Where there hipsters in your city/town r9k? What do you think is next?
Where there hipsters in your city/town r9k? What do you think is next?
I think white people have small dicks, and are legit the worse to ever happen to earth consider all their crimes and you will truly
Probably living in a white country. Educated by white people, either directly or indirectly. Did YOUR people develop English? No, stupid nigger. What have your people done for the world? A lot of raping and killing. Don't you ever try to talk down white people.
First day on Jow Forums, I see. o
I've been on Jow Forums a while and I relish every opportunity to put stupid chimps in their place.
In London, they're all over zone 1 and 2.
What's next? Well, since I'm a pessimist I think all of London is next. It's going to be turned into one of those shiny cities in dystopian films where the masses are only allowed in for menial jobs with work visas.
Why do you think identity politics and "diversity" angle is pushed this hard by multi-billion dollar corporations who dump toxic waste into third countries' water supplies? It's so that the dissenting voices can be easily lumped in with the racists and misogynists etc.
All this diversity and inclusive shit is so that rich hipsters and yuppies can feel good about themselves while they buy their expensive coffee from unethical coffee franchises that treat their workers like shit and pay them in pennies.
Dont feed the trolls pls
You're a fucking idiot is what you are, can't even tell when it's bait.
>You're a fucking idiot is what you are, can't even tell when it's bait.
It doesn't matter, brainlet. Maybe a stupid nigger will stumble across my post and learn something. Are you a nigger? It would explain why you're so stupid.
Thought so. First thing you have to learn while being here is knowing when to spot bait. In true Jow Forums fashion, I won't spoonfeed you on how to do this, so I suggest you lurk for at least 2 years before posting.
>First thing you have to learn while being here is knowing when to spot bait
Here's a question for your tiny mind: What's the difference between a nigger and someone acting like a nigger?
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA look at you white boy crying because you know I'm right. Only reason all your inventions were made was due to my people my ancestors working for yours for nothing. After all that toll and hate we now run your country and your race you absolute retard.
Pittsburgh PA
>Lawrenceville (larryville Larry town)
Formerly a low income section of town with attractive townhouses, typically three floors and a basment, Lawrenceville experienced a recent economic boom when hipsters and artists moved into the community bringing music venues such as Spirit Hall and Cattivo, a vegan Mediterranean restaurant :B-52, and a community garden organization :city grows, Lawrenceville is an incredibly hip place to live. The landlords repainted the house but left the cackroaches. There's also a gay bar on Stanton and Butler which has a long history as a gay and drag establishment.
>Only reason all your inventions were made was due to my people my ancestors working for yours for nothing
What your chimp ancestors did was physical labour. How does that translate to the inventions that shaped the world? Did all the cotton picking help create the computer? Jesus christ.
>we now run your country
The only thing your people run are the prisons.
I'm convinced that you're both one guy samefagging. You can't possibly be this stupid.
>You can't possibly be this stupid.
>u-ur dumb
Think about whether your post needs to exist and then realise it doesn't. The only reason it does is that you're probably upset by what you're hearing. A stupid nigger, as I suspected. I'm educating and you're crying. Typical niggers.
Cont. 45039584
The east end and Williamsburg are next. The greater east liberty area. With Google setting up a headquarters at bakery square on pen n ave and east liberty blvrd housing prices are skyrocketing. Section 8 housing was torn down to expand a wholefoods but was protested into not expanding after the housing was torn down to prevent gentrification. The same hipsters and PC types who protested the whole foods they continue to shop at will soon be priced out of Lawrenceville and Garfeild as they experience true gentrification.
Yeah, definitely a samefag biting his own bait.
Grimsby, I'd say in the 12-21 age range there are some hipsters though most become apathetic rather early, the same typically applies throughout the north aside from large cities e.g. Leeds and Newcastle. Most care too little to ascribe their persona to a scene and those that do typically go for the emo scene rather than a strictly hipster one, at least in my experience. I suppose in great part a lack of venues for any substantial artists, lack of any well-known poets, musicians, writers etc. and lack of any cultural landmarks or places to congregate make it more difficult for hipster culture to thrive (and thankfully so, though our town really does require greater investment, and the inability of our local government to build public housing vertically and instead sprawl countless villas across the landscape to start bumping up what are otherwise some of the cheapest house prices in the country is a bigger concern, frankly). I do love this town though its a shame that it doesn't look like pic related still, and gentrification from cosmopolitan London is really starting to become cumbersome.
Western problem I see. Do you have plans to relocate? I plan on joining the electricians union since they are giving away paid apprenticeship s to build all the corporate offices and hip lofts.
By 2050 mixed will be the dominant race heh that is pretty great isn't it. We will take back white countries, and not only that we will hunt you down like animals. Remember Ferguson after Trayvon was shot we hunted every white person and beat them on the streets. I remember and you will too soon.
I feel sympathetic to you British bots. I live in the US and feel like I can move to a different area of my country to scale the hipster tide, but the Isles seem so claustrophobic.
>By 2050 mixed will be the dominant race heh that is pretty great isn't it
Where, America? If the USA becomes part of Africa then it'll just get nuked. Niggers wouldn't even have guns if the superior races didn't make them. What can they do against nukes?
What do you think will happen when the last white people leave America? It'll be back to living in huts.
>implying living huts and living simpler lives in general is bad
Okay cumskin keep talking everyone seeing this thread is laughing at you.
>implying living huts and living simpler lives in general is bad
I'm confused. If it's so great, why haven't you flown to Africa to live this supposed amazing life? I hear it's very peaceful in Africa. No massacres or poor conditions at all.
Sadly the white man has still kept us down to this day and keeps chucking us still. Thankfully with movements like BLM and Obama we are becoming stronger first my stealing their women, towns, and resources. Now we are going to steal the country.
Yes there are people in their early 20's here.
> Portland, OR.
you don't know the half of it
I don't know I rarely go outside.
On a tragic do appointment
I live in a small town so no.
We dont even have any niggers or spics.
We have one asian family that runs a chinese restuarant.