If you were to be given the power to stop time and do anything, what would be the first things that you'd do?
If you were to be given the power to stop time and do anything, what would be the first things that you'd do?
Questionable things...
join eric and dylan. seriously
I'd probably stop time and just leave it frozen. Not even anything I particularly want to do, it'd just be nice to finally not have to worry about anything anymore.
I would kill myself. Then time would be stopped forever, thereby saving everyone else from suffering further with their shitty lives.
Break into a bank, steal money. Go into a CEOs office and get his passwords. Something like that.
i'd steal female underwear and destroy people's shit. Nothing special here desu
nuke the planet, sorry
Stab my uncle. Hes a cunt m8.
you can do that without stopping time
Kill all the jews
Probably kill my enemies, get some money, nice clothes, steal better PC parts from random people to later imagine them be confused why their PC's don't work, rape someone though it's not rape bc they don't know anything even happened, eat expensive shit, jizz on random people from some high place in the town, fuck bitches, maybe even get some loli ass, consider suicide multiple times, bamboozle thots, put pointy ends of knives into random people, but it's ok bc it would be only a 1cm deep stab, steal drugs and get high, get expensive alcohols, have sexual intercourse
with random subjects, divide by 0, go home, masturbate bc i'm still a loser when it comes to relationships, sleep, go back to town, pause time and never unpause it bc scared of the police.
yo that's amazing. how do you mean the loli part though
like actual real
Deflower half the city
And in connection impregnate as well
Dubs won't save your soul
I mean like children.
Kill all Jow Forumsdittors
Stealing things and groping/assaulting women sounds fun, but so does releasing skyrim
you don't need to stop to time to do that though
covering all the bases i see
walk to college so I don't need to spend money on the bus
i ain't trying to get caught tho. especially stealing pantsu.
Whatever right? It'll be like it never happened, might aswell utilize that to its full extent.
its not hard to not get caught though
I would stop time
and then it would stay frozen because no actions can be taken in stopped time, not even by myself
I'd do studying, planning and self-improvement stuff in stopped time so I can live free in real time.
Obviously fuck around with people.
Could be useful when I just need a minute to think things through.
rape everything
wow thanks for playing along
Play vidya, get homework done, jerk off. Maybe mess around with people. I feel like going through people's houses would be really fun. Not stealing or anything, just observing.
Rape my crush obviously
Sleep for a while, then ask the same question.
if you stopped time and moved then you would undergo infinite force and die
kill alot of people
hypothetically of course
Cheat on my presentation I have been doing for the past 3 days.
Cosplay DIO
Probably grope some girls.
Objectively the best suggestion here, although for it to be realistic you'd have to custom fit your clothes so they could fit watermelons to stimulate his muscles
Idk smoke 2 bowls and just walk the streets enjoying the peace, make out while grabbing the ass of my crush, look at her naked ass, punch people in the face who are obnoxious. Idk man might just sit for a while, take a nap, live a few days or weeks while the world is on pause, take a shit on Donald Trumps face, things like that
Just walk into peoples houses and fuck with their shit
Win the SBR.
Probably sell myself for hire on the Darknet; Couple bitcoin for a murder. Maybe steal something for a price. Kidnap people, blow shit up. Anything really, since I cant exactly incriminate myself unless I'm stupid about it. Just for the fun of it, really.
Praise our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ for giving me this power.
fuck women and sniff their crotches.
win every staring contest by manually closing peoples eyes and then unfreezing time
Dubs don't lie about God.
Travel to Russia and America, and trigger all of their nuclear missiles.
Mess with every guy trying to hit on my crush. Like make them trip, steal their shit or cut their wrists.
yes do it for your crush
All of these suggestions are just top notch. 10/10 r9k, you're sicker than /b/
I just realized. If time stopped, you wouldn't be able to see anything, because light would stop reflecting off of objects and entering your eyes, because it wouldn't be able to move.
I think people mean freezing everyone and most things around them. Because if you'd stop time then also gas particles would stop moving and that would prevent gas exchange and you'd die
steaI currency
Find my hot history professor, slip off her shoe, and suck on her toes while masturbating furiously
The usual stuff - steal shit so I don't have to worry about money, dick some hot girls etc. etc. But that I feel will get boring quite fast. I will probably fuck people lives. Like stopping time put some crack in the nose of some Chad start time again, wait 2 min stop time again, smash his gf head with a hammer and put it in his hand. Stop time go into someone house get his gun kill his family put the gun in his hand. Stop time when children are walking on the street, go the nearest moving (now frozen in time car) curve the wheel so the car will run over them. Make 9/11 every week. Just stop the time the moment the plane crash into the building move inside and take the steps.
I remember this one game on Newgrounds where you were an invisible guy and you would rape women.
I think it would be so fun doing that. Only problem is finding a way to clean the cum so they can't get DNA evidence
Go around screaming "ZA WARUDO!" and slightly move things around.
Honestly I would look at everyone's dick to see how big they