Post your political compass.
Post your political compass
Other urls found in this thread:
the test is absolutely godawful
It was designed around 2000s era US conservatism and a ton of the questions relate to if you're Christian or not. God knows why a test where they evaluate almost every successful politician as authoritarian right, and say that half of people are on the libertarian left, is taken all that seriously.
It's so outdated and I'm not sure if it was ever accurate at any point.
I prefer this one
Das rite
What test?
Oh well.
How does it feel being wrong about everything?
Juche gang
I'm not, fascism is beauty
Fascism is about cruel hearted efficiency. It means the majority suffers, so that the minority can get far more than they deserve by taking advantage of people.
don't got a screenshot with me, but last time I tried I got capitalist fascism, but facism itself is fucking gay leftist socialist shit
>fascism is left winger
I'm so sick of this brainlet problem the Internet has.
Just because men in leather boots turn you on doesn't mean it's a sensible political ideology.
fight me cunts
Wrong. Fascism is viewing society as one body. A body cares for the wellbeing of all its members. It just happens that such wellbeing is maximized when all is in their proper place. This is why fascism brings happiness whilst socialism and capitalism brings misery and death. Please read this and be cured of your folly. This is the truth
>fascism Is left wing
I always considered myself a libertarian
Hans Schmidt was a holocaust denier, white supremacist, SS corporal. this is an unbelievably biased account of life in Nazi Germany.
Based centrist coming through
i dont even know how true this is
Forget the stupid political compass and just post more Nedroid comics
More Nedroid
I took the better test.
Not surprising though I hugely object to 'libertarian' as a label, fuck Noam Chomsky frankly
Even More Nedroid
Okay no more comics
Link to that original test?
>Link to that original test?
get spekr on
Noice mate.
Fascism is the only true path to mankind's apex.
anarchism is the only *real* political system
You're very right.
For as we say 'Might Makes Right'.
I'm a left wing populist even though I'm simpatetic to the alt right, according to this test
I really don't like this test because the questions switch between asking if something should be legal and whether or not you agree with it. There's plenty of things i hate but I don't agree with so it makes me out to be some super conservative authoritarian when I don't believe in a lot of social laws.
>majority suffers
How? Everyone is employed and the roads are in good condition.
These threads are the most boring shit in the world.
that sounds like capitalism to me.
OOooOOOoooOOooooOOOOO... I'm the liberal BOOgeymaaaaaaaaaaaan... Nationalism is stuuuuuuupid... Stuuuuuuuuuupid!
Kys redneck commie faggot
left-libertarian on political compass
Daily reminder enlightened technocratic monarchy is the best governing system.
Organ players
>look up the artist
>he deleted everything because he doesn't like rape anymore
Fucking reeeeeeeeeeee
Do you think suffering is not possible if the roads are in good condition or something? Everyone might have a "job" but that job might be digging graves with a shovel. Suffering isn't dependent on efficiency or employment.
That's because "left wing" and "right wing" are ridiculous reductionist brainlet shit from 18th century France concerning whether or not you liked the King
Anyone who uses Left/Right wing in the modern age isn't worth listening to
Right leaning libertarian
I bet you think Mussolini's Italy was le based while he bent over backwards for the krauts to slaughter his own people, huh?
>plz read propaganda and habeeb it
I could post communist propaganda to piss you off, and reflect such stupidity right back at you.
What I said, blatantly was the truth.
The Nazi was brute force, to turn people into slaves that people didn't like. Yet, that turned into everyone without perfect genes being shit, how many is that? It was millions to begin with, then would have became everyone without blonde hari and blue eyes, then even worse no doubt, as all genes are flawed. It was a blight, all right winger ethics are.
See above. It was a military forcing everyone not (((perfect))) to be their slave.
That's because the nature of capitalism is right winger. Nepotism, creating classes of people, unequal. The rich get richer, everyone else becomes a slave. Capitalism devolves into feudalism.
Left wing authoritarianism means forced equality. Right winger authoritarianism means forced inequality. It is inherently and blatantly that simple, idiot fool. You cannot just deflect the entire argument implying we should be anarchists, as the libertarian lower part of the quadrant is, just no government at all. Such societies are weak, and taken over.
I took the test here
What does this mean?
Commies are degenerates
Are you retarded, Schmidt was a literal member of the Waffen-SS who had to flee Germany on bail because of his antisemitic/Holocaust denial ramblings.
I'm not even a communist, I just like watching Sovereign Citizen take down videos and have left-wing views.
Hell, according to some of these, I'm closer to Hitler than to Stalin.
My ideal govt.
Would you wish to live in my society, anons?
Liberty over prosperity, you colossal faggot
You ever notice how Jow Forumstards never respond if you disprove their silly infographs?
This is mine.
>inb4 Jow Forums calls me a commie
>women having rights
miss me with that statist shit
Women are equal, user, In Prosperity and In Punishment. Just like in America, but they don't have special protections in law, divorce and general society.
Can't help it. I love me some authority.
Live and let live, but keep your bullshit to yourself.
My political compass is being the slave owner of humanity.
What's wrong with being Authoritarian?
If you don't want the time, don't commit the crime.
back and to the left
>Lawful Neutral
Obtuse postman
>tfw unironic centrist
this is me unironically.
huh... how about that
Why even live
purple square best original square
Moderate Conservatism:
39 Equality - 61 Markets
65 Nation - 35 World
43 Liberty - 57 Authority
65 Tradition - 35 Progress
Top kek (originigger)
>you value things I don't value at all therefore you're wrong
Whatever you say, man