So in order to pass my English class and graduate, I have to do a speech about my my life.
I wanted to do a really elaborate Bel-Air story, or some other meme that my teacher may or may not catch on to.
Think you could help me out r9k?
Thoughts/ideas are appreciated, I will be filming it, and I'll post it here soon if this thread ends up being good.
So in order to pass my English class and graduate, I have to do a speech about my my life
Is this american education?
It's unironically a joke.
Pajeet... ps. Just scream racism when your "teacher" says you have to abide by American linguistic standards.
You want a made up story?
dont this is autistic
Say you fear false rape alegations upon entering college, then go on a rent about how women ruins men's lives because they feel bad for being sluts or something like that.
>high school
enjoy your ban maybe you will find time to finish your homework
protip: no one cares about highschool after highschool just BS your way
Yeah, I stopped trying in school and took the 'regular' English 12 class.
Turned out to be full of fucking speds. I learned this year that if you aren't taking the AP variant, you will be with a bunch of retards
do a parody of ''all stars'' and then say at te end
>you just got shrek'd xD
loli did this in high school and the teacher got fired for being a fag lol xd
Write about the time you sucked dicks till your jaw got sore and how you learned the proper way to blow and keep going.
your school had lolis???
where are you from?
Holy shit. I could not do a presentation on any of these topics. They are way too personal to share with people who are merely classmates.
OP's graduating, he's probably 18. If you didn't know you could be 18 and still in high school, you're probably underage yourself.
baneposting is a classic
you're right he could be but I do not think OP is 18 yet
Your journey back to reality after spending time in Scientology.
Say that people could be surprised to know that you're actually a woman and then pull out HRT
The key to a good speech is to start with something very small. Pick up one object from your room and talk about it until it ties back to one of those 10 choices.
Prepare a presentation on each topic and see how many you can get through before they catch on and stop you.
It's a commentary on how autistic people sometimes slip through the cracks.
Wtf OP? This is middle school or even late elementary tier shit. Wtf is the education system anymore?
>those questions
Considering it's April, there is only a 33% chance OP is 18
>I believe people would be surprised to learn that I am hella gay and hella depressed
>I have over fourteen dragon dildos and they're all named after pro wrestlers of course
>I absolutely adore tying nooses with my shoe lasses and cutting myself with tumb tacks
>I unironically cry myself to sleep everyday because I have realised that life is suffering and women will never love me because my dick is only 6.5 inches long
>hence why I'm a total gay homo now
>I like to draw ponies from mlp and use them as toilet paper while I drink mommy's wine as I cry more tears of sadness
>I used to get beat my mother and father and they would sometimes compete to see who could make me cry and bleed more
>I steal money from unfortunate fellows on "da block!" as the negros say so that I may one day by a gun to fucking shoot myself in the head
>I'm also a big fan of white peoples and it brakes my heart and sole to see white people like white sjw's hating on them
>why do they do this?
>I also sometimes wear poke'mon overalls and wear diapers because it makes me feel like a kid again
>did I mention I have a high functioning autism?
>that is stuff that I think will surprise you to know about me
>thank you for listening
>OP proceeds to tilt his head up, close his eyes, and sing all star
There, you're welcome OP
Good but change 6.5 inch to 3.4 inch
Holy shit its rain man
I think you fucked up the math there, the school year doesn't start at the same time as the calendar year
Just read the gorilla warfare copypasta desu familia