How could anyone do this to their loved ones? Suicide is never the answer. Period
How could anyone do this to their loved ones? Suicide is never the answer. Period
>Suicide is never the answer. Period
what about when my mom dies lol
some people cant be fixed
im next
What if I hate my mom for ruining me and want her to suffer?
>giving /reddit/ clicks
user, just stahp. If you can't post the whole story, kindly fuck right off.
The mum is legit a selfish cunt here. That boy was fucking miserable and not cut out for this world. He went out, so many people feebly attempt suicide for attention and as a cry for help. The success rates for suicides are so low.
He went out first time, he definitely wanted to go. Staying here would not have done anything, no good would have come of it.
Mom needs to accept his choice and move on.
Maybe this is b8, but if not I'd be pretty pissed off at her
>Forced him to do a program he wasn't interested in and for him stay in it when he was failing
Gee I wonder why this happened.
At least she acknowledges and understands that she killed him.
More words and time spent on a post about him, than to him.
This is reality. Who really cares? See it.
Normally you shouldn't blame someone for ones suicide, people make decisions on their own.
But i would say this is a different case, forcing her son into something he didn't want to do, hating him and calling him names, but then get's sad when he kills himself is actually so selfish.
Didn't read. All reddit posts are immediately discarded
the whole thing is womansplaining.
women are good at presenting fake emotion, its like a picture perfect representation of what a person would feel.
it's sociopathy though. she just posted this so people can tell her its not her fault and take her guilt away.
>i didn't give a shit when he was alive
>i didn't bother helping him with his depression and suicidal thoughts even though I was aware of it
>now that he's dead I'm gonna talk about how bad I feel
>oh poor me
She was probably a bitch of a mom, and now she feels guilty and wants to talk about how she's oh so suffering in order to ease the guilt and get attention online. Jesus fuck bitch. Just follow your son and hang yourself.
you have zero emotional intelligence.
Yeah I was giving her the benefit of the doubt but you are probably right. The last part of her post reads like a creative writing exercise.
>Letting your parents find your body
Rookie mistake
Worrying about making my mom feel this way was always what made me calm down when I felt like killing myself but after so many times it just doesnt do anything anymore
Stuff like this doesnt work forever
What most suicidal people probably need is just a reason to live for and that isnt always simple
>she just posted this so people can tell her its not her fault and take her guilt away
bitch can't even face the guilt head on. she has to resort to getting bullshit attention-pity online.
>I forced you to come here
>emotional intelligence.
>tfw want to end myself
>tfw cant because have a 10 year old sister and mom is a schiz and will go batshit crazy if i die
what do? Please
LOL that's exactly what someone would say if they had absolutely no emotional intelligence.
Call me overemotional if you want but I think it must be very painful to be responsible of the death of your son. How can you keep living with yourself after doing something like this? Hard stuff.
Was reddit always this far left moronic?
By venting about it on reddit, apparently
I want to say
>you will never save him by being his supportive friend
but also he's a redditor so its for the best he died
Or perhaps it was all part of his master plan?
faggot le norman
>emotional intelligence
emotions are the literal polar opposite of intelligence and these two words cannot be put together
This is heartbreaking. It reminds me so much of my relationship with my mom.
Yes. Reddit is full of really effeminate men and "nerdy" women. They're not even cool, hardcore commies who like to shoot guns and save the proletariat from the clutches of the barons, they're just effeminate progressives who think if you give enough blowjobs to your wife's son he'll stop selling crack in your man cave.
You have zero definition for "emotional intelligence", suckstart a gun faggot
apparently you don't have any actual intelligence either. how can you consider yourself intelligent if you can't even understand something as basic as emotions? fuckin' brainlets.
that was how Robert E 'Conan' Howard checked out. his mum died and Howard an-heroed immediately.
It was a stupid thing to do on account that Howard had fuckin' LOVECRAFT and CLARK ASHTON SMITH as pen pals at the time. He should have booked a train to Providence and/or Auburn and spent a little time with them.
Suicide is never the answer.
this desu. I don't actually want her to suffer this badly though, so I'll just move to a foreign country to do it so she can at least comfort herself with the thought that I'm still alive, successful somewhere
Impressive trolling by whoever wrote it. I keked
Grab sis, run away from nutter mum, pretend you're sis's young single dad, enroll her in a school, practice being a dad, find some woman who notices you doing well at being a dad, have lots of sex and leave Jow Forums to us losers.
>emotional intelligence
The guy means cognitive empathy the ability to understand how some else feels as opposed to emotional empathy where you feel what the other person feels
What a lucky fucking bastard. Actually had the guts to go through with it.
reddit and Jow Forums are siblings that share with each other
>mfw she talks about going through her sons folders and bookmarks
>mfw my parents would find a bunch of hentai pictures and games.
