party dabbers in the house tonight edition
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road trip lads get in
>printing off some CVs for a new position work
>in the extra skills bit one brags about being good at computers and typing fast
>there's a typo in that line
Don't let the man get you down, lads.
when you're a straight guy and your friend is over watching a movie but the sofa is pretty small and after a few drinks your hand accidentally touches his thigh and instead of moving it away he places his hand on top of yours
oh god the horror, just end it anons
Oh no you might catch teh gay
Lad just make it clear you're not interested, your sexuality/masculinity isn't under threat or anything. Just make your boundaries clear, him being a dude doesn't really change anything
>tfw you need not apply
Feels bad man. Have some more Fatboy Slim though
Hey up lads.
Is the piano still in the Bullring in Birmingham? I might go for a drive and play some tunes to annoy the Muslims.
>tfw ur gay and ur straight friends never hit on you
Sorry lad but poo posting is a core part of britfeel, always has been. Nothing wrong with sharing your terrible habits and diet here.
I had 2 cornettos for breakfast however it's spelt
New discover weekly lads
tfw you know you need to do cardio but you hate it so much
All cardio, all the time
Lifting is for onions who overcompensate
Get smol or go home
>annoy the muslims
more like annoy all the short chinese people wearing the exact same designer clothes lad
My best gay friend would clearly fuck me if he could but doesnt make a big deal about it
>best gay friend
How do you rank them, lad? Got a system?
just starting to get a whiff of my BO
thanks for the reminder fren, trash so far
He's both my best friend and my best gay friend. His bf is my 2nd best gay friend
Have a shower lad. Don't forget behind the ears or you'll 'av cabbages growing
I don't go Birmingham often but last time I went it was 100% Muslims. It was something else. Muslim girls can be qt.
Give me some obscure anime to watch lads
That's a cute post lad, heart warming. You ever spoon or anything no homo?
haha he ever given you a blowie haha
got some /daywalk/s at river hamble country park yesterday
54 to be exact
It's about a 50/50 split between rich asian manlets and muslim manlets desu
I don't know which group I hate more. On one hand the asians literally all dress the same and wear these faggot harry potter glasses (everyone mocks them for it, pretty funny), but on the other hand the muslims are always committing crimes and shit
Either way get me out of here lad
no but my dad used to all the time
No he's quite fat. Nice guy though
Dunno if I'd call it obscure but you should watch Berserk 1997. Do it lad, it's 10/10
Reminder that Griffith did everything wrong
Alot of dog walkers and ALOT of trees
Already seen, the intro always makes me feel sad
whats a cool name for a chihuahua
Have you seen Black Butler?
Yeah it's pretty harrowing throughout to be fair. Just felt the need to recommend it as it's a personal favorite.
>whats a cool name for a chihuahua
I got sent there a few weeks ago because work thinks I'm lying about having a bad back (even with doctors notes) so they sent me there to occupational health to try and "trap" me I guess. It didn't work.
The second I got out of my car I was walking behind a nog who was openly smoking a joint.
thats a fucking gay name
I'll give it a shot, much love
El Chupacabra
originally is a good name for a chihuahua
took this over the fields recently lads
it's a pretty gay dog too
shame the sun wasn't out, but ah well
nice one lid
This place is quite the shithole, lad. Everyone is either depressed or a druggie. Crime rate is going through the roof. Nogs are also a problem, as always.
Makes me want to go postal
kind of long
could just call him chup
yeah well im fucking gay af
Wanna trade, user?
True say, friend.
Based Berry, of course you'd agree.
>Live in Staffordshire
>Mostly everyone is white
>Crimes are just wiggers doing minor things and thinking they're gangsta
>Some absolute semen demons exist in town
Good feel I guess
Isn't that just american chavs
>walk down street
>woman walking the other way
>she crosses to the other side rather than walk past me
who else here /scummylooking/?
just call them chavs ffs. wiggers is an american term
That happens when I do /nightwalk/s
I originally typed chavs but chavs don't really exist here any more.
The only ones causing problems are the white people who act like niggers, thus: wiggers.
