they are making a big deal over it and its just confusing
look at that shit bro and tell me if that's not pathetic or this one
why would you give a fucking piece of plastic a literal object motherfucking rights? its like giving a dildo rights or damn condom rights
its fucking stupid
Why women are going apeshit over a oversized piece of plastic?
Other urls found in this thread:
>We don't need males, while they'll fuck their plastic dolls we'll rebuild the sisterhood and the bond between every women.
They feel like men are telling them "plastic dolls are better than you". It's not hard to understand why they'd be upset.
>Men who actively prefer latex dolls to actual women will be removing themselves from the gene pool and society in general. This is better for all of us.
I mean she's not wrong.
>We don't need
Those men likely wouldn't be reproducing anyway though. Sex dolls aren't aimed at the men who are already getting laid
And its true
Men are telling them that, and it's true.
Yeah I know but that's what she's saying, right? Those undesirable men are getting doll sex and everyone else doesn't have to deal with them anymore. Win-win
It's just some dumbass reddit thread man calm down
>rebuild the sisterhood
Good luck with that. Women hate each other.
What I think that's gonna happen if the sex doll becomes viable substitute for women:
>betas generally are not going to settle
>women at beggining gonna enjoy being free and not taking responsabilities
>in few years the single moms gonna realize there's no one to raise chad/tyrone's kids
Probably society gonna be even worse since you're actively removing the hard working betas out of the dating market.
I will be interesting to see what effect, if any, affordable sex dolls and VR porn have on Male-Female relations.
It could be that all a portion of males will just eschew human women in favour of sex dolls. Perhaps a lot of men would no longer approach women and the dynamics of sexual relations would change.
I mean that's why I think they're upset. They can no longer fool betas in to the role of a wallet and then cheat them on the side.
Probably pussy gonna lose it's value if men decides to stop chasing after it so actively and womyn gonna need to drop their standards. It's win win for everyone.
because stacys will be the only kind of woman capable to settle down. beta boys will be having fun with their robo waifus and the average looking women will die alone like a dog.
what a wonderful timeline to be alive
>we'll rebuild the sisterhood
>can't even stay in the same room for 5 minutes without bickering
Yeah sure thing
they look real as fuck thoe
I think it's still just gonna be a few men who'll buy them but who knows.
It's mostly silicone.
When there's no sexual interest on the matter you can dig out the average personality of a woman and it's not really a good thing. This is why women hate each other.
except that women don't like that at all, despite them not having sex and being betas, they still have the money and financial security that chad lacks, without betas then they don't have free shit and no orbiters, no whiteknights, no free meals, etc...
there will be no one to clean their mess and divorce, they will be alone and trapped in pump and dumps until they are too old and become cat ladies, they wish they had the money but they can't artificially impregnate themselves since there are no betas giving them the money.
gib plastic milkies plss
I mean how long have women had giant foot long horse dildos you don't see people flocking to facebook to complain about their existence. If they actually think an entire gender is going to buy into this and want these that's a really fucked up assumption about a huge bulk of the population.
They are incredibly expensive. The average beta Neet will never be able to afford one.
Unless the price comes down significantly then there will be no tangible effect.
they got out of stock in feb because millions of asians, africans and brits buyed the damn thing to the point they exhausted the production for weeks.
the price right now its so low that its actually affordable to get a gold tier sexdoll for just $2000
don't believe me? Look at that
they costed somewhere between 20k and 10k this january fyi
Kek, that was the most sour grapes thing I've ever read.
>"F-fine, w-we don't want you anyways, we're stronk independent wymenz who don't need no man"
Yeah user that's exactly how real life works. Women classify men as betas or Chads
How many people just have 2000 bucks to blow on a sex toy, what the fugg
Especially fucking Africans
We're not worried, right? Sisters, we are definitely not worried about this at all. Go sis, tell everyone how NOT worried we are about this topic. I mean just look at it, why would anyone worry about this?
Demand is increasing rapdly, I'm sure the price will come down a lot in the next 5~10 years to come.
Still cheaper than a real woman desu
as the technology becomes more sophisticated more and more men will buy them
>real women
>cannot cook, clean, or do anything useful
>has no interests of her own and does nothing but stare at her phone all day
>expects you to do everything for her on top of being the provider
>will likely cheat on you despite all you do
>sex doll
>cannot cook or clean either
>has no interests because inanimate object
>has no expectations of you because inanimate object
>cannot cheat because has no consciousness or life
So one is glorified masturbation, and the other is an active drain on your life. Not hard to see why men are dropping out of society when a plastic doll does less to fuck up your life than a human will.
