Was Hitler a robot? How did he go from basedboy to Chad in less than 6 years?

Was Hitler a robot? How did he go from basedboy to Chad in less than 6 years?

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>the reason he had that ridiculous mustache was to hide that part of his face

>Became part of the cult of personality with his boisterous speeches

Certainly not a robot

for a time
>In 1905, when he was 16, he faked an illness "to persuade his mother that he was not fit to continue school and gladly put his schooling behind him for good with no clear future career path mapped out," the historian Ian Kershaw wrote in "Hitler: A Biography." "Adolf lived a life of parasitic idleness - funded, provided for, looked after, and cosseted by a doting mother."

This is the real image.

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Well, that's pretty damning. But it's no surprise the most destructive and evil man in history was a robot really, is it?

After all, who could harbor such hatred for the world and its inhabitants but people who have suffered like us.

He had that mustache to be able to use the gas mask properly in the war.



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Gives me hope that if hitler was born today he would be using Jow Forums maybe even this board.

Hopefully one day one of us might rise up an exact our revenge upon history and those that have taken everything from us.

>destructive and evil

>destructive and evil
Holy motherfucking shit.

He made a deal with Satan and you should too

Hitler had charisma so could not have been a robot.

He was a war hero in WWI and received many medals of honor..
He was a onions boy artist but he did have balls of steele

Who called Jow Forums?

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Its not any personality trait that makes a robot, its the suffering we endure through loneliness.

Hitler had a wife and friends, motivations, and a hate of degenerates.

If anything he was a chad

>Everyone that i dont like is pol

>destructive and evil
Pick one
Yes goyim, everyone who is not critical of hitler is a fucking Jow Forumslack spamming his lies to control over you, like we are not already controlling your countries

Hitler wuz a gud boy he dindu nuffin'

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The reddit spacing is too much.

>Wow, it is so clear now.
ANYONE who thinks critically is a Jow Forumsack now

being a robot is not the same as being a mopey michael

All obvious, reason is not obvious

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Yes, lurking on Jow Forums will get you "thinking critically" in no time

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Memes are not funny if they have no basis

>memes aren't funny if I don't agree with them

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You could be browsing or reading the posts of, or influencing the worlds next dictator right now.

Could be the kid who orders you be shot against a post is posting memes in another thread right now.