>Girls taking a leak in public
>dude records it
>Girls start flipping out
Who was in the wrong here?
>Girls taking a leak in public
>dude records it
>Girls start flipping out
Who was in the wrong here?
urinating in public is a crime. videotaping someone committing a crime is not a crime.
>She will never flip u off and piss down ur throat
this feel is killing me
Most disgusting thing I've read all day. Please kill yourself.
the state of this place in the summer, fuck off newfag
I could tell, since the newfags like you are always rushing in to call everyone else newfags. Get off your phone and pay attention in class, faggot little brat. You have one month left.
>pissing where people drink
This is pajeet tier and she will get no backlash. Religious conservatism is/was the correct way of life
Imagine her spreading her cheeks, and dropping a nice load of hot fudge in your mouth.
truly bliss
you have to go back and never return
Take your own advice, fuckface.
that made me rock hard. wtf is wrong with me
u are a normal man that likes qt pee
BASED BLACK MAN. Unironically tho. He's just showed roasties for how emotional and illogical they are.
>get upset by him filming on a public street
>calls him disgusting
>calls him a creep
>says how would you feel if somebody was filming your daughter!?
Yet these whores are pissing in public in front of a busy restaurant!!! This is your mind on roastie.
Becoming lost in your emotions, being completely incapable of seeing your own hypocrisy.
Damn, I piss in public all the time and so do a lot of guys but we at least have the decency to go somewhere secluded like an alley or behind a fence or bushes. This dumb bitch is pissing on the street facade of a building, did she really think nobody would see her?
women are stupid when sober, but legitimately become complete retards when they're drunk.
Being completely unhinged and emotional.
Do not date a girl who goes out clubbing, or parties, or drinks because she's probably acting like this whore.
It's sad because all of the other drunk bitches encourage it, and defend the behavior.
Me and my friends find secluded places if we have to piss, even when we're fucked up to hell and back, that's because males aren't stupid as fuck when they're drunk. They choose to do it infront of a busy restaurant. Jesus christ man.
I'm at work and had to watch without sound. Were all the passerby whitenighting for that stupid drunk bitch peeing on the sidewalk?
her whore friends were. women are some of the worst influences on other women.
>women are stupid when sober, but legitimately become complete retards when they're drunk.
This so much. Getting drunk with the homies is fun as long as there's no girls because they start to act mental for attention. It's even worse when they're high, the completely loose the ability to compose themselves. Drunk/high girls can't hang.
Ya know it is really pathetic when dudes (who insist they get a ton of pussy) whine about women having consensual sex at their leisure.
Like:::: you are being hoes too?? So what if you have a penis?? You a hoe and a fuck boi. Goht dam.
Don't complain about whores when you are a whore yourself.
Both. She shouldn't have been pissing in public, since that's fucking gross, but recording it to jerk off to is creepy as shit.
What does this have to do with anything? Take your meds you aspie mong
Men cannot be whores. I could have sex with 1000 women and one day. I'd be less of a whore than a girl who fucks 5 guys in one week.
The reason why is women do not need charm, personality, or even to look that attractive to get dick.
Men need to be charming, confident, likeable, attractive to get lots of pussy.
The difference between a man"whore" and a real whore is that the male charms his way into sex, and the whore just gives into guys who want to fuck her. This is the reason 5/10 fat/ugly whores exist, and the only manwhores you speak of are like 7/10, or wealthy, famous dudes.
Beware the Roast
Eat box, get pox
Have you faggots even ever been frienda with a girl who drinks and smokes? I don't mean a friend you want to sleep with, just a normal friend. The vast majority dont turn into crazy idiots you're just bitter
the absolute STATE of western women...
Being creeped out by someone is not an excuse to cut off their rights. The only wrongdoing of his was to post on the Internet with her face not blurred.
that's because she has male figures around to control her. She's not going out with a bunch of her bimbo friends which encourage her. A group of drunk women start acting off the rails around eachother. Are you really going to act like women can handle their alcohol better than men can?
Also a male friend is never going to let a female friend piss in a public road like that. Her dumb whore friends will encourage it being like
>"YOLO Nobody gives a fuck girl!! XD. *snaps a selfie* OMG aren't we sooooooooo bad!"
I am bitterly truthful
thats not even illegal to do dumbass. she's in a public location he doesn't have to ask for any permission to film. he doesn't have to blur out her face either.
Why protect this whore from a reality check. Maybe once people she knows sees it, she'll start acting properly.
Pathetic fucking whiteknight you dont even know the laws.
nice projection there newfriend
Im not saying they handle it better, just that they handle it the same
You need more interactions with drunk females, because i don't think they handle alcohol the same at all. Most girls i know become completely burnt, saying embarassing shit, being loud, dancing around when we aren't even at a club.
Men and women definitely don't handle alcohol the same. For one women tend to get very horny on alcohol, while guys get something called whiskey dick.
>whiskey dick
You mean men who cant handle their liqour lmao
How is being able to completely function but having a passive interest in sex not handle your liquor?
When i get drunk I can fuck a girl, but I also don't feel the need to cum, which means i can stop literally on a whim.
Despite this I'm not pissing on the street, im not acting a fucking fool, I'm not swerving all over the road. How the fuck can't i handle my liquor faggot?
You sound like a roastie.
men piss on the street all the time so the idiot recording it is in the wrong however the slut should find a more private place to do it.
>the idiot who recording it is wrong
Kill yourself roast/whiteknight
Men piss in secluded locations as pissing on the street can literally get you labeled a sex fucking offender.
>men piss on the street all the time so the idiot recording it is in the wrong
What did he mean by this?