What do you gain by coming to Jow Forums?
What do you gain by coming to Jow Forums?
Justification for my interracial porn/IRL interracial cuckold slave fetish and obsession.
a faint feeling of belonging somewhere even though feels culture has been ded for years now
A release from boredom and a partial escape from loneliness
Attention and validation from desperate guys online with nice european accents uwu
Link to click in my browser. Where can I go in the internet? I have no idea.
I get too read about people who are far worse off then me.
it's the only thing standing between me and complete isolation.
It's an interesting subject. I like the varied answers.
Most likely nothing, but I do not know many websites on the Internet.
pseudo-comfort in the fact that im not the only one that suffers
This might be it for me. I'm not sure it's healthy though
A wife and job. Good advice to conquer real life, also pro racism threads make me cum all over my desk.
>Fotos to share
>Robot friends
>Fembot fapp material
>A body made of steel
>Hardcore Psychologic Warfare skills
>Superior Ninja Mind control
>Andy Sixx Logs
Just a chance to talk with other NEETs and learn a few things more about the lifestyle. But, not that many real NEETs these days, so I spend more time on actual FIRE forums.
You gained a wife and a job on Jow Forums?
this is originally painful to read
This is why I originally came here everyday. But now the board is shit and I'm just browsing out of habit.
i only talk to anons since i have 0 friends
I dont follow. oregano
some interesting insight into the ugly part of human behavior and some sense of belonging
My mother loves watching soap operas because watching people with shitty "lives" makes her feel better about her own shitty life. You are my soap opera Jow Forums. Or at least you were before the normalfags infected this place.
this place makes me feel far less alone about being what some might consider a loser
being a jobless socially awkward virgin is common here
i fit in
to be the first to post this sentence to Jow Forums
insight to the minds of sadsacks around me
gives me perspectives that i can't see from my own experiences
Something that somewhat compairs to a social life.
I just come here because I'm lonely and bored and even though Jow Forums is shit, other places on the internet are even more lame.
nice quads
now leave
I don't like it very much but it's honestly all I have. I've been coming to Jow Forums in general for over a decade and even thinking about trying something new seems tiring.
>Semi-failed normie
I've been in a routine of working, coming home and scrolling Jow Forums for hours. I was NEET before that so I'd wake up at noon and browse until I got too tired. No wonder I have no gf my only hobbies are Jow Forums, gun range and drinking
I do the same. No irl friends and my one online friend got a new job on a different shift pattern to mine so we don't get to play games together anymore.
Misery loves company user. We're all fucked up
Nothing. I will kill myself in the near future.
Is Jow Forums a crutch if I come here for comfort?
for some "human interaction"
I'm only here for the feet threads *SNIFF SNIFF*