whoa............................ Jow Forums has finally been btfo.
Whoa............................ Jow Forums has finally been btfo
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He's just a fucking pretender.
sorry home slice, you're just in denial.
I'm too autistic for a gf.
Have been hit on/molested by girls before and I shied away from them because it made me feel overwhelmed/uncomfortable
Yet I still want a gf.
He probably had the help he needed for his very mild autism.
>literally have autism
>has a twitter
So he has """""""autism""""""""
What does he look like? Most people on twitter who bitch about being ugly aren't actually ugly.
Looks aren't all that matter when it comes to relationships. ONS? Sure, looks matter but in a LTR it doesn't as much, if at all.
How much do you fucking type out the words one night stand for it to be worth an acronym? Kill yourself you retard.
Oh yeah for sure. I'm sure he's probably right about what he's saying, I just doubt he's legitimately ugly.
>So he has """""""autism""""""""
This. It's disgusting how many people treat autism like some fad desu. Also remember these people are sucking up tax dollars from actual autists and make everyone hate autistic people in general.
Tone the autism down.
Ah yeah fair enough.
Pretty sure it's the incel autistics that make people hate autists. I know two people with legit can't-speak-more-than-two-words listens-to-the-same-song-on-repeat-forever autism and they're actually cool when they do interact. This tard makes you all look bad.
Oh no, it's retarded. :(
People on here triggered by the littlest things.
>I know two people with legit can't-speak-more-than-two-words listens-to-the-same-song-on-repeat-forever autism and they're actually cool when they do interact.
I obviously don't mean people like that. I just know people in real life who have Munchhausen syndrome and have been diagnosed with a bunch of unverifiable meme diseases to abuse the benefits.
oh shit it almost seems like """"""""""""""""our situations must be completely alike""""""""""""""
Or maybe you're just fucking retarded like everyone says.
5 9 white boy wants to tell me how easy getting a gf is as a 5 4 ethnik
Using his twitter fame to get some girl to like him.
the literally must've been a millenial """literally"""
it's probably possible in America where average male is 5'9
try being 5'9 and a 6.5inch dicklet in Europe with female average being 5'10
>with female average being 5'10
user, I think your conversions are a little off...
>samefags and pretends multiple people are saying the same thing
>responds to multiple people but thinks they're samefagging
Jesus, you can't get anything right lol
>Using acronyms for LTR
Holy shit you cuvk
5'10 is like 177cm, what you have to understand is that we have a thing called the "big demographics" - the largest demographics of people are from the baby boom after WW2
older, shorter people with posture taking even more off bring the average down a lot, when measured on people under 30 it's easily a minimum of +5cm on the national average
>I'm ugly but someone found me attractive enough to start a relationship with
Yeah okay.
And immigrants are from poor Asian countries or the Middle-East so they bring the height average down too
European teen girls are easily 5'9 on average if not 5'10 in the Netherlands and Scandinavia
survivorship fallacy
or he is just lying
>believing someone
>on the internet
why are deathclaws a meme now?
Bitter 190cm falseflagging virgin detected. At least make your lies believable.
>he showed my memes wrong by facts
>he must be lying
>surprised the young people demographic of literally the tallest people on planet Earth are tall
I already said it's not like this everywhere, but I happen to be a manlet in this part of the world
probably because it looks like a found footage if you blur it then shade it darker
Isn't Beardson pretty much straddling the precipice of homelessness? He definitely doesn't have a wife.
If you don't know who these cretins are it's like a twitter circle jerk and all their posts are a wince fest tbqh
glad I left twitter in 2017
In no European country is the average female 177cm tall. That is exceptionally tall. Just admit you are lying, nobody is buying it.
Height statistics are almost always taken from the youngest generation of adults.
wtf I suddenly got a gf from reading it how will I ever recover
And even then there isn't a single country in the world where the average female height is taller than 172cm let alone 177cm.
op why are you posting your own tweets
>mfw americucks are so short they can't fathom someone being over 5'9
>tfw dinaric, everyone here is 6'2 or taller
I'm basically a manlet here at like 5'11. Imagine what people who are 5'7 feel like in europe. Literally subhumans, probably have some black or asian admixture. If not worse
Your girls are still on the average 15cm shorter than you.
Dinarics are the tallest people in the world. They're hardly representative of Europeans as a whole.
> word "literally"
> twitter with million likes and followers
If his proposal that "5'9 is short" is to be correct it's safe to assume that he's not ugly and autistic and just little below average and a bit eccentric, he's blowing it way out of proportion as all "i'm slightly below average so i'm just like you" people do. Try being 5'4 and legitimately autistic.
