Do you believe in yourself finding a girl that likes you user?

Do you believe in yourself finding a girl that likes you user?

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what an awkward sentence

I've already had girls that have liked and have been interested in me.
The problem is I can't hold their attention for long, because I'm boring and I'm a social autist

There were girls like that in my life, but I'm never able to maintain that interest. I'm destined to end up as a disappointment for any girl who tried to talk with me for a longer periods of time.

Lots of girls "like" me

But none of them can "love" me :(

This! I know this feeling too damn well.

Nope but I'm happy with one dimension less

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Yeah... one day I won't fuck it up

Both of these. I know I need to develop an actual personality before I try having a relationship again, but I'm too lazy/uninterested to try, and life just keeps getting busier.

I've come close in the past so I think there would be a chance but I worry that it might be too late.

I assume that any girl being nice to me is doing it either out of pity or as a cruel joke
Ow shit that cuts deep

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>I know I need to develop an actual personality before I try having a relationship again,
Is that even possible at this point?
I feel like that somethings that develops when you're growing up. I feel like my 20 something self is already set in stone personality wise

Ive never had a girl tell me that they like me without it being some sort of cruel prank.

I don't even know at this point what the point of meeting people is anymore i guess staying away from people is the best option

no, it won't happen

Being liked by a girl isn't a problem. In fact, I'd say I can even manage some success with women sexually when I try. But what I really want is someone to love me, and I just don't think it's possible to know who I really am and to not feel some measure of disgust that makes affection impossible.

No. If even I can't understand the depths of my own intellect, what chance does a woman have?

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No because I don't like real woman, maybe in an anime afterlife or something.

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Not until i start going Jow Forums and out more.

no. originalmente.

If they think they like me at first, they have made a mistake.

>ywn have a girl cut her eyeball out for you

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>girl asks me out on a date
>figure out it was a dare with her friends
>never speak to her again

>girl forcibly befriends me
>figure out that she has a betamale harem
>never speak to her again

Now I know better: It's a waste to think about it.

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Same problem here
Dont really like going out of my comfort zone
I want to change but dont think I can at this point

This thread reminds me of that single opportunity I had
>new girl at work
>she's 200% my type in terms of looks
>we never talked but her body language and other actions imply I had a chance
>on an off note I was bullied at work
>never talked to her in fear of her being in on the bullying
I wasn't really going anywhere with that story but I needed to vent by sharing.
Anyways If there's anything I learned after that, you just need
>social ability
>constant exercise

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Same, I actually use to go to a therapist for my general/social anxiety.
Basically bullshit though, they waste time diagnosing your and asking you about yourself etc over a few sessions, but in the end unless you make the effort to leave your shell nothing changes. Unless they drug you

No I do not believe any woman would like me in this life enough to consider me hers or herself mine