Okay let's pretend you were able to get a girlfriend because you lowered your standards. You guys are happy together and all but one day a prettier, more interesting girl shows up and she's interested in you. The new girl will also love you and be loyal to you. You have the option to dump your current gf you settled for for the type of girl you dream about, would you do it?
Okay let's pretend you were able to get a girlfriend because you lowered your standards...
Are you trying to call people here out on their hipocrisy?
It's pretty obvious everyone wants to be Chad
How far into our relationship are we?
i want to know if people here will stay out of obligation or are too guilty to leave or maybe something else
tell me how your answer will change depending on how long you've been together
I shouldnt have to settle with a shit tier woman so I will take one dream gf please
If 100% loyalty, then yes take the new girl, she doesn't even have to be prettier. I inherently don't trust ugly girls, I can deal with an ugly girl with undying loyalty however.
This isn't something that you can generalize. I've once actually left someone for someone else but it wasn't because the new person was just better than the old one. It was because my old relationship had been dead for a while but I had been too scared of accepting it until I was forced to make a decision.
depends on how much I like the current gf for the person she is. if I don't give a fuck then sure, I break up with the old and get with the new girl.
why the question, though?
Not original poster, but if i were given the option and my relationship with my old gf was like short, I could just say i want different things and cut ties, make up a reason. Then get with this new girl.
If im with the old gf for a while though, like years together, well this new girl would have to be damn well compatible and be a literal 15/10
how much damage it will cause our break up to each other?
could we still being friends after that?
it the last two are decently good
then yes
but first i would tell her and break up before
Definitely not, since if I had the ability to attract women I'd only get together with someone who I could see spending my life with
>not that it'll ever happen
I would NEVER get into relationship if I didn't loved her. If I would love my gf I would never leave now matter how prettier or hotter girls would be intersted in me. I would want to spend my entire life with my love.
i forgotted
how much i love her,even if she is less interesting that the new girl
>the new girl will also be loyal to you
>saying anything but no
proof that robots are no better than the roasties they hate
>happy together
"Settling" already implies being in a relationship with someone you don't really want to be with, and you are never going to be happy in a position like that. Retards that say "just lower your standards bro" are either really just hypocrites. If I'm going to be in a relationship, it's going to be because I WANT to be in a relationship with this person, not for the sake of being in a relationship. If that means being alone forever, then so be it.
Yeah, how about you hand over that first GF and then we'll talk
>Okay let's pretend you were able to get a girlfriend because you lowered your standards.
How low are we going?
Many people are stuck in shitty relationships with seemingly no way out.
this is the correct way to think imo but it seems robots in general want to be in a relationship for the sake of it. which is dangerous and stupid. making yourself so vulnerable is exactly why we had the whole reiko situation
No, that's a fucked up thing to do. I'd tell the new girl I'm already taken and then cuddle with my gf.
that depends on how much you can personally lower your standards. i'm guessing most robots are willing to go down to a 3/10
won't you always live with that sense of regret of what you could have had?
>because you lowered your standards
Buddy, my standards don't go any lower than this. That being said, no, I would not leave my ugly GF if I found a more attractive woman. I have been a selfish person before and learned that betraying my morals is worse than fulfilling greed.
Most robots admit they'd be a roastie too if they were girls.
Not user, but I have missed out on the chance to get with many more attractive women. I would rather miss out again than feel guilty for the rest of my life.
>had this chubby gf
>shy and insecure
>my first love
>perfect big tits
>kind of a butterface tho
>small lips, big nose
>things were starting to get sexy
>new challenger appears
>blondie white girl
>perfect face, white skin, big pink lips
>delicious flat chest
>really hot bod and really into me
>decided to change gfs
>really really hurt first girl
>new gf turns out to be total psycho
>oh shit
>new girl dissappears
>later fakes her own death or something
>dunno if she's dead, don't care
>start seeing current girl
>recontact 1st girl on internetz
>she never stopped loving me
>get some nudes from her
>while I'm with current gf
>she suddenly stops messaging me
>guess she found out about current gf
>hurt her again
>but got nudes, she fine
>tl;dr left butterface for psycho hot pretty girl, later manipulated her into nudes anyway, feels badandgoodman.jpg
Some people here underestimate resentment. If you're in a less than ideal relationship with a lot of arguing and very different expectations of each other, you'll start to resent your partner more and more, unless you know how to communicate properly. It's usually shit like that that drives one partner away and into the arms of somebody new.
why in the fuck are you here, normie?