Fuck I need to encrypt my pc one of these days
>no mention of father
Gee, I wonder what this could imply.
Anyway, should have cleaned his room and slain the dragon a bit more amirite.
Reddit chan and yotsuba r34 when?
dang already unoriginal?
Wow what a shame. I wonder if he tried just being himself?
>Suicide is never the answer.
I agree. Homicide is the more mature path. If he killed his mom, he would have solved the real perpetrator of his pain
people are selfish for trying to guilt trip people into living. If youre life is nothing but suffering to you then your freedom of choice to end it is all you have
>fembot h-
Honestly I think making her find his body was probably crueler than killing her.
>What if I hate my mom for ruining me and want her to suffer
Then you take a knife, look her straight in the eyes and gouge her from chest to abdomen while she gasps for every inch of breath.
Anything but suicide.
do you tip your fedora before or after this?
>asking for a friend
How much does that matter if I cease to exist?
I've been thinking about suicide as a concept for a little bit of time now, and I always end up with the conclusion that there's no good argument against it.
What can you say if you just don't want to live anymore?
I have a girlfriend and a mother and a bunch of people who're '''friends''' with me. when I kill myself it will ruin a lot of lives. but I don't care enough to not kill myself. nobody gives a fuck about me now, why would they give a fuck about me then?
nobody cares normie. just do it.
This is true. Its stupid when people say suicide is selfish when in fact its anyone against suicide who is selfish. They want you to remain alive in misery just so they can feel good.
i plan to do it on stream in june
Sometimes I wish I didn't have anyone that loved me, that way I could kill myself without feeling intense guilt about leaving my body behind.
until then stfu
Ready through the other posts made by that account lmao. Nobody who is actually suicidal talks like that. For example: "Today was the same old crap. Woke up at noon even though I set 10 alarms, did nothing all day, assignments due and midterm tomorrow, yet I haven't gone to class since semester started 2 months ago. There's really no point even waking up tomorrow, I will just end it all tonight." I've had actual friends dew the deed and not a single one of them wrote like this.
I can guarantee you that this kid is still alive and the mom is a lying cunt.
I only read the beginning but would you look at that
>my son hanged himself
>I cannot describe what it did to ME MY FAMILY MY SHIT
bitch does not care that her offspring killed himself, damage was done TO HER
women were a mistake, God almighty pls fix
you can't stop me from posting here faggot, go memepost about roasties
or more than likely it's a 40 year old man LARP'ing as a grief stricken mother for those precious upboats and reddit gold my guy,
im probably not going to be able to support her considering im a blue collar wagecuck, but thank you so much for the advice user. I have a goal now. You really did save my life man. Thanx
Lmfao like just try again.
>emotional intelligence
If his mom had any of that maybe her son wouldn't be dead.
so someone killed themselves and you still find a way to turn it into that you hate women.
fucking disgusting.
>Caring mother cared about the wrong things.
She was being a great mother by the standards of western society - but those standards are so disastrously incomplete.
Parenting these days is to "fill in the blanks" of a generic template of what their offspring should be to successful in a social environment.
What parenting should be is adapting and improving the template of what made you, in order to make your offspring better in a a metric(s) of your choosing within a FAMILY environment, abstract from the requirements and expectations of society - the transition to adulthood, independence and forging a path into society is a stage of development for the individual and it leaves a stronger individual in its wake.
you are disgusting, guy killed himself because of women, most important in his life at that
his mother made him kill himself
Sounds like the kid hated his mom well enough, as someone with a bitch of a mom who I no longer speak to I can somewhat relate.
I dont think he hated her, cause he would kill her
he hated his life and wanted to end it
great parenting, kek of chaos, where was the father?
People who commit suicide usually do so because they're too meek to ever kill other people.
Just because he didn't murder his mother doesn't mean he didn't hate her. I hate my mother and I would never kill another human being.
>I dont think he hated her
He hated her. He just didn't KNOW he hated her. This is why the trope of Eve started. Woman just did this manipulative shit from day1.
I wanted to kill myself but ended laughing maniacally with knife in my hand when I was in my killmyself spot
by suicidal logic: if I want to kill myself cause world is shit, why ruin it for other people who dont share my view?
i dont think it is hate, it is different emotion, love mixed with hate mixed with disgust with not-wanna-deal-with-her-anymore sprinkled on top
Holy shit you autistic sperg enough with the women-hating crap. You're missing the broader picture. Having the person who BIRTHED you into this world. The person who was supposed to protect you and help you navigate life utterly betray you is worse than anything you can possibly imagine.
