ""chad"" enough, they were definitely intelligent and fascinating people. These girls who don't put out much mess up the Jow Forums worldview. I'm only mad at them if they are truly secret sluts.
They're scared of sex and as soon as they are introduced to it they turn into megasluts. Those are the kind of ''asexual'' girls that are roastie scum fucks.
I'm sure there are asexual men.
And i'm also sure there are asexuals who are willing to have sex even when they get nothing out of it.
And I'll never get a date with anyone, never pursue anyone.
So I just don't care.
originally dump her
It's not that easy. She still says she loves me and plus we live together. I'm in a sticky situation. She's asleep next to me atm and when we she wakes in gonna give her a talk and see where the hell we stand.
literally a waste of meat
asexuals should kill themselves
Very few actually exist. I knew an "asexual" girl who tried to get into my pants then fucked a good 3 other guys in the space of a month when I turned her down. Most women who are """asexual""" are just really low in confidence or are lying to a disgusting creep (you) will leave them alone.
why would you suffer such a thing
I don't give a shit. They wouldn't date me anyway.
>asexual means no sex
>not dating means no other guys
they stay pure, so they're all good in my eyes.
Why care? I just let them live their lives, in fact I'm a bit jealous of them for having no desire to do tiring things.
yeah but their purity is wasted isn't it
Hey op go die LOL
Funny huh
OP is likely some asexual bitch attention whore, I saw 'it' make another thread in the catalog about muhh asexuality to further ruin the board
Fuckin die bitch
Most asexuals are special snowflake sociopaths/cerebral narcissists or whatever that label is
Only solution is to persecute and enslave such subhumans as sex slaves or comfort women if you want to get quaint
I feel like I want this girl to feed me.