I would have to experience love firsthand to make that decision.
It depends on the bond I would make with the first girl and if our interests are aligned.
"and all but one day a prettier, more interesting girl shows up and she's interested in you. The new girl will also love you and be loyal to you. You have the option to dump your current gf you settled for for the type of girl you dream about, would you do it?"
Fuck yea, You know why?
Cuz 99% of females do this on the daily.
>The new girl will also love you and be loyal to you.
You can't possibly know that, so this scenario is pretty contrived.
Fuck both for a while, then go with the one that give better head. If indecisive, remember that change and keeping things fresh is always good.
no i wouldnt do it, its fine to break up for nobody but if you break up because you have another lined up thats bullshit
I couldn't leave somebody I'd made a commitment to like that.
Just thinking about this scenario has made me feel sad.
It's not bullshit. Sometimes that's just life. People like us don't have much experience to begin with and like to think in very idealistic ways until you find yourself in a mess that you don't know how to get out of without hurting anyone.
I would do it since I'm garbage anyway, lowering my standards for love.
seems extremely simple, the person coming on to you is going to be way less upset than the person you are currently with
What you are offering is something that nobody in the real world can offer. Your hypothetical situation means nothing. You can never know whether this new girl will be loyal to you. You can never know that this new girl will be better than the old girl. You've tried to construct a scenario in which all risk is removed, but in the real world this doesn't happen.
I would never leave someone that I am HAPPY with over a maybe.
It would depend on a lot of factors. What is it that I like about the first girl? Are we just together because we're both lonely and nothing else?
If so, then yes, I'd move on, and I would hope she would do the same in my position. A chance to really be happy
>lowered your standards
Lmao, i can settle for a shitty meal, a shitty computer.
For love? No thanks, i rather not having any in the first place.
No but I wouldn't realistically lower my standards anyway. I would rather be alone than pretend to be attracted to somebody I'm not and I understand if women feel the same way about me.
Hell yeah. I don't hate woman for being picky whores, I'd the same thing. I'm only a virgin because I refuse to date fat ugly hos.
>Lmao, i can settle for a shitty meal, a shitty computer.
>For love? No thanks, i rather not having any in the first place.
This. You're talking about the person you're gonna spend the majority of your personal time with, you have to be very desperate to settle. Not settling proves that your world is already rich enough without woman.
I would stay with my gf for two reasons. One is that I'm already happy with her and enjoy my time with her and two is that I would be loyal to her and not go around dumping or cheating on girls just because. I would stay with her for as long as we are both happy in a good relationship. Looks are not all that matter to me.
This is probably why I'm a KHV. Women prefer men that would drop them like a sack of shit for another woman.
>because you lowered your standards
ya all postin in a bait thread
No? It's called a practice gf.
Of course not. To be a man means to have agency and control. If you do that shit, you are no better than a fucking nigger. Pick one, settle down, and start a family
I did this in high school, little did I know that the pretty girl was doing it out of pity and didn't even know about the other relationship. The new one lasted maybe a few months and we never even had sex, the first girl already moved on and hated me.
I'm still convinced that the first girl is my dream girl personality wise, and I made a really bad decision. The regret keeps me up at night sometimes.
>more interesting girl shows up
Oh okay, I guess I just turn off the love from the old gf, dump her, get together with the new girl, and turn on the love for the new girl. That's how it works.
>he doesn't know
I thought people did this all the time
no what? can your reply be more incoherent?
Well, if I theoretically "got" the first girlfriend by "lowering my standards", that means I wouldn't actually be in love with her. Our entire relationship would be a fraud, and a mere act of calculation on my part.