>If they actually think an entire gender is going to buy into this and want these that's a really fucked up assumption about a huge bulk of the population
but the normies and black guys reacted pretty positively torwards these sexdolls and pretty much normalized them among their circles, women fear that this oversized mass of silicone will drive away lots of thirsty betas and potential divorces where they can extract goods from, but the worse of all...attention, they will lose attention from who knows how many thirsty bastards, videogames, porn, internet and lots of other shit already deprived them of attention.
they will be driven torwards the background and will never get out of irrelevance, they fear that.
Honestly if they get proper robo housewife tier I'd buy one too, and I'm a woman
IRL there are also omegas.
Does it matter? It still cheaper than childish dating game and roastie demands.
they will be able to move soon user, people out there is trying to make robots that can take care of the house, they are close user.
I bet from here to 10 years we will see the first robo-butlers and robo-maids come true.
not only them but weaboos, animefags, gamers and the nerds contributed to that shit.
They do. They obviously don't use robot nomenclature to do so, but they behave and act differently around different types of men, effectively labeling them as betas or alphas. Sometimes they're not even aware of it.
I somehow imagined some weird mix between chobits and miss kobayashi's dragon maid situation with you and your robomaid.
I found a perfect example of this.
This pic will explain everything for anons who don't understand.
I'd totally go for a dragon maid but she mustn't be a titcow. Would be inconvenient for the household chores.
Dolls look like that? The age of women is soon to be over. It's funny. They try so hard to be relevant, but in the end they get btfo by some plastic and artificial intelligence. Robo wives will make women near worthless, and artificial wombs will make them completely worthless.
dude by 5 to 10 years at most you will waste some $100 on a god tier customized sexdoll
kek good reaction from the bf
the option of personal customization is already here lady, O saw the page on and they legit let you do that so probably you'll have a robomaid made to fit your personal taste.
Yeah but she can't cook food yet or massage my temples or other places.
probably she will be able to please you accordingly in the future.
You must teach her how. That's the best part.
I doubt sexbots are ever going to become popular among the general population. There's almost certainly going to be a social stigma surrounding them if they get affordable enough for the average man.
Women... UNITE!!!
*screeching and infighting 2 minutes later*
if you liked that one, you'll love this one.
it'll tell you a lot about why men are starting to buy sexdolls and sexbots.
and this was just on some rubber doll. imagine the world when these things reach the iphone20 stage. gg whores
>install microwave oven in the back left thigh
>can have her cook tendies while you fuck her
>nut in 2 minutes
>they're ready
>not making your own tendies and just buying them
videogames, porn and lots of other stuff used to be a social stigma too and associated them with 'losers and nerds' until it didn't.
Social stigma about porn was only from the church. Even then it didn't really exist.
I remember the robo strippers, do anyone have the webm?
Women. Not even once. Original comment.
that's what actually amuses me, that a last ditch effort to demonize this will be shaming, that's all.
just them throwing a temper tantrum.
It hurts so much more knowing she was 17 virgin
That's something he's never going to get back; I'm not jaded enough to demand virginity but having it taken from you is fucking inexcusable.
Just the line "some other guy took my gf's virginity" stings so much.
Emptiness inside.
Fingers crossed.
That's cool too though.
>she offered to have sex with me
Fucking roasties
Should have just done it, then left her afterwards.
and people wonder why men are buying sexdolls, sexbots, VR, etc... this is one of the reasons buddy.
I took another dude's girl's virginity once. We met at work and after my ex and I broke up I started talking to her. Her boyfriend was a loser and had gotten beaten up at school for defending her and after that she didn't see him the same. We ended up sleeping together and she went back to him no longer a virgin.
This is almost certainly larping but either way fuck you
and then be accused of rape or baby trap the poor guy? also anyone with self respect will never ever get close to that whore again.
>I know the robots aren't real but I still feel bad for them
How long before women ban sex robots because it infringes sexdoll rights?
here it is user
took me a while but its here
i want them to get mixed with a sexdoll
It's real. She said the reason why she didn't break up with him is he threatened to kill himself. They're still together like 8 years later.
>How long before women ban sex robots because it infringes sexdoll rights?
when they find out the hard way that they will never be able to defeat a multimillion company backed by the porn industries, something that surpass by far everything in this world is money.
money talk bigger than a woman.
believe me when I tell you that women have given up trying to fight the porn industries because they were overwhelmingly powerful.
this is the same and worse, it is a successful bussiness with millions of betas and omegas expending money on these things.
sex sells, just imagine when bad dragon gets in the game, we'll have furries and bronies in our files fighting to make their waifus to be real.
this is the future, user
every woman ever
>you have trust issues
Good thing he take the red pill when he is 18. Imagine he found out 10 years later his kids are not his because this roast fucked someone else on the side and then get divorce raped.
>i want them to get mixed with a sexdoll
they would drive homeless go who knows how many roasties.
thank god sex doll don't do this shit. you spend all that time and money on women but they repay you with cheating.
We were 16/17 dude. He didn't really spend any time or money on her when she did it.
>He didn't really spend any time or money on her when she did i
I can guarantee you, the money he spend going out with her, he could've bought a decent first car instead. Or otherwise just saved $3k+ to do something more productive/fulfilling with
it will only be a matter of time before roasties will get rekt, machines will do everything they can do and more efficiently.
>He didn't really spend any time or money on her when she did it.
you will be fucking surprised at how wrong that statement is...
Time and money aren't the only metrics of damage.
She's psychologically and emotionally scarred this man for life, he'll never be able to truly trust a woman again, and now all future prospective relationships for him are damaged.
You can't put a dollar value on something that human.
But I'm sure you'll try anyways
Women are telling men everyday that fucking a dog is better than fucking them.
Or going lesbo is prefered to fucking men sometimes.
Guess we are in the wrong again brobots.
Firstly, at that age nobody is making 3k+ while going to school. Secondly, there's no way, even if he did make that much, that he spent that much on her. Have you ever dated a girl? Where do you get the idea that you gotta drop that much money? I've been in about 7 or 8 relationships. I've been to dinner with all those girls combined three times. In fact, now that I think about it, I've only ever paid for a girl when I was super young and my mother was giving me the money to go out. In long term relationships it's always equal. I've never really paid for any girl. Why would you?
See above.
>She's psychologically and emotionally scarred this man for life, he'll never be able to truly trust a woman again, and now all future prospective relationships for him are damaged
He doesn't know she did it. At least I don't think he knows. She introduced me to him as a work friend, he never asked questions while we were seeing each other and they're still together as of a year or two ago when I last spoke to her.
If you're surprised that your girl cheats you're fucking dumb anyway.
Cause in the end women are just their vaginas and they're scared sex-dolls might be a proper competitor in a market where so far they've been a monopolist
This is the future bros.
I am actually blaffed at this
in 2008 a thread like this would be treated as mere fiction or a really distant future far beyond our lifetime
but is not only happening in our timelines
we are seeing it grow before our very eyes
it is amazing how far we have advanced in just 10 years
we will actually get even with fucking roasties during our lifetimes and they will be trapped there in the darkness and background
never to be seen again
I think they're more offended that the incels are given a plastic copy of one of them - they never intended to associate with you, but they took great pleasure in excluding and denying you.
Not because they wanted something from you, but because they wanted you to have nothing.
You never see guys going apeshit over dildos, women must see dolls as equals.
indeed...I can actually see how women will eventually lose everything trying to stop something that is beyond power.
every single male they had will join the artificial women side once they are advanced enough.
not as an equal but a real actual competition and a threat to their monopoly of millions of years.
no shit men are fed up with women and they are working very hard to replace them. they want to come home after long hours of hard work to a loyal loving robot wife and not to a biocunt cheating on you.
>we will actually get even with fucking roasties
I don't think you can ever get even with them bro. They don't view losing you as damaging. It's guys like Chad who would prefer to stay home and fuck his doll that will actually hurt roasts but I suppose you could get back at them vicariously through him.
I don't think a lot of guys will desu. There's something primal about dominating a women and making her submit to your cock. That free will is what is exciting psychologically and it's why prostitutes are a joke and I have no idea why someone would buy one.
I bought a fleshlight when I was going through a 6 month dry spell and even though it feels like pussy when you warm it up in water and use lube it doesn't compare to the feeling of making a woman spread her legs for you and knowing she wants your nut inside her.
Women don't have a monopoly over anything dude. You just think they do because you've been excluded so far.
I'm kinda grossed out brehs. Looks like I'm saving a lot of money because a daki and VR is about as 3D as I'm willing to go now.
Fuck, can't remember when was the last time I fapped to 3D either.
>"Heh, when sexbots come out all those roasties going after my greasy dick will be so mad I don't pay attention to them."
It's funny because left side is already happening and there are no reports of right side ever happening.
ok so what's the downside to this. if you really think it will just cause weirdo virgins to fuck off and ignore women, why are you so buttmad about it?
This. As I said they'll only care if Chad starts fucking robopussy over biopussy but that's unlikely. The psychological element is too strong and if incels and losers are associated with fuckdolls a lot of men are going to avoid them due to the stigma.
Not with you it isn't. Roasts are scared that Chad isn't going to have enough dick to go around anymore.
Women are physical embodiments of hypocrisy and projection. Just understand this.
As someone whos deflowered between 6 and a dozen girls ( lost track quite frankly plus many of them lie though one can tell) theres not much I can say to ease that pain besides it was never yours to take in the first place. Especially if youre going around waiting for it. its nothing special nor personnel and unless one like me sticks around to actually teach her things, nothing was lost, as someone like you wouldnt be able to notice.
Even though this is 100% bait it's also 100% true. I've taken the virginity of three girls and I now actively avoid virgin girls. In the last 3 months I actually rejected two girls for this reason. Virgin girls suck.