why do robots choose to remain alone when they could just settle for a 5/10?
Why do robots choose to remain alone when they could just settle for a 5/10?
Crispy without photoshop and good lightning is like a 4/10 though. I think if I could socialize in the first place I could do better.
I don't deserve a 5/10, I'd rather go for a 4/10 like pic related
In every thread I post you post afterwards. Stop stalking me, Avery. You're being creepy. And Ciara is a clear 3. By pretending she's anything better you're being mean to her.
user, please, I just want to be friends, I didn't think you'd notice that I was taking note of your posting style. It stands out. I can't help it. I'll stop.
It took me a while, but eventually I realized that settling for a 5/10 or less was the only was I was going to be with someone. And so I did. Pic related, my 4/10 gf.
user I know she's your gf and you love her but stop putting her on a pedestal that's clearly a 3/10
That is atleast a 5/10, I would consider it a 6 or a 7 though
I have to feel better about settling somehow, even if it means lying about my gf's looks :( I really regret leaving my 5/10 gf now. pic related, my ex.
Wtf is this thread you're all posting 9s and calling them 3s
no missa kavit
>being so desperate that you think these girls aren't under average
The absolute state of incels
cuz girls are icky!
It isn't settling when I'm sub 5 myself.
I've tried getting a girl in my league, I managed to fuck it up. I've tried dating up, it's impossible to get them to like you. I've tried dating down, they get too clingy and possessive.
I just want a girl that is roughly equal in IQ and looks so we can tackle the world together.
because any girl above a 3 is out of my league and im too shallow for any girl below a 6, also crispy is qt
She looks in agony even when she smiles.
I find that quite appealing actually user
Yeah, me too, but stop stalking me.
Why don't robots just get a 10/10 gf?
I thought about it and the answer was no.. sorry about that.
Fuck all of you! Those girls you claim to be your gf's and ex's are all like 10/10 goddesses you faggots! REEEEEE
Because I don't care what/10 the girl is, that's not what matters to me.
I just want someone who understands what it's like.
Well, we'll see about that, but now I'll go to sleep. Good nights.
You're being ironic right user? stop baiting..