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chink moot needs to sell this site to someone who knows what theyre doing
Friendly reminder that this is now a waifu and cider-drinkers thread
it needs a british owner
surprise surprise 465
What upto lids
Sagiri watch any sows i recommended
Mayui hows the terror
>tfw too smart to post on Jow Forums but too socially awkward to use intelligence in the real world
Ah the joys of being autistic and having an IQ of 146.
Proper men drink whiskey from the bottle. only gays and women drink cider
>cider is for poofs
Said no one til they tried some proper west country 8% cider
if your IQ was that high you'd be able to imrpvoe your autism
t. diagnosed autistic who taught himself how to socialize
>sows i
Not everyone's autism is as as mild as yours. In fact, Aspergers has been taken off the DSM now because it's not even a real disorder. Try being literally autistic, not meme aspie, and "teaching yourself how to socialise".
reminder that beastiality is far more respectable to fucking traps and trannies
Everybody I've met who drinks whisky is very elitist and nobody likes drinking with them. Most places don't really give a fuck what you drink.
I drink dark rum which is a pretty solid hit and I drink red label sometimes as well, but nobody really cares.
Let the lad enjoy his cider.
It was only a joke lad, keep ye hair on. i personally dont care what people drink.
>Not drinking Stella
based Cilla poster staying strong I see
Kind of got bored of it lad, halfway through ep 3. I watched a good film last night though, Killing of a Sacred Deer. If you like absurdist shit I'd recommend it
Look at this big man here! How I wish I was as fucking badass as you!
All my life I have been drinking beer and I would give anything to be able to drink whiskey like this big fucking man here!!!!
Oh how amazing life must be being a big fucking macho masculine guy like you!!!
Afraid not fren, literally just not had the time or the will for it. If I get hooked I'll feel drawn to it and neglect work desu
Looking forward to Rome, though.
I don't have aspergers, or I would have been diagnosed with that, I was diagnosed autistic and got offered to be transferred to a special school on several occasions
>muh I'm so much worse than everyone else
stop being cancer and assuming anyones who's succeeded had it easier than you
you got me lad. you got me.
square go prick
needing a qt teenage fem twink bf B A D right now t b h
And you stop assuming you can just fix neurological diseases by "learning". If you teach yourself to not be autistic, you weren't autistic in the first place.
trigerred lmao
tbf I used to drink whiskey when I was about 17 because I thought it made me 'ard, I actually hated the taste and could barely stomach it so I stopped and started drinking beer and cider instead
Wish the blacks and Pakis would Fuck off, tbph
that's fucking hot lad bloody hell
Not gonna lie lad, was not expecting that.
Thats.. thats some flexibility that lads got going on. Damn.
no, I never said I taught myself not to be autistic, I said I taught myself to socialize which if you were as high IQ as you claim you should be able to do
I literally drink spirits from the bottle every day and I am an alcoholic but there's nothing I hate more than fucking teenagers thinking they are hard because they drink straight spirit.
You genuinely the most pathetic people on the planet.
Imagine filming yourself sucking your own cock with your bollocks resting on your face and then uploading it on the internet for thousands of people to see. Parents must be proud
Also jun kys
wtf that was a deep self succ
My brother had mild Aspergers. He used to use his disability pay to smoke weed and party every day. Another guy I went to college with used to use his to buy new consoles. It's a fucking joke.
>Kind of got bored of it lad, halfway through ep 3.
Wtf lid
*whips you as a boy*
>Killing of a Sacred Deer. If you like absurdist shit I'd recommend it
Fuck you and your arty farty thrillerfu
Whats boring about it? it's only a mini series
Evidently you don't understand autism if you think "learning to socialise" can be done with intelligence.
It's like telling a blind person they are dumb because they can't see.
I can only drink it straight if its a really fuckin' small amount to be honest lad. I'm a poof in that area. How did you get to the point you're at now lad?
People try to get free money using a variety of lies.
I personally work so I don't know why you bring this up, but I do know people fake autism and depression and anxiety for benefits.
Instead of criticizing the state for this travesty, you complain about mental disorders.
no arse also sauce
this is what ur idealised self looks like
Almost as pathetic as being dependent on a substance. I hope you pay for it all without stealing and getting arrested.
It started with a few beers after work, then a bottle of wine, then whiskey. Alcoholism doesn't happen overnight, it's the result of many years of dealing with stress and depression and whatever else you have that's troubling you.
Sorry but being a druggy isn't as bad as being a wannabe druggy, which is what you are if you're showing off about slamming down liqueur.
You better watch them if you can even remember the list.
I bloody put effort into it aswell.
Post tat
I blame the lazy doctors that diagnose it to everyone that walks through the door.
alcohol is a substance you state cuck
Love me some arty films
Dunno mate, lately I haven't been able to get into shows really. I need something with a compelling storyline and this just feels like a very vague and boring mystery. Off to the gym now, catch ya later
Lot of hostility in this thread. Let's have a tim to calm things down abit
So, what are you doing with your 146 iq except for shit posting? surely with that level of intelligence you can find some poncey professors to socialize with
What are they supposed to do? Risk their jobs and tell people "oh no you are faking it"? Then the patients would just go to a different doctor.
Everyone likes to blame Tories for fucking everything. I'd be more inclined to blame pathetic leeches than rich people who are actually good at doing something enough to get money for it.