>europe is one country meme
there's no greater tell of burger larp than this
i live in frogistani and the average male height in young people is barely 5'10
brits aren't very tall either
go down to spain, portugal, greece... manlets everywhere
went to america and i was amazed to see so many people taller than me (5'11), over here it's frequent i stand in public transport and find only 2-3 people at my height or taller
it's mostly very specific pocket-sized countries that have crazy tall people, like the netherlands
Try being 5.4 lmao, you are not even considered a man.
>incel autists that make people hate autists
Most autists are incel autists. Especially the more extreme cases. No one wants to marry a literal tard. I think you're one of those '''autists''' who thinks they're 'one of da reel ones'
>I think
Don't do that again lmao
I you're scared of thinking but just know there are other people in the world that can do it without short-circuiting.
I'm an autist but I also have self-awareness. That's the worst combination. I wish I could be blissfully unaware like these people that post on Twitter or Discord all day. That's not me. To exist as me is to cringe.
Stop using acronyms that nobody has any idea what the fuck they mean! We get it, you're too insecure or "cool" or don't want to sound like a pseudointellect.
Ironic punctuation by the way! But I'm serious, stop being this dumb!!!
I don't think you're autistic. I'm pretty sure actual autism is a lack of self-awareness.
Then I'm a sperg. Same shit.
>I you're scared of thinking
>people in the world that can do it without short-circuiting.
I guess you're not one of them lol
>i have autism
>its easy bro lol u just suck
why do normies say this?
>incels btfo
>haha Jow Forums you got wrecked11!11!1one!!1!
when will this meme end? Jow Forums is for robots, not redditcels you fucking autists
>m-muh argument from personal incredulity
Just face it, you're a bigger failure than you thought
Im not that user, but i know im a big failure, Im a 5'2 child face turbo manlet, i know this alone wouldnt be such a big problem if it wasnt for my lack of social skills and balls in general to make something.
The dude in OP's pic also isnt making any point, first we dont know how he looks like, second he is clearly extraverted and has experience talking and hanging out with girls.
Im also in a STEM degree so i never get to hang around women.
Have you considered transitioning? If you're that short and have a baby face you'd look extremely feminine. You'd probably get a tonne of attention and guys fawning over you.
Quit trying to turn people into faggots
No, im not a faggot and i will never even consider injecting my ass with hormones. Quit trying to push people to do this
I'm not trying to turn her into anything. She already has the frame and appearance of a girl, I'm just trying to help her embrace who she is and help her be happy.
>she'd rather be a miserable eternal incel than swallow her pride and acknowledge who she is
Don't wait too long to change your mind
Ignore reiko, if you become a tranny all you'd do is leave a hideous corpse.
It would not happen if it didnt create cute girls
Try to consider it if you arent 23+
this. incels are actual autists and they are very annoying
>sucking up tax dollars from actual autists
I hope you fucking kys, like fucking NOW. Get some rope, tie a noose, and let yourself dangle by the fucking neck until you strangle, you worthless piece of fucking shit. Work for your living instead of living off of my dime and then complaining if somebody else also is a leech. Worthless pile of fucking shit you are. Autism or not, work. Period.
>[...] lmao
There is no more normie behavior than ending a segment of speech with a laughing acronym. It's the online equivalent of "looking around and appealing to the group" after trying to land a sick burn one someone, "amirite other members of the The Group? xD"
Wait can we not say cuck now?
>reeing over neet benefits when his tax dollars get wasted on a myriad of things anyway
Is he 5'5" though? If you're poor and ugly and short you have practically no chance of getting a non-fat gf
Ding Ding Ding!
What do you this if someone is not autistic (being diagnosed with it)? Is there an actual medical term for it (besides being a pussy)?
This. White europeans are fucking tall. Even the women
>Literally Autistic
>No friends IRL at all
>3 Inch Erect Dick
I still have a GF. Yall are just not trying. I am really sorry to say I agree with the twittertard.
Well where is she? what is her name? How can I find her?
He's been posting about incels all day
>taking irony bros seriously
>i'm 5'9 so i'm short just like you guizzzzzz
I hate this meme. Try being 5'6.
Not to mention by the looks of his twitter he's still a teenager. He's obviously still growing, he also most likely lost his virginity as a teenager, normalfags claiming to be "just like you" is really infuriating.
even 5'6'' is tall compared to me
>t. 5'4''
beardson's wife is fat as fuck and he roleplays on twitter as a chad all day
beardson is so fucking pathetic
>implying there's enough low standards gfs to go around
Then tell us how to do it, faggot. You're not helping.
beardson has a wife she is just fat