There are almost no things in life truly forgiven. If you were a prisoner once, you are forever a prisoner of your sins. The only way to escape these things is to go either further down the pit of damnation or ending your life for good. You CAN try to blend into soceity. You CAN try to hide.
But your past will always find you. You cant hide from it.
There are almost no things in life truly forgiven. If you were a prisoner once, you are forever a prisoner of your sins...
I have PTSD from being abused by guards and prisoners when I was locked up for possession of a controlled substance
I don't give a fuck about my sins, I'm a prisoner of the goddanged US societal system. Can't get a job cause I'm a felon. How do you expect felons to stop being felons if the only way they can survive is by engaging in felonious activity?
me too lol felony possession I had .2 gram MDMA and 12 xanax
if you don't mine me asking what happened?
b&e, homeless at the time and needed somewhere to chill for the winter
do you ever think about leaving the USA?
I think about it everyday but I have 14 months of probation left
I wonder how a felony affects where you can immigrate
also I understand why you did what you did
but having a homeless person break into my place would be pretty fucked lol
it sucks there isn't much support for people who need it but our taxes get wasted on retarded shit all the time
I've thought about it, I have family in central america, but I was born and raised in this country. Can't even speak spanish all too well. Leaving the USA isn't totally out of the question, but not only will I not have the money to start a whole new life but I'm not very well mentally equipped to do such a thing.
I think felonies can make it hard to get a passport, but not impossible (unless you've been convicted of trafficking).
The place was practically abandoned too, I know the dude hadn't had a renter in months because I USED to live there when my parents rented the place and the place was in serious disrepair. I might have gotten away with trespassing, but I had a bunch of guns and research chemicals I ordered from the internet
Exacly that is what is ment with "sins"
At least sins can be forgiven
Even there people will find you past.
Mostly it ends up that you go further down the road and do more fucked up things because of the mindset of "fuck the system does not make me able to rehabillitate so i do what i want/need to etc".
Just couldnt go to apply to army because they found evidence that i had/have ADHD in elementary up to early high school which fucked my relationships and my behaviour(if someone bullied me i would fight back which people dont like and then i get bullied more for getting suspendet etc, still dont know why i didnt shoot them up)
damn that sucks
the kid I got arrested with I was friends with 10+ years and he turned over my texts to the cops and blamed everything on me and kissed their asses
there was some other drugs that weren't mine but I said nothing and my representation said to take their shitty deal of felony possession and not risk a bigger drug charge
I would say most of them not.
Even my brother still reminds me of stupid shit i did when i was a kid.
Or old schoolmates still call me out on getting suspendet for hitting a girl once who talked shit about me.
Society can and will tell you that you should make up for it, but it is build on keeping the criminals or the "other" people of society in check without directly killing them by making them suicide in one way or another.
A perfect system should be more focused on the individual who can get a clean history if he somehow really atoned for their sins.
Once in prison/having a charge or doing something that wrecks how the people around you think about you will destroy your life.
How did they find evidence of your ADHD?
Goddamn snitches man, I'm sorry to hear. people have no loyalty these days. Anything you're doing to try to fix your life?
>built on keeping the criminals in check without directly killing them
This is what it feels like. These people don't give a fuck about me. And it really stings because I used to be a good fucking kid who thought society was run with the best things for everyone in mind. I picked up cigarette butts and litter and threw them away on my way back from school. I made straight A's. I never cursed or stayed up past my bedtime. It feels like I got played hardcore.
yeah I agree, especially when nobody is hurt, nothing is damaged
I chose to use controlled substances and the reason they're controlled is just to control the population it doesn't make any logical sense
I volunteered for several organizations but when it comes up what I do or I talk about being arrested it gets weird and I stop going
I'm pretty miserable and spend all of my time alone and sometimes visit my parents
Haha I tried to sign up for volunteer work to build my social credit back up, get some references, and they required background checks
Background checks to work FOR FREE
>Anything you're doing to try to fix your life?