OTOH, if the new girl has rung my bell enough for me to notice her while I'm "in a relationship", it's pretty clear that's *not* a calculation, but is instead a legitimate and sincere attraction.
On that basis I break up with the first girl because our relationship is a lie anyway and she deserves to meet someone who actually wants her, instead of being a practice gf. When I date someone without being completely wiped out by a crush, I'm a huge dick anyway - because it means nothing to me - so it's not like she's really losing anything.
Do you refuse to understand the obvious or are you retarded and therefor incapable of connecting simple inference?
Always stay faithful to the first girl.
t. someone who fucked up
I would unironically dump current gf and be alone out of shame
the time aspect is ultimately what's most important. how long have we been together etc
No, I tell her to fuck off, if I'm already happy with the first girl then she's obviously the person I dream about
apparently you can form coherent sentences.
It was not obvious since your original reply didnt relate in any way to what you were replying to:
A: its a bait thread
B: No? It's called a practice gf.
What are you asking something is "No"?
How a bait thread or lowering standards have anything to do with an imaginary thing that floats around as a joke in r9k?
I guess i fell for the bait since i am replying...
I don't want to break their heart, so even if I've somehow gained omniscient powers and know the future you've set out for me, that the new girl and I will always be happy, I wouldn't do it, because I would hurt my girlfriend in the process, and presumably I love her if we're happy together.
Kind of a dumb thread, you could've made it have a catch beyond "you break your happy girlfriend's heart."
I don't really understand love, so I can only go for the pseudo logical thing here and pursue the better woman.
If I was straight, that is.
>wanting a gf ever
what are you kidding me?
of course i would. It's literally upgrading.
Thats legit what roasties do. Men aren't shameless opportunists which will always upgrade. The females main goal is to find a guy she can worship and try to tie down into marriage, which is why she upgrades.
A dude will legit stay with a girl who isn't as pretty.
thinking just like stacy does.
This is why I would never settle.
>You guys are happy together
So why would I leave? Stupid thread.
Nice try but the moral of OP's story is to NOT settle.
Girls will always find someone new. Guys must take every opportunity to win.
If it's been a week, I would take the new one. If it's been 10 years, I wouldn't
Do you mean a week of dating or a week of being an "official" couple?
male success isn't based around the female. as a failure of a man will not attract many females.
There are many reasons which i will stay with the less cute current gf i has
>sexual partner count
>she's used to my bs already i do not have to feel insecure around her
>i already know her well enough to deal with her bs
>perhaps she already satisfies me in bed
Upgrading for a more stacy gf isn't winning. If a males only point of success in life is to get a hot gf then he's really no worse than a vapid roastie who's dream is to fuck and marry chad.
Then why do they hate what they would willingly become?
Dont know, personally think id just keep the loyal gf because who knows if i even get along with the prettier girl
I have no interest in women who would actually go for someone who is disloyal enough to leave their current relationship for them.
If you just started who cares? You probably don't even know her middle name by then.
roughly a matter weeks of being together, as teens it was common to just exclaim that you're a couple immediately when the other one agrees to come on the first date, i've been out of the game ever since so idk how different it would be now
this is reminiscent of the dude from Gantz
See you keep saying stacy. OP said nothing about stacy. He basically said a better version of what you have. If you are satisfied with mediocrity you do you. A man should always look to improving all aspects of his life.
You will be mediocrity if you focus on having the cutest gf you have rather than succeeding as an individual. You can be a success with women while completely single.
I bring up stacy because if you continue the cycle you're upgrading thats what you're going to end up with. You need to realize that depending on how pretty the girl is the more vapid and shallow she can possibly be. How do you think a 9/10 who has been showered with attention all of her life, and has had very few hardships is going to behave?
Extremely pretty women can be incredibly shallow, and vapid.
You also think like a stacy, if you think upgrading from your current gf unless she's a fat/ugly pig is a measure of success.
I would just fuck both of them
They would both be more attracted to me as a result anyway
You keep adding on to what OP posted to make yourself seem right. He never said anything about a constant cycle of upgrades. Also never once did i say that was my focus. I just said yes i would upgrade.
so if your goal is to improve all aspects of your life, why would your goal also to be to stop improving?
