Does anybody know of an artificial method to give yourself Schizophrenia?
I need it for.... reasons.
I wanna be a schizoid
Other urls found in this thread:
>go to church
>pray vewy hard
This is top quality bait.
dont sleep for as long as you can.
There is no way to give yourself Schizophrenia, and it's not the same as being Schizoid.
So what dumbshit reason do you want to have a severe mental illness for? Attention and sympathy I bet.
I just want to feel it
This is fucking stupid man. Schizophrenia is not some fun shit where you see a few colors or talk to an elf occasionally, you will cease to function properly. It'd be like wanting depression or diabetes or something. Either way, there's no guaranteed method to develop schizophrenia. If you do a shit ton of drugs and don't sleep for a long time, you may become psychotic, but you may never develop schizophrenia.
That's gonna be one helluva Chad when he grows up...
Binge on methamphetamine and heroine for a few months. Those are the two main ingredients needed. Thrown in Benzos, Nitrous Oxide, and LSD on top if you're going for keeps. If you don't OD you definitely will have most of the symptoms of paranoid schizophrenia after a few weeks. After around day 5 or 6 of being awake the walls of the matrix start to collapse.
Wikipedia - Risk factors: Family history, cannabis use, problems during pregnancy, being raised in a city, older father
>Isolate yourself to your appartment and...
I think he already has depression, but it is too boring alone.
fuck off normalqueer faggot normal
Listen to track 1
the voices do not help you jackoff if that's where you were going with this
>smoke a shit tone of meth
>LSD, shrooms
>dont eat
>dont sleep for a week
>do other drugs
You should have it in no time
Tulpas with tons of drugs and alcohol seem to work.
News flash, nobody will give you sympathy. In fact, everyone will hate you.
you literally can not give yourself schizophrenia. and why the fuck would you want it? if you knew what it was like you would Literally want to kill yourself. Just like in your pic, but with a real gun.
If you want to pretend to be schizophrenic ive got no advice. do some lsd and shrooms. but aside from that ive got nothin OP. schiz life is actual hell.
>he wants to give up being normal
if we could switch brains dude, id give you all my schizophrenia.
fuckin this
smoke a lot of weed, do acid, and most importantly don't sleep
Schizoid personality disorder and schizophrenia are two different things, nigger.
Ever done DPH, OP?
I can give you a method right away.
If you want to truly be a schizo then start to get into the occult. I'm not talking about doing rituals and stuff just for fun.
Try to seek enlightment. Try doing chaos magick for example. You have to convince yourself to believe in magick before it works.
You may even start to manifest it someday and then when the truth starts to hit you that there could be more you could go insane.
You ca either die a schizo or you can learn to use it or abuse it. Or you can just be like me and learn from the highest. Wich are neither really up or down but inside the black hole. Wich is, holy shit, condensed light. It is actually something that stabilzies the entire field of reality and gives room for the illusion of 3D.
Imagien the black hole in the middle of the universe being like a ultimately infinitely dimensional object. And the wavelenghts it creates basically create the stream for the reality of our galaxy. The wavelenght we are in right now makes things phsyiscla and 3D.
Oh by the way, the center of our solar system is the sun.
If you're trying to qualify for some kind of autismbux then just pretend.
not op but yes. mix DPH with robotussin and its pretty good. i was seeing hundreds of baphomet heads come out of the walls
How about you give it to me for free
Live in a city
abuse drugs
Have the right genes
You could try not sleeping for 3+ days it should at least get you the shadow people
t. schizo
Would alchemy work as well?
Not looking for sympathy nor anyone to care. I want it for reasons you couldn't understand
Hey, guess what? I'm also not FBI
schizoid is not schizophrenia, not sure if baiting
and no, there's nothing you can do to get either of those, it's genetic mostly
It really depends to how extreme lenghts you would want to go.
datura -benadryl
You have been muted for 4 seconds
These are two seperate things
Take lots of l-dopa
OP's pic rel has some pretty eyes, I'm not gay though
how does living in a city give you schizo?
It can help trigger it(not directly cause it)
Not sure why
Maybe the stress or the air
have you done datura? i read people go fucking insane on that shit. like walk down the street naked, jump off roofs thinking they can fly etc
another way is to start to create a tulpa. Its how normal people basically force themselves into schizophrenia and imagine a living being
Get married.
Prob. not original
Honestly the only way to get severe mental issues is through heavy drug and alcohol abuse. Everything else is half-assed
LOL fuck off m8
If you're a proper schizophrenic you'll know the true meaning of tulpas. No way you're gonna catch the 'phrenia through thinking of people that don't exist
>wants to give themselves schizophrenia
White people are the dumbest fucking people on the face of this earth
DXM everyday for 2 weeks then to end it do 1200mg with 300mg DPH. It will give you severe depersonalization and voices, i couldnt walk properly for 3 days. it was like watching a movie and i was the main character for 1-2months.
that shit will fry your brain fast. still pretty fun tho
muhh nibba
nothing will ever be as funny as seeing this fucking post after using this fucking website since 2004
I have schizoaffective disorder and trust me, you don't want schizophrenia. I am on edge every day thinking someone or even my family members are going to clone me and kill me. I'm afraid to eat food others make for me so I cook for myself. I'm afraid of driving and I'm afraid to leave the house. Too afraid to even take the medications they prescribe to me because I think it's mind control
Just enjoy living your normal life.
