Whats your Plan B in case you got permanently banned from Jow Forums?
Whats your Plan B in case you got permanently banned from Jow Forums?
Turn router off and on again.
beg the mods for forgiveness.
>tfw shitty static ip
What's your plan b if you accidentally close your Jow Forums tab?
I've been going to Jow Forums for 13 years. It's pretty hard to get perma banned unless you're a genuine shitposting retard.
Some mods are vindictive faggots who will do it just to fuck with you. Other than that though you'd probably have to post some illegal shit.
Although I'm a normie, this would be hard to take. It would sadly have a big effect on my daily life than it really should
this but delete cookies aswell
I've been permabanned once because I posted an image of infant circumcision. I got unpermabanned on the second appeal after pledging not to do it again and pointing out I didn't actually break any rules or laws in the US or my home country.
I wonder who could be behind getting people banned from Jow Forums for posting the reality of infant circumcision...
Finally start being productive.
After that fails in a few days, I phonepost.
kek this. They can't ban you from phoneposting. The funniest shit is when someone else in the area with the same provider gets banned and you get to see what they were banned for before submitting an appeal.
I don't really care about Jow Forums
>I posted an image of infant circumcision
>ctrl + shift + t
it opens your latest closed tab. Can be done indefinitely.
Howcome i got permabanned for shitposting over the course of 4 years. The reason was: (50 previous bans) isnt that pretty stupid to permaban me?
Used to work for me, but after changing the router for new one I just get the same IP over and over despite the connection explicitly stating that its 'dynamic'. How to fix it, bros? I just want to spam BLACKED and shitpost freely
some mods are cutmutts & get triggered
they're not all woke.
>average Jow Forums poster here
I did lol had to buy new phone worth 500
be a lot happier
Eh, old school bans were better for detoxxing you from Jow Forums. They meant you literally couldn't even look at the board(s), let alone post.
I'm not into even cuck shit, but posting BLACKED is an easy way to get sweet (You)s and reaction
>Whats your Plan B in case you got permanently banned from Jow Forums?
There's always chan no. 8.
I've been permabanned at least 50 times since 2008.
I miss when bans had personalized messages by the mods telling you to fuck off and die. It's so impersonal now.
That gif is so sad
I hate shitty short looped gifs too user.
Can someone explain why phoneposting means you will never get permabanned?
Original x3
original UwU
Phoneposting=data plan=dynamic ips. They can't ban all the IPs and sometimes they'll ban your IP because of something someone else with the same provider posted so you can just appeal that.
original ;3c
original xDD
With no source that could be from the year 1950
>Whats your Plan B in case you got permanently banned from Jow Forums?
change IP
or just kill myself
Source in the bottom of the pic, pretty recent actually with a sample size in the 100k's across America's major cities.
Yahoo Personals Race Based Attraction study, literally every race based attraction study puts white men at the top, but I guess your photoshop pic totally debunks all of that right XD
leftypol are the ones spamming the blacked shit.
No, just insecure niggers
oh golly jee whiz i wonder
jidf is not Jow Forums you cognitively challenged gigafaggot
Suicide. Straight up kill myself.
>Jow Forums tab
get addicted to phenibut and maybe kym
you only need one
>beg the mods for forgiveness.
Doesn't work.