why don't normal people realize that if we actually followed their advice we would be in a worse place than where we are?
Why don't normal people realize that if we actually followed their advice we would be in a worse place than where we...
Why was freddy got fingered the last great movie ever made?
9/11 ruined entertainment
Normal people don't realize shit.
Because they don't give advice to actually help other people, they do it to make themselves feel good. The consequences are meaningless to them.
Have you tried following said advice?
This, and also: they refuse to accept the fact that any "hard work" they put into getting where they are in life is, at most, only half of the formula. The other half (or more) is everything that was bestowed upon them by pure chance; genetics, upbringing, opportunities, etc.
They consider their success to be the fruits of their "hard work" and not a coalescing of everything in life lining up in their favor. To think anything else would shatter their ego.
So of course the only "advice" they have to offer is rife with worthless platitudes, because they have the other half of the formula that we don't. Anything times zero is still zero.
The only thing you have control over is the work you put in. Every day that you attempt something, you create opportunities for that something to happen. Without that, you have no opportunities for that something to happen. If you want something, you have to keep trying for it until it happens, and keep doing the things that improve your chances of it happening.
For example, a person's SMV is massively determined by how much work they put into themselves on a daily basis.
Let's use muscle building as an example.
Past the starter 12, a moderately fit person can expect to put on 1/2 a pound of muscle a month just through regular workouts and a impeccably clean diet. Imagine eating clean, keep up with your measurements and macros, and pumping iron 5 times a week just for 1/2 a pound of payoff at a time. Without it, there's no opportunity to improve in this metric.
Unattractive because of genetics? You can't control that. You do however have lots of ways you can improve your image and give yourself the best chance possible to have the life you want, through consistent, daily effort. Would you rather have a 20% chance to have the life you want, or 40%?
Picking up women is much of the same. For 99 girls that reject you, 1 will accept you. You slog through the 100, day after day, just to find the 1. Without that work & dedication, the odds are stacked against you. With that work & dedication, it's inevitable you hit the sweet spot one day.
Robots will not follow any advice given to them because they are too lazy or stupid.
Those are still pretty shit chances either way. And it's still multiplying by zero.
Thinking you start at zero is totally unrealistic for someone who's posting here. The only people who start close to zero are those with severe genetic defects that would leave them incapable of even using the internet.
The odds I provided were already pessimistic for a reasonably capable male. You'd be surprised how much of your attractiveness just comes from attitude, frame, and body composition, all of which are under your control.
> Tried for 10 years
> Nothing
Well, but I guess I have better chances now. Olololololo.
So you'd agree that white and male privilege are real things?
What have you tried? Have you reflected on why it didn't work? What have you done to make it work?
>be me
>be born with all sorts of chronic shit
>major cancer in 20's
>can't get full time employment, energy is fucked
>can't work out, joints are fucked
>guess what, you get to be a socially retarded turbo autist too! -universe
>ugly manlet
>veritable wizard
Even if I accepted your assertion, what fucking difference is it going to make at this point? Like, I'll maybe have my shit together in five to eight years and meet the 43 year old landwhale divorcee of my dreams? With any luck, my cancer will relapse by then and I'll die the pathetic worthless virgin I am.
Men with high SMV don't date in their age bracket; no one wants a washed up woman if they have other options. Women peak in their 20s, men peak in their 30s-40s. If you truly have your shit together in 5-8 years then young pussy is always on the table.
You should be building a foundation for life after your cancer relapse. Everything in life is about chance and improving your odds for that chance. There is no life apart from the grind.
The grind being:
>1. What can I do to increase my chances of getting x
>2. How can I keep trying at x. More iterations = more success. If you have a 1% chance of pulling a women, you better be approaching 100 women a day.
Otherwise nothing is ever going to happen for you and you might as well go ahead and die, sure.
because most normies had an easy life. No hardship and were wealthy enough to not have to worry about anything. They had medical covered, and never worked hard labor.
Easy to talk shit from an ivory tower while the waters high below and us poor people are tyring to stay afloat on drift wood.
I enjoyed it but it's still one of the worst movies ever made
They do not care about your feelings, they are animals, beyond iq they are not very different from herd animals such as dog or sheep.
Yep. Men and white people are genetically advantaged compared to nogs and roasties.
> What have you tried?
Gym, finding a better job, education, diet, clothes & haircut, hanging out with normals.
> Have you reflected on why it didn't work?
I have no second hald of the formula which the user have mentioned earlier.
> What have you done to make it work?
Done it. What kind of question is this? Are you waiting for 80's training montage starring me?
>if we actually followed their advice we would be in a worse place than where we are?
Depends on the advice. Normalfag advice like exercising, maintaining a routine, eating healthy and sleeping well is solid and would put you in a better place.
"Just be yourself" and "ask out every girl you see" is a good way to have your life ruined if you're a robot, though.
Sure sure, they all go moist for hideous manlets.
What a fantastic coming-of-age family comedy.