It's not the fact that she's a woman she was just a god awful parent who tried to project her failed success onto her son who felt cornered and thus had no other way out. I feel legit bad for him. I was almost in a similar situation.
>The person who was supposed to protect you
wtf parents dont do that
they have their own vision of life of their offspring and that kills them sometimes
whatever you do don't breed and if you're under 25 watch closely for signs of skitz in both you and your sister. if a parent has it there's a terribly high chance that the children will have it too.
>tfw wageslave
>tfw wanted to be neet at home
>tfw couldn't live with my mom as things were and keep sanity
>had to move out
>had to get apartment
>now living in mostly chill place with friend
>just want to go back to mom's house and be neet
>scared that things will go back to how they were
>getting to the point where i don't care anymore
>tfw suicide gets more real every day
"Depression" is a big meme. Aimless kids that don't want to work a single day in their lives throwing tantrums and their parents money away use "muh depression" as a defence mechanism. If you weren't such a big loser you wouldn't be depressed, sorry.
fuck off boomer, you are the reason world is shit cause you gave it to jews
parents are supposed to do that until the offspring can survive on its own. plenty of lesser animals for you to look at for examples.
>Depression is a meme
stopped reading there kill yourself my man
>all depressed people don't want to work and use parents money
where did you pull that idea from? your ass?
>parents are supposed to
you know what? parents justify doing whatever the fuck they want with this phrase, they want good but they do bad
nice ill watch it before i kill myself in july
What a shitty mom
that's why we use Jow Forums
not all parents do bad. it's usually just single mothers with male offspring. not having a father really fucks with boys.
they probably do more good than bad, but that does not make all of them guiltless and always right
in this particular case pushing mother made kid kill himself, and she cannot even see the problem
of course. the cunt didn't even know who her son's friends were or what hobbies he had. utter failure as a parent and deserves no coddling.
>months later
>untouched laptop still has power and is 'unlocked'
maybe knew, but didnt care
my parents know my hobbies but dismiss some of them as waste of time, while acknowledging other
she writes in her post that it is her fault, and it's not a point of contention for her. she even rejects other people's stock "it's not your fault" responses.
she has suffered quite a bit from what I can tell reading her post. I realize that for many of you, no amount of suffering will ever equate to her son's, but I don't think rubbing it in is going to help.
>she writes in her post that it is her fault
bullshit, I tried to read it but I've seen no sign of feeling uilty
>my son is a depressed lonely virgin who hates life
>I'll just force him to do something he hates lmao
>making long term plans when he's hit rock bottom short term
It's a gut wrenching story, especially the end, but there are two questions
1. How the fuck did she not know any of his friends? My mom at least know the names of my friends, even the ones she hasn't met.
2. She straight up knew he was depressed to the point of dropping out of school and didn't do ANYTHING to help him?
Bit fucked up desu senpai
Yeah, it's obvious bullshit karma farming. He'd have a password, so it must have been on the whole time according to her and laptops don't keep power for months, even on sleep. Days, sure. Couple of weeks, maybe. Multiple months? Fuck no. Also, is she saying that this guy took the time to look up proper noose tying methods and prepare himself by watching suicides on liveleak, yet he didn't put a password on his computer? The last thing anyone wants when they die is for their parents to go through their PC.
>mother forces you to commit suicide by pushing you into things you do not want
>ignores your depression but goes to therapy herself
You didn't have to make such a bait, if you typed out mother pushed son to suicide, we still would have responded.
Also, after reading pic, not going to bother reading the link. Don't care they're not the same story.
whats on the side of his dick there?
This is from "offmychest", a place that has a list of "hate subreddits" and automatically bans you if you've ever posted on one, before you even have to post anything there.
same I got a few friends and senpai and I'm usually the one making jokes. 35 lvl wizard living the stereotype neet lifestyle. I dont know whats sadder thinking if they have finally accepted I'll never amount to anything or if they still think I have some sort of shot. Sometimes I wish I could take a bullet for some kid or push someone out of the way of a bus that way it wont look so bad and I can go out a hero. If a terrorist situation ever occurs in front of me I will try my damndest to throw a shoe or distract the fucker as long as humanly possible. I just want out with out having to fuck other peoples emotions.
>autobanned from posting on Jow Forumsoffmychest
Why would you even visit such a shit sub, faggot?
There's using reddit, and then there's USING REDDIT
>get banned from Jow Forumstheredpill for making a joke there
>posting there still gets me banned from Jow Forumsoffmychest
delet everyone that uses reddit plz.
This story is so fake and gay holy shit