>Be me, male in my 20's
>About to start new retail job soon
>All the other employees are women
What can I expect?
Be me, male in my 20's
Other urls found in this thread:
Misery unless you're Chad which I seriously doubt. They will be bitching about you behind your back.
To constantly be the target of gossip during lunch hours
more misery
That's exactly what's worrying me.
I'm also expecting them to go "Oh, finally a guy who we can boss around to do all the dirty work".
Old ladies will fawn over you, and ask you questions constantly
That image you posted sums it up, men do everything while the woman stands around waiting to get fucked and after that leeches while and after the child is born.
lots of shit tests
drop your whiny bitchiness at the door
be a rock of a man and you'll be balls deep in some pussy
There are no old ladies though, they're all my age. Except for the boss who is in her 30's.
Sounds like a fair deal if you get laid, which I probably won't.
Please elaborate. You mean stuff like "hey user, help me with this thing that I actually can do perfectly fine by myself"?
Don't listen to all these faggots they're full of shit. You should expect a lot of bitching and drama but only amongst the females. If you keep to yourself and remain reserved which I would assume is your game plan, they will simply leave you alone. Be prepared to be asked by at least one of them why you're quiet and any other forms of interaction, but just deal with it in the best way you can. I'd give the usual "idk" until they leave you alone. Once you get past that the rest is history. Good luck user, you have nothing to worry about. Like I said, don't listen to these faggots, they're clearly all full of shit and have never worked a day in retail.
That's a great way to never get laid. Sure, be an unsociable virgin when you're surrounded by young pussy if you want. Or, learn how to be social in a female dominated environment.
>Sounds like a fair deal if you get laid
It ain't a fair deal, we still have our hands.
>That's a great way to never get laid
You ever hear the term don't shit where you eat? You utter spastic, he's there to earn money, not get tangled up in false rape charges.
Calm down dude, you got it all wrong. I never said my advice was geared towards getting him laid. He asked what was to be expected, and all these other anons were giving him these unrealistic answers as if he's walking into a fucking dominatrix porn video and they're going to treat him like slaves, and we both know that's not the case. Assuming that OP is an introvert like most 4channers, I was reassuring him that if he keeps to him self he wont be bothered, if that's what he's after. Obviously if his goal is to get laid (which I wouldn't have known because he didn't mention that in the OP) he'll have to step outside of his boundaries and learn to socialize. If he said that in the OP then I would've gave a different answer. Unfortunately I can't help him with that because I struggle to do that myself. Now under normal circumstances I'd tell you to get the fuck out because it's obvious that you aren't a virgin and know how to talk to the ladies, thus excluding you from being a robot, but since I too work and retail and want to get laid, why don't you tell us, oh intelligent one, how one gets laid on the job.
Working in retail is not a career, so it doesn't matter if he shits there.
They could bring 100 guys in such an environment, if none is Chad nobody is fucking any of them.
>Working in retail is not a career
Don't matter, it's a source of income. I've been wagecucking in the same place now for a year and a half simply because I haven't shat where I ate.
OP, I work with majority females. It sucks. I'm not going to go into detail but it sucks. Unless you are some chad, which I bet you are not. Just keep to yourself and they won't bother you, generally.
Working with women is about the most horrid work environment possible.
Seriously, have fun hearing them backstab, bitch, complain, avoid work, throw it off on you, etc.
When you give someone too much power and they have no moral compass they turn into shit.
Getting laid would be a bonus, but I'm mostly just hoping for a decent workplace so any advice is welcome.
I've heard men advance faster than women though, so as long as I don't become their beta bitch boy I might be able to climb a bit.
Sexual strategy will help with that. You wont be respected unless you engage with them. All social interaction boils down to seduction. Even if you're not trying to get laid, being able to treat them like you are (to a degree) will help your likeability immensely.
Keeping your head down and being labeled as "the quiet one" will not do that for you. These other incels have no skills for interacting with women effectively, so they have no choice except to do that. You may want to look elsewhere for advice.
How did I miss this? That's a great fucking article.
Gonna take my time reading it properly, thanks man.
>decent workplace
Honestly user any job is a decent work place for robots provided you don't have to deal with customers, provided you keep to yourself. Normalfags know how to read body language and will avoid you once they realize you want to be left alone, regardless of what the job is. This results in a comfy working environment where you can come in, work, go home, and not be bothered, if that is what you desire, user.
