how do you cope with loneliness? anything in particular you do that works well?
How do you cope with loneliness? anything in particular you do that works well?
We wtf why wouldn't you wash it
>how do you cope with loneliness?
I can't.
I'm slowly eroding away
i think i have some sort of disorder
i love being by myself any human contact is annoying but I can deal with it if I have too I also seem detach from everything social
I feel lie that for sometimes long periods of time, and then I feel the need to a little bit of human contact, too much is exhausting to me. right now I feel like loneliness is hitting me again
>anything in particular you do that works well?
for me, its simply watching other people stream or a video on YouTube of the person talking to the audience, but i would say the former might be a little more effective (like a person that you enjoy listening to and watching them play something. it helps create this illusion that you are apart of some social exchange, regardless if youre the direct recipient or not
i find a girlfriend
I work the land mate, harvest my food, cook it, eat it, read something afterwards while smoking a cigar, and so on...
I go on r9k hoping a fembot will give me some relief.
watch (listen to) these 4 videos to eliminate any sense of "loneliness" you may have felt.
AGP, alcohol.
You walk around drunk in mini skirts jacking off?
I post replies to threads, and the (you)s I get doesn't make me feel lonely. It's fake interaction, but interaction is still interaction.
I think I'm a special case because I have a fine time making friends (keeping them is another story), so much so that I can go to parties regularly. But time and time again I've had close ones pass away and my family was abusive through my entire childhood that fucked me up.
It's just a lot of loss so I'm always lonely, even at a party.
That being said, I kinda threw myself into music. I've always played instruments but lately it's been less and I just mean listening. I'm kinda a jukebox for everyone I know, full of song lyrics of most genres.
Need metal/rap/80s/rock/indie/pop/folk/EDM/garage rock/ indie rock/ british/ jazz/ oldies/ anything else I missed songs? I'll make you a 300 song playlist fit fully to your taste in just one day.
And I don't mean like being one of those edgy fuckers who listens to song lyrics all day and goes "WOW I RELATE TO THIS SAD SHIT SO MUCH", no just listening and grooving. Libraries on spotify full of sad shit, happy shit, anything to fit anyone.
Except country. Fuck country music.
0h (you)
I love (you) !!!!!!!!!!l!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I less than three you too
I was talking about loneliness in general, I'm not interested in romantic relationships at the moment
>how do you cope with loneliness?
Realizing I don't need friends and never wanting to rely on others.
i try to live in the moment and pursue instant gratification until it numbs me to the sadness then i set about trying to improve myself and my life. i'll keep doing this until i ultimately succeed or fail, never forgetting that in the end i can always just kill myself if i have to.
I'm slightly less than half-way through the second video and these blackpills are killing me, user. What he's saying lines up too perfectly with my observations and what I've read about women.
lol the gook doll's skin is actually yellow
I don't. Eventually you just stop being lonely.
>how do you cope with loneliness?
I come to shit post here, been doing it since I was 17
Time burnt out the fuse responsible for this particular feel.
this except it's less not desiring to be social and more realizing theirs no point in trying to be social because it's just fuel to hate myself later.
Jow Forums in general is no different than that, it's just anonymous.
Constant contact with my parents who still love me even though I'm a failure. I'm so thankful I got good parents, I feel really bad for the other robots here who don't. I'd have gone Elliot Rodgers a long time ago if I didn't have them.
Reading the Bible works
idk, i try to remember that people love me but it always feels untrue. I just gotta talk to people when I feel good and hope they don't leave me alone...
I don't. After all these years i got used to it.
I started hugging a pillow at night. You can almost trick your brain into thinking you're with a female. It's pretty great. You should try it
Either rage on video games or make up elaborate fantasies about my life with two imaginary wives (who are polar opposites).
I do hug a pillow while I sleep, but I do it because pressing something to your chest lessen anxiety, but yeah, thinking it's a female it's pretty much the same thing, same effect
Drugs & realising people are shit works for me.
There is no coping. I enjoy being alone. Ive lived by myself in my apt for the past 3 yrs not talking to anyone and only going outside when I have to work lol.
>he gets lonely
Out of here you failed norman
Work 75 hour weeks so I don't have to think about it. Taking heaps of drugs also helps
75 hours a week should be illegal.
(unless the pay is good)