Please get angry over this picture and defend Trump

Please get angry over this picture and defend Trump.

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He has small hands lmao drumpf.

Reddit spotted, please leave fag

Drumftards btfo xD two scoops covfefe xD

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>Please get angry over a political cartoon
Political cartoons have sort of been out of vogue for the past 30 years.

>He says after furiously jacking off to political caricatures of Democrats
I'm not giving you a (You), by the way.

What point does this picture trying to make?

i think you're confusing us for

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>imagine things
>get mad over them

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user is a degenerate. Go back to pol

hahahaha DRUMPF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I would've voted for Barry a 3rd time.

South Korea literally gave him credit for this thaw.

I'm no frogposter but I mean, I think Trump just gets Kim Jong Un at a deep primal level in a way leaders like Obama and Bush and Jinping don't.

If this shit doesn't fall apart he will deserve the peace prize far more than Obama does, and his presidental legacy will look a lot more favorable than it does now.

Well Obama got the peace prize for droning the ME, I think Trump is a bit more qualified at this point.

un has completely gone cuck, what an absolute loser, i was looking forward to stacking korean fucks ten feet high in the korean war v2 like based clint eastwood

I'm gonna laugh my ass off if Trump turns out to be more of a peacemonger than that Nobel Peace Prize winner Obama. I'm still kind of awe struck at how much warmongering Obama got away with fairly muted mainstream criticism simply because he ran on a democratic ticket.

"Hurr durr lets arm Syrian freedom fighters. Who cares about the waves of refugees with a 5th grade education that will flood out throughout the world because of this nonsense"

Thanks Barry. Best peace prize recipient since that War Criminal Kissinger.

Attached: OBAMA_DRONE.jpg?zoom=1.75&resize=678%2C381&ssl=1.jpg (779x438, 52K)

The best part is that they gave him the Nobel Peace Prize in 2009, that was even before he completely fucked up the Middle east.

Attached: President_Barack_Obama_with_the_Nobel_Prize_medal_and_diploma.jpg (1199x1599, 1.48M)

it's more that Trump for whatever reason actually gives a shit about NK whereas the others don't. some people will swat pests away and ignore them while others will try to kill them or find a permanent solution.

Didn't he literally orchestrate this though? There was that interview with the South Korean minister that said that it was his pressure on the Norks that got it to actually happen

thanks for the excuse to post this oc i made

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That might be part of it, but one of the main factors was that Trump was able to get China to agree to increased sanctions on NK, which was absolutely massive. Treating Gook Nukem as an equal as a world leader also helped a lot, I'm sure. A lot of shit had to happen to get us this far and a lot of it is because Trump is doing what he said he'd do: make some fucking deals. Now the big question is, do we leave SK? Doing so would mean that we wouldn't have a reason to have a CBG lurking around the South China Sea, like the Theodore Roosevelt was earlier this month. I think that we should fuck off and let SEA figure this shit out for themselves, but I'm sure that the Pentagon sees things differently.

If he somehow gets ZOG to stop fucking the middle east up, we should just formally declare him God Emperor.

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Thanks for posting it. This is what the thread really needed 2bh.

>Gook Nukem

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Obama didn't fuck up the middle east. You're literally underage if you think that. The middle east has been on a downward spiral ever since the 80s, it wasn't bad before that time. Now it's a shithole because it has been bombed back and forth, while the inhabitants despise all outsiders for what they have done; thus, fueling the war machine.

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that nigger obama got one just for not being bush, even though he just doubled down on what bush had done anyway.

Pulling out of Iraq in 2009 was one of Obama's worst mistakes ever, did you forget what happened afterwards? If it wasn't for Putin jumping in as well ISIS would be a literal caliphate by now.

t. Repeating a think tank's opinion word for word

>it wasn't bad before the 80s
what the fuck was the 6 day war and the iranian revolution and blah blah blah. But even before that, the region's been getting fucked in the ass good and hard by every world power since WW1 (especially the UK), and ofc before that there were a gorillion other shitfests. Anyway, Obama's contribution to the mess was the Arab Spring, although I'm kinda hesitant to pin it on him when Clinton, McCain, Bibi, and other shitbags had a more direct role in creating that mess. BO probably just signed off on it and went back to sucking his wife's dick.

if you think it wasn't bad before the 80's you're underage faggot

Like others are saying the middle east was mostly fucked up by the west after WWI, the Kurds were especially fucked by the west. Ultimately though you've got to really blame the people who live there for making it continue to be a shithole a century later, they're the ones killing middle-easterners the most.

it's very obvious to me

little rocket man was withdrawn and insane because he feared globalist influence. he did not want to end up the way Japan and South corea did. drumpf is the only president in the last 100 years to succeed in severely pulling back our foreign influence, and it took a minute to convince Kimmy