Prepare to do most of the work and also mentally prepare for abuse by people thinking they are better than you because they have some big ol' titties flapping aroung and big ol' pussy lips
You know you're really starting to piss me off you little prick. You keep giving us shit and accusing us of giving him bad advice, yet you haven't shared what he SHOULD do. It's no secret that r9k is a board for incels, so it's only natural we would assume that he's like us and would want to be left alone on the job. You seem to be very knowledgeable on what to do and what not to do if you wanna get laid on the job, so why dont you do what said and share with us some of your infamous advice that will result in OP getting laid. Go on, I'm waiting.
lol Listen to this.
This is either a female a male feminist or a neckbeard trolling.
its all about that sexual seduction stuff user
so like whip at your cock and make them fawn "ladies i got me some dick"
then my boy take your pick.
or so says this stupid ass prick.
Grow the fuck up you walking turd and tell the boy the truth. Women bring trouble.
I usually like to be outgoing, but I'll definitely keep to myself if they turn out to be bitches.
High School Ver. 2.0
Don't let em push you around
I remember once at my wageslave retail job I was headed to the dumpster with my hands full of garbage and one of the roasties just holds her empty starbucks cup in front of me and tells me to throw it away.
The look on her face when I said "no, do it yourself" was priceless, then she went on a miniature tirade about how she thought I was a nice guy and how much of a dick I was as she followed me to the dumpster and we threw our trash away.
"Betas" aren't supposed to defend themselves so they freak the fuck out when you don't kiss their feet and be their slaves.
OP this guy is telling you the truth. I worked in retail for 5 years. Ignore the rest of these normalfags and reddit cock suckers.
Buy a dragonbone shield and a ebony mace.
Don't forget to skill destruction magic
>easy undead kills
I work in accounting in some amusement park and everyone in the office is a grill except the big boss and me. Boss mostly is walking through the park or in his office.
Mostly are my age, some are younger and some older (specially the ones higher in hierarchy) I'm good at small talk and I interact with most of the girls from the restaurants and photography but once it gets more personal I always autismo.
My advice is to do your job the best you can and that's all
There's no chance to know you, but I think I know the place. Is this park somewhere in the north user?
Not American. I'm sorry and original too.
Yep it is why back int he day women didnt get in the work place. Every place a women goes is a new junior high, not highschool, junior high!
I swear if you recorded what the modern women says about each other ona daily basis and what they say to each others faces...
good lord
How was called this anime already it was very comfy when i was a kid
They will all attempt to vie for your attention. Not in a sexual way, unless you are somewhat attractive, but in an attempt to have more sway over you than the others. They will attempt to pull you into their workplace clique, just for the sake of having more allies than their rivals, and trust me there will be rivalries. Welcome to game of thrones minimart edition.
Yeah a lot of that. They'll also do it when you're busy with something else or are obviously tired from doing all the hard work to see how you'd react under duress. They even do it to me and everyone knows I'm gay as fuck but I'm literally the only male who works nights that isn't this autistic Mexican who couldn't give a shit about women.
When we got a new guy it was hysterical
>New guy comes in to do dish washing
>Degenerate skater with an extremely apathetic attitude about life in general
>Has tattoos all over his legs of random shit that was haphazardly drawn on by his friends
>Includes phrases such as "I eat ass"
>He is extremely heterosexual
>All the girls who were not content to hit on the gay man begin to act thirstier than a dying man in the Sahara towards the new guy
Women are fucking animals and predictable as shit.
Sgt. Frog/ Keroro Gunsou. It's the only manga I've kept.
>They will attempt to pull you into their workplace clique, just for the sake of having more allies than their rivals, and trust me there will be rivalries.
>Welcome to game of thrones minimart edition
Mother of kek, that would be pretty fun.
I find human behaviour fascinating. Gonna take notes and compare just as a social experiment.
The only reason you would be ok with this is if you were raised by a single middle aged white mother. I know this turbo autismo beta bitch boy at work and he talks like a girl when talking to one. As if he's gossiping with them. You can choose between working with guys and risking salty banter or being a beta bitch. Your choice.