>Beats child to near death
>people crowdfund his bail because he's handsome
>is now hanging out with a-list celebrities
How does it feeI, Jow Forums? This man could kill six kids and get away with it while women will call the cops if you so much as stand within three meters of them.
Beats child to near death
Good for him, I know life ain't fair.
feels good man, genetically inferior subhumans who can't assert their dominance such as myself should NOT be able to reproduce or enjoy their lives in any meaningful way
It's all a matter of lighting. You could look good too under that light.
I'm just really disgusted at how he abandoned his former family. His wife is one of the few decent women who didn't ditch him even after he went to jail and she just get tossed over to the side like that. What a piece of shit he is.
>tfw 95% of wives/girlfriends would drop their panties for him upon request
>tfw 95% of wives/girlfriends would leave their loyal and loving husbands and boyfriends for him upon request
>tfw no wife or gf, I have ascended past the woman meme
>people crowdfund his bail
Why does this lie keep being repeated on Jow Forums so much? Because it fits their cuck fantasies?
You just admitted to being gay.
Let's be honest most of Jow Forums isn't going to look good in any kind of light.
False hope is a dangerous thing, false hope will kill a man.
B-but he's chad! I'm pretty sure he's a good person and had his reasons to beat a child into mush.
creeps like you are bad people if you don't love a chad like this!
What? Why are you autistic?
>can't into sarcasm
>calls me autistic
Yup, having an autistic personality is the absolute worst thing according to women/society.
Literally will be ostracized from society our entire lives and denied basic affection, while people like this are put on pedestals.
Yes, exactly because of cuck fantasies.
your hominem should prevail over your feelling, it semms morality has become "relative" lately
He's a Chad. He got married with some rich gal or something. Dumb girls will always go for men who are the shittiest version of chad. Nothing we can do about it, it's their choice.
Youre the autistic one. How didnt you get it. He's just referencing womens level of logic.
Do you really believe 5 out of 100 women are Smart? Youre being kind. Id say 5% is a bit high.
M8 if you're going to talk hybristophilia at least post a picture of Ted Bundy instead of this no name mongrel
He's dating and is having a kid with the Topshop heiress.
Women think it's their right to kill kids anyway, why the fuck would they genuinely care about some guy beating one near half to death unless he wasn't a Chad or Tyrone?
Maybe if you were actually a GENUINE nice guy like him you would also hang around a-list celebs. You bitter creep
Why would a genuine nice guy even want to hang out with the psychopaths in that group?
fucking beautiful
orenasdfa comment
He's very handsome in that pic. Very photogenic, but when you look at other pics of him he's nowhere near as good-looking as he seems based on that famous mugshot. In some pics he looks borderline retarded.
His criminal history along with the way he dumped his wife and family and hustled some billionaire's daughter into marrying him since he became famous imply he might be sociopathic.
>hustled some billionaire's daughter into marrying him since he became famous imply he might be sociopathic.
She's the sociopath. She hunted his ass down. Literally used her billionaire princess power to track and then contact this guy and arrange their first meeting. She's the one who convinced him to ditch his family and is basically keeping him as a trophy husband.
Poor Jeremy.
If a gorgeous girl killed like ten humans or kids, wouldn't be awesome to treath them like waifu material?
I've killed more kids, and fucked more women all without looking like a bright orange nigger.
It's very important to point out that it is all white women and white society that does this. White people are literal animals.
You seem a little obsessed with race. I'm guessing you're a hapa or mulatto.
Makes the atomic blackpill look like a dud.
Hahahahaha whoa dude glad you removed any subtlety from your joke. No one would get it without a laugh track so that last sentence was really useful. Yeah spelling your joke out is handy.
>it's the betabux scenario but this time it's Chad cucking the the roastie out of her money
He's ugly, but he has blue eyes.
If he had brown eyes, nobody would ever know about this mutt.