I tried using seven cups because i felt suicidal and I found a roastie who started talking to me but she didn't even really help i'm going to try and do it again. screenshot results
Anybody use 7cups ?
This is the most autistic thing I've ever heard of. I know that if I were to try this out, I would feel worse about my loneliness, knowing that the person on the other end doesn't care about me at all.
Dudes already suicidal don't bring him any lower than he already is
I used it occasionally, wasn't really helpful. Attempted suicide but barely fucked up after my little stint of using it. Seems it barely helped. Now i'm on erection-robbing jewpills.
its pretty autistic. usually you just get some middle-eastern man who barely speaks english or someone who takes 10 minutes to reply and doesn't understand your problems at all.
There's nothing wrong with suicide. Also, if the service is shit, then I don't want him using it.
>7 Cups is a website which provides free support to people experiencing emotional distress by connecting them with trained listeners.
I'd never heard of this, but that description sounds pretty meaningless.
they are connecting me with someone
it doesn't help but my primitive instincts need interaction. I'm also drunk and keep trying to pussy out of suicide rightnow
In theory these sorts of services see good idea, but the problem is that it becomes all about status. They care more about getting the likes on their profile page than actually helping anybody. It actually made me more depressed for some Indian with broken English to offer up half hearted generic advice then tell me to please like his profile and leave a comment if I felt helped
>online therapy
I have an express need to tell people that online therapy doesn't fucking work. And to an extent, neither does regular therapy.
Shit like betterme and 7cups just pair you with a random """""counselor""""" that knows nothing about you, doesn't care about you, and just wants to coax you into buying their dumb fucking subscription service.
Advice, therapy, etc needs to come from somebody who actually cares and listens to you, otherwise it doesn't feel personal. It doesn't feel real. It's the cash-grab version of "LOL JUST BEE URSELF XDDDD".
I've tried many different counseling/therapy services for a variety of reasons and every single one of them has been an utter failure and never resonated with me. It's the same old "take baby steps lollol" advice you get told a million times by everyone else. People can never truly understand somone else's problems unless they're close friends or actual psychics.
People need to realize that in order to get happy, they needed to have a specific set of skills and more then a few friends to help them.
Normalfags who think that online therapy works are probably less depressed then they are ""'''depressed""" because their 7th bf/gf broke up with them and none of their 20 friends came online.
Case in point, this shit doesn't work. And at the end of the day, nothing will help you except yourself.
Just popping in to say psychiatry is a racket for the Jews.
shit...i was home schooled and thought this type of thing would work without going to actual therapy
lol i love our stupid dystopian present
My fear of revealing my true self overrides my desire for intimacy, so I could never use something like that. Even when I'm interacting with people in real life, on the inside all I'm focused on is how to end the conversation as quickly as possible without saying anything to embarrass myself.
Interaction, rather. Freudian slip, I guess.
is there a way to fix mental issues without a therapist ?
>Even when I'm interacting with people in real life, on the inside all I'm focused on is how to end the conversation as quickly as possible without saying anything to embarrass myself.
Hey me too user. Have you tried smoking weed? It doesn't help but you sort of give less of a shit. Anyway, best of luck
this user is right and it hasn't helped
god i wish these websites weren't retarded
Go to the dollar store and eat 6 boxes of these.
I didn't know about 7cups. Just gave it a try. Sadly, the listeners don't seem to listen much
I used to be a volunteer listener some years ago, exactly because I'm miserable myself, but gave up after several months.
The problem is the way the site is being advertised. Most people go there expecting to receive professional help for free. No, if you take one minute to read the whole thing, you'll see that the volunteers are mere listeners without academical knowledge. They're not allowed to advise you in any way, they just listen and offer simple feedback.
It's terribly stressful to deal with people that ask for help while also being aggressive and feeling entitled. I've had individuals openly complain that I'm not helping them or that I don't truly understand them, when obviously I'm not going to narrate the reasons why my issues facilitate empathy for their particular problem.
Certainly there are a lot of people doing shit work, exactly because it's a volunteer-based community. If you want quality help, pay for an actual therapist. You're supposed to simply relieve stress and bottled up emotions by talking about what bothers you, nothing more.
>They're not allowed to advise you in any way
Ooohh so that's why they all suck
You mean they are doing this bullshit gor free? EL OH FUCKING EL.
My therapist referred me there but I just made an account and never used it.