Presenting the worst of the female gender on twitter.
Very consistent, this lady.
ok bye with ur whorephobia
That's right, fuccboi. Real respect is deepthroating me in a choker until I vomit
Tradmarriage makes 'em feel a little uncomfortable.
Not a SINGLE retail job.
Go out & enjoy yourself, boss.
TED has really gone down hill, huh?
Disease shaming is a bad thing.
That's a shitty take
you go girlfriend
>autistic people
Give me money for being gay!
Likes: 27k.
The true semen sorceress?
Quality men date quality women.
Gotta artificially decrease those numbers, boys.
Finally some good fucking humor.
Average /cgl/ poster
89k likes too many
God willing, Inshallah.
That's a lotta birth control, lady.
Which one of you cucks donated to this woman?
Just a sandwich, lady.
Seconded ONLY to Harry Potter. The true intellectual's novel.
9th time? I can't even jerk off more than once every two days anymore.
She's right , I don't understand why anybody here would hate sex work .
quality thread, post more, oregano
>"support underage sex workers"
>checks account to determine if it's a troll
>19K tweets
>pic related
You salty fucks have no right to complain about sex workers when it's the only way in hell you're ever gonna get laid.
fuck off whore
I can always go to africa and have sex with niggers
seems to be a fake tweet
>"I have so much power over males, yes objectification of women is terrible, but boobs legit get you anything you want and rn I love it'
She's a drug user and has googled a suicide support line based on her recent tweets.
Deep down, the roastie knows that it is a roastie.
Some bitter virgin searched for "sex work".
I understand. You need mo' money for them outfits. You do you, girlfriend.
I would enjoy sex work if STDs didn't exist. I'm not going to pay at least 200 dollars to fuck someone with a piece of plastic on my dick, and I'm also not going to pay 200 dollars to catch an STD.
Also no sane, well off woman does sex work. Paying sex workers allows them to continue their shitty lives of doing drugs and being lazy. If you cared about their feelings you wouldn't do it, but I don't care about their feelings.
Good thread lads, enjoyed reading through it
Have I been out of the loop too long or is this a new feminist tactic? Either way, it's not a very good one since being supportive of hookers is one of the least feminist things I can think of.
I think it's similar to homophobia, as in people associate the word phobia with fear, thus implying that people don't dislike gays/whores but are just somehow intimidated by them.
Laughable stuff if you ask me
>and has googled a suicide support line based on her recent tweets.
So she's also a giant attention whore. not surprising.
>tfw gay
>don't have to deal with roasties
>all this talk about how they "love controlling men with their sexuality" and how it's "femme power" or some bullshit
>I just see them for the disgusting animals they are
Daily reminder all w*men should be killed, and are not human.
This may be the greatest thing I have ever read. What a fucking legend