When I think of chav I think of Jeremy Kyle scum who aren't trans-niggers, just subhumans with bad fashion taste.
Ive been told I look like a school shooter, feels good to scare normies by just existing
wiggers aren't in the UK, you're thinking of roadmen the modern day chavs i.e white and black people who act hard and do scumbag shit
started working on some shelves for my shed lids. I started prepping what will be the uprights as they are recycled wood so nails need to be removed. more effort than i expected tbqh.
how tall are you laddo?
Morning lads n lasses and people with glasses
Mashiroiro Symphony is probably the most obscure thing I've watched
Moeshit as well lo
>The only ones causing problems are the white people who act like niggers,
isnt that literally chavs? they have always copied black people
>, just subhumans with bad fashion taste.
they are just mongy working class lads. chav stands for council house and violent, in other words a chav is a working class violent person.
We don't really use the term "roadman" around here, lad. I hear it very seldom.
ah pretty common around here, high crime area
Alright, lads? What's the plan for today, then?
I just had a shower there. I'll probably go to the shop soon and get something for dinner as well as a few cans of Pepsi Max, perhaps.
I had an Uncle Ben's Rice Time for brunch. They aren't terrible, to be honest. The sugar and saturated fats aren't too bad in 'em but the salt is quite high.
It seems like quite a warm day so might sit out the back and do a bit of reading. Who knows.
It's a new week, lads. I hope it goes well for all of you.
It's afternoon lid
Just end me. Would KILL to be 5'10''
Worst Robbie song, fucking terrible this is.
Even has the cheek to reference the Beastie Boys, for shame Robbie. For shame.
>Pepsi Max
What you gonna be reading, lad?
Another chill day for me desu, eating sausage rolls as I type.
Enjoy and take care
got a new waterproof jacket and a frying pan arriving, for when I go camping in a few weeks sick of only cooking things in boiling water
Why can't people in England talk like characters in Dragon's Dogma.
>Aught aught aught aught aught aught aught
>Naught naught naught naught naught
are you going to take a timestamped picture of youre hrt pills when they arrive?
they do in the shit parts
>new waterproof jacket and a frying pan arriving
Shitposting from work as usual, then going home to exercise on the hopes of the welfare state collapsing
Sure I guess so, it's not like they're illegal drugs or anything
Not for me lid
>It's a new week, lads. I hope it goes well for all of you.
Same for you based dab lad
alright nice one pal
I got this Danielle Steele book in the charity shop. I might read it for a laugh and morbid curiosity. One of those authors I never read 'cause she seems to pump out books more than I pump out loads.
Sounds good, lad. Do you go camping alone?
Would be a bit rotten for me if the state collapsed but I'd adapt. I'd probably sleep in people's gardens stealthily.
how is the weather up there?
I've been up since 2 I'll probably go to sleep soon. Trying to stay up just in case job centre calls me but im so bored.
How long can you watch for?
>Do you go camping alone?
mostly, hike for a few hours then setup somewhere comfy next time I'm going to a site though with a mate who for some reason thinks a site has tons less insects than a forest
Wiggers are any white people who want to be black. Often middleclass white kids with fades and nas posters. Totally different to chavs.
Is it dab squad season or something
What do you dislike most about yourselves, lads? For me my height 100%
worst insects are fucking earwigs. hate them slimey bastards when camping. i like camping but I never get a comfy sleep in a tent and sleeping bag desu.
>get up
>fed the cats
>having cup of tea with some snacks (current status)
>play some vidya for a bit (next step)
>probably go into town and get some euros
>go to parents for din dins
Starting a 6 month long project on the actual submission date for uni.
>Why am i like this
This. The only wiggers I've met have lived very sheltered lives and dont realise they'd get the shit kicked out of them if they acted like that on the street
>What do you dislike most about yourselves, lads?
Anxiety. i am at peace with everything else.
>Go to work.
>Sue my employer for discrimination.
Sure feels good having "hurt feeling" laws in the UK.
NEETs have claimed dabbing from normies.
Not gigachad mode yet
Not enough characters in one post lass, it's a long list.
If I had to pick it'd be body hair, or my shoulders.
>my shoulders.
whatcha mean?