If it wasn't for being fucking mental, Tim would be living the life. Posh cunt
That's what I wrote you absolute pleb.
Well I was working in academia as an assistant professor, but right now I am just a part time consultant. I make enough to get by.
He was a solicitor before schizophrenia so yes.
Pic related, don't you worry
They're what I've on for watching in no particular order
Would post but it would identify me and if somebody knew the style I have some personal links with the fren that drew it
Autism paranoia, not like he's famous or anything
And the next doctor should tell them to fuck off as well. I'm sure there are people that suffer from medical depression and actual autism, most however need to get a fucking grip. Feel a little sad they go to the doctors and the lazy fucks write them a prescription and sick note.
It's abit slow m8 but it's has very compelling storyline.
Stick with it and stop being apathetic humbug
>not getting a specialized job with the government because you're a savant
sort it out. i am sure the mi5 or mi6 have some specialized jobs for you
post ur name and address so i can fight you
Where have you got that from? I've heard he has a trust fund set up between him and his brother, that's how he can afford to travel to Oxford every other week and go to all these fancy cafes
I've also heard he worked in IT in the US but that could be bullshit. /brit/ knows more about him
If the system is so easy to game - as easy as going to the doctor and saying boo hoo I feel suicidal, give me free money! - do you really expect people to not try to game it?
Again, Tories try to stop this and everyone jumps on their backs claiming they're after the poor people. Fuck that, I'd rather a few poor people suffer than millions of frauds rip us all off.
office bitch pen pusher is really specialised
Ye mate let me drop my name and address on Jow Forums because some autist can't read
>stop being apathetic humbug
fight me dirty basterrrd
ok lid but whats it of tho?
You saved some of them wahey
>not getting a secret agent job
sounds like your iq is being wasted
Lads I had to basically tear my self away from Stardew Valley to get ready for work
Very uncomfy feel, just about to get my chickens
I'll be honest mate I'm not educated enough to get involved with the politics of it. That was just my opinion on people with depression and "mild aspergers"
>>stop being apathetic humbug
stop being a apathetic humbug
go fetch
i'm probably not good enough to be a special agent. though funnily enough i saw an ad on Indeed for Mi6. They wanted degrees and plenty of other stuff i dont have
looking like a bit of a pussy mate
Hard to explain, it's contained and it has a character of sorts within it, a nice little section of patterns and some little bits surrounding some of the other sections
Vague but I don't know how else to put it fren
if you can't see why you're wrong you clearly don't have a high IQ, let me guess you'll provide no proof and your IQ test was done on buzzfeed, no way is someone with a near hawking IQ this dense
Just tell them you have an iq of 146, i am sure that will be enough.
>Lads I had to basically tear my self away from Stardew Valley to get ready for work
Haven't played for a while finished year 1 but my fucking animals are sad and don't produce
>Fuck that, I'd rather a few poor people suffer than millions of frauds rip us all off.
Yea mate, that's what's happening. You're just buying into the line that the government and the media (Daily Mail, Sun, etc.) are feeding you
He also worked as an actor
There are literally multiple people here in this thread that have admitted to faking depression for ESA.
This discussion is no longer about intelligence, rather, it is about your ignorance of psychiatry. Intelligence does not play a role in developmental disorders. You can have an IQ of 200 and still have trouble in social settings.
Like a celtic knot
Thought you were calling me pathetic tbf, apathetic is closer to the truth. My sleep is already starting to go to shit too, need to get active so now Im' off to the gym for real. You should probably work out too
show me proof of your IQ, why are you not in mensa?
If people do it because they want to peruse something then i understand but they should be ashamed if they are doing to spend all their time watching anime and play video games
oooo looks a bit like a boipucci
>the guardian
You realise The Guardian is left-wing propaganda? I mean that in a technical sense, it is literally propaganda for the left.
Let me falsify the entire article: how could they possibly know how many people are committing benefit fraud? Saying x people have been CAUGHT committing fraud has no bearing on how many have ACTUALLY committed fraud.
I'm disappointed you fall for that shit.
Wish i had the balls to do it.
too anxious
Bit off there, it's nothing tribal or whatever
It's a bit cutesy I suppose
I played it for like 5 hours a year or so ago and it didn't grab me
Now it's the comfiest thing ever
Really scratches an itch
>can play a few songs on piano
Well that's an understatement! He's a piano prodigy
Are you actually this gullible and dense? The other lad is taking the piss
Feel free to think I'm lying but I have literally had it measured by a clinical psychologist. I paid for it too, I was very insecure and had an inferiority complex, but it's definitely right.
>The other lad is taking the piss
fuck sake I've been baited
you shouldn't be using past tense lad
>You should probably work out too
I do and i will after din dins not long up
>Source: DWP; Insurance Fraud Bureau
Don't know what more you want lad, ^ that sounds far more rigorous than your anecdotal evidence about people in this thread who are faking mental health for bennies or articles about individual stories in the Daily Mail.
sounding a bit jealous mate
the source isn't the problem, they only know about the people who get caught and bennies are incredibly easy to get fraudulently so the number is realistically a lot higher than statistics show
>get to go home on the tram full of soiboys, chavs, arabs and loud black women
Thanks Churchill
>Really scratches an itch
Ahhh the comfy humble life itch
do happy pills take care of apathy lads?
>It's a bit cutesy I suppose
nah mate not rly