not really
I gained 50 pounds after getting out of jail and I recently got a bike so I'm trying to lose that weight
I started some garden plants at my parents house too tomatoes broccoli peppers
I actually didn't say anything to anyone initially and when they found out I got tons of shit
like I've put in 50 hours at one organization and was cool with everyone helping at a pantry but they got bugged out and were pissed I never told them from the start (probably would have declined or set up restrictions)
In my medical record i had heart problems listed and i explained that they occured only during my times i got those sedative pills from the psychiatrist. They made my slow, unresponsive, and already more introvert than i was(i was usually trying to be extrovert but you know how it is if a kid who is bad with people tries to be friendly with them.
I feel you. The only people who would understand are those "you shouldnt be hanging around with" people. On one hand some may really seem like good people like some people posting in this, other bring you further down the road of doing even worse things. This is why i wrote that quote i made myself. Im not got at this but i love doing sometimes quotes but in contrast to other people they are mostly not inspiring and doing the opposite, facing the truth.
That's good at least, cultivating something, creating new life, bettering yourself. My outlook's been pretty pessimistic, but I'm inching by. Got a job at Mcdicks, maybe save up some money to buy more research chems and forget how fucked everything is, even if only temporarily.
you'd think volunteers would be a little more open minded, since everyone there is trying help out someone out of the kindness of their heart
>200mg of x and 12 xanax
Why tf is america so fucked with drug laws
which RCs are you into?
They've really gotten complicated over the years.
I take phenibut sometimes to sleep, but I'm more into natural stuff.
I grow my own san pedro/mescaline cacti, and I can identify psilocybin mushrooms that grow locally
It's a long long story, but it basically boils down to a few key components:
>Richard Nixon
>Puritan culture
>Money money money
I usually fucked around with benzos like etizolam and clonazolam, helps with my anxiety since I can't get a script from docs. I want to start experimenting with new ones like meth analogues and lsd analogues.
What did you do specifically/whats the charge?
I personally didnt do any crime so i still have a free pass but i live in germany so i can just embrace neet life if i wanted to... but it probably would make me more depressed. I tought army could be fun so i applied and got rejected... i just finished college and wait until summer holidays are over.
Man i love biking, i saved money to buy a road bike. I watched some anime series about cycling and it really looked great (yowamushi pedal). I had tons of money but no hobbies really to spend it on and it was my best decision i love cleaning it and learning new stuff about it. Driving around at night and early morning in summer is my favorite.
before I was arrested I was either smoking weed and doing xanax or coke and weed which turned into xanax for the comedown
benzos are awesome I got caught with pressed alp pills that were ~4mg each
>4mg xannies
oh that sounds dangerous... but also very tempting, my goodness
I was driving home with a friend and the cops said we didn't use our turn signal entering the highway on ramp
the cops asked me to get out of the car and my friend broke and admitted to having drugs (probably smelled the weed)
he had a few grams of hash and 1/2 ounce of weed
I had .2g mdma and 12 xanax
He blamed me for everything I kept quiet
both charged with "trafficking" but offered deals
he got felony possession with a chance of expungement
I got some jail time felony possession and no chance of expungement but in 7 years I can appeal
>Driving around at night and early morning in summer is my favorite.
that's cool, I need to learn more about my bike. I broke the chain once and had to pay to get it fixed wish I knew how to fix it myself
I actually bought a light to ride at night it's in the mail I can't wait
Wow that sounds awful. Betrayal is always there. I love the internet that much because unlike real friends they are more honest usually with you and can kick you anytime if you piss them off while in real life its harder to do.
Fixing the chain isnt that hard, i can recommend to just watch a youtube video. You can also just go into a bike store and ask which chain you need /tools/greasing/oil.
Its more cheap in long run and a fun thing to do on a hot 25 degrees sunday mornig.
yeah it sucked and I live in an area that has private prisons and federal grants for drug convictions
so the community has more incentive to jail me and stick charges instead of giving me another chance