It's only logical that if you improve slightly you try to continue your improvement.
Which is why i figured he'd try to upgrade over and over and over. Tbh if you have a loyal 6/10 gf, who understands you well, and is kind. There's no reason to upgrade to a 7/10 who'd you'd have to go through the tedium of getting to know what upsets her and what she likes all over.
If things are going great with the current gitl I'm dating and shes loyal and caring I wouldn't cheat.
Meh if i have a chance to get a better girl i will. I'm not going for stacy, just better. Improvement is key for growth. Learning contentedness is also key.
this is why ugly girls shouldn't even date, shouldn't have sex, should just isolate themselves or commit suicide.
the problem with being ugly is that there will always be someone more attractive than you and as a woman no man values a girl for anything other than looks.
getting a slightly cuter gf isn't growth. You've basically cut your ties with a girl who was working and keeping you satisfied and happy, purely for a girl you don't even know will work out in the long run.
I'll try to explain it in a more shallow way, which you'll understand. I'm into girls with big long nipples, lets say I my current 6/10 gf has this.
A 7/10 comes along, and I have no way of gauging whether her body will be as sexually attractive to me.
You're suggesting I'm dumping somebody in a relationship that has already satisfied me and turns me on very much sexually, for some off chance that the 7/10 will be better?
Male Mentality: If it aint broke, don't try to fix it
Roastie Mentality: My current bf is such a sweet guy, he fucks me so well, and he keeps me very happy, but i just met a sexier guy today and I'm going to risk my current relationship for him.
Your idea of improvement isn't logical, it's a shallow and very feminine idea of improvement. Because there's no way of telling if that prettier girl will work out better without dating her for as long as your current gf, but you'd have to destroy a relationship just to do that.
If 6/10 is keeping you satisfied, is loyal, and isn't giving you bs, absolutely no reason to upgrade on a whim.
If I'd found someone who was that loyal to me, then I'm staying with them
I wouldn't. If I already have a good girlfriend I don't need nor want to gamble on better possibility. I would be satisfied with what I had now.
I would be with both. #poly
You say all this but if the opportunity was presented to you, im sure you would upgrade. Remember OP said it is literally a better version.
>You have the option to dump your current gf you settled for for the type of girl you dream about
It's literally the girl of your dreams like OP said. So that means all your "preferences" would be there too.
Ok then the hypothesis is completely phony and impossible. Sure I would in your phony hypothesis upgrade, but IRL no.
You people argue and frame this entire scenario as if it was plausible.
There's no way if knowing if she's the girl of my dreams without fucking her and getting to know her more.
you guys r dumb
the difference is if you love her or not
if you love her you're not interested in the new one
if you're interested in the new one you didnt love your original gf
>Ok then the hypothesis is completely phony and impossible.
I agree. Which is why IF it were true and people said they wouldn't they are absolute liars.
they're just answering it like if it was real life. I don't think it's intentionally lies.
Why should i trade my current gf for a "upgrade" again? No matter how much "better" the new one is, they're not the same person.
Just because there's a better person for me out there doesn't mean i have to jump to a new ship.
Some people don't give a shit unlike you stacy.
gonna sound like a fag, but it depends on how I feel.
The girl I like right now may not be as pretty as other girls I know, but there's just something about her that I can't resist. If that's the same with this girl and I assume it is, I'd pick her over the prettier girl any day.
Except you don't know me or my loyalty for another. Even if my "dream" girl were to show up doesn't mean I would easily w able to trust them or fall in love. No one's perfect and I don't know if I would ever be able to date someone like that without my own insecurities ruining it all. I also don't like this mentality of trading up. I value you. My time and effort and if that's placed into someone I'm not just going to walk away when a better option is n becomes available.
I guess it depends on how interesting the new girl is. I don't really care about how a girl looks, but I have more in common and get a long better with the new girl I'm not going to pretend like I wouldn't develop feelings for her.
I wouldn't dump my girlfriend over it since if I'm happy I wouldn't really have a reason to. But I would most likely develop a close friendship with her.