But smoking lots of marijuana and extreme sleep deprivation are what can create schizophrenia in normals so have fun. You're going to regret it. Schizophrenia is not fun
>tfw sleep deprivating myself just so i can hear voices and know what its like
>reasons you couldn't understand
neetbux, sympathy, or misguided curiosity.
But OP isnt a proper schizophrenic and thats the problem. Won't hurt to try anyways
Have fun, pal. You're going to regret it. No normal person wants to have schizophrenia so you're probably fucked up anyway
Finally someone who doesn't think schizophrenia is some kind of funny goofy little high that you get from bolding your breath too long
i am probably fucked mentally, yes
Are you really though? Chances are you're deluding yourself so you have something to hold on to. I was in your spot. the phrenia probably isn't fun, certainly not worth your retarded identity crisis. Let the fuck go and stop giving a fuck.
Ho buddy just wait till you try schizophrenia :^)
dont wanna talk about it to much cos its attention whoring but yes im convinced there is somethign wrong.
sure, i dont care anymore. ive experienced voices before from 2 week dxm binges like i said before but im just curious thats all
I feel like this sometimes too. It would give me an excuse to why Im so useless. I could blame everything on it and nobody would expect anything from me again. I could talk to my imaginary friends and actually believe they were real.
don't b dumb
It's a fucking stupid thing to be curious about. Don't do it
you don't want to be schizophrenic you fucking dildo, my life is a nightmare because of it.
hows your life been? whats the best you've been and the worst?
My life is also a hell, but it consists only of watching out and posting on Jow Forums and mastrubating. It's worse than death and more boring than being a slave
Only thoughts I have is, could this be worse, while watching my eyes getting worse and my stomach getting fatter. You can't hell the hell
>normalqueer faggot normal
fuck off normalqueer faggot normal
How can you possible have worse life. Atleast you experience something as schizophrenic
would you rather sit at your computer or be skinned alive?
>lolo at least you experience something
i'm not schizo but that's the stupidest shit i've seen today.
>being "mentally ill" is a fashion trend
I really hope all of your minds deteriorate to such an extent that you can't properly wipe your own ass you edgy faggots
>l-looks guys i'm schizoid i-im originial and cool please date me girls im i-m like a villain from my favorite shonen XDDDD
It's just so pathetic. You're not shit you're never going to be shit you lack a conscious you might as well have down syndrome
I am basically already dead. Most schizophrenics don't kill themselves through. Clinical depression + Social phobia + Agarophobia + Body dysmorphic is definitely worse
Shut the fuck up everybody has social phobia and depression nowadays you dumbass kid. You don't realize that they're using your attention seeking to make money of your dumb ass
you won't kill yourself either. stop self-diagnosing. if you want to sit and feel sorry for yourself all day then don't expect any sympathy.
your life is most definitely not as bad as your average schizo. you're deluded if you think it is. i doubt you're over even 21.
>Implying I care about terms anyway
But I am afraid to go outside, I am afraid to talk in real life, it is killing me, so I will stay at home while watching how I die without able to call ambulance, because I get so anxious, I will rather not talk with ambulance and see myself rot off. I am already listening music, while my ears are in pain. If there were some voice telling me to do anything, it would be interesting at least. Only thing I can do, is hope I die because I am too coward to kill myself.
This actually gave me a giggle
Thanks user
Not schizophrenia, worst are eating disorder
Before I developed it, I too wanted it. I was curious. I wanted to see what it was like. It's not fun, user. If you're really curious smoke a ton of weed late at night or take some dxm/dph.
Schizophrenia also comes with 'negative symptoms': social withdrawal, anhedonia, reduced affect, inability to make/complete goals, etc. The only emotion my face shows is blank. I can't enjoy anything I used to enjoy. You really don't want this.
>watching how i die
You mean being on your computer
>afraid to go outside
you're shy
>watching how I die without bla bla bla
stop day dreaming
I think all deaths are interesting. What are you talking about? I think every body is curios to see how they go
>hope I die because I am too coward to kill myself.
So you're not a harm to yourself
Geez your life sounds soooo painful fucking teenager
god are you even trying with this shitty bait OP?
Yeah, I was larping, but only to prove you otherwise. I'd take schizophrenia over clinical depression (and this over eating disorder) through
Every teen and young adult (12-22) think they have mental illness when in reality they don't. Everyone wants to feel unique and special by being different than most people. Most teens diagnosed with depression don't actually have it.
>but muh therapist/psychiatrist said...
You're a fucking teenager. The sadness you feel is only temporary. You're depressed, but that doesn't mean you have depression. Kids are fucking stupid.
And somehow it's apparently controversial to call out ternagers on their made-up mentall illnesses.
OP has nothing wrong with him. He just needs to figure himself out over time. Schizophrenia isn't fun to have. It's fucking torture and the fact that millennials romanticize mental illness is fucking sickening
Why isn't fun to have through?
t. Wizard
that kid is going to be a slayer
Explain. Both your and mine, but mine first
Made thread.xxxx
schizoid here, you don't want that and you especially don't want schizophrenia
Answer me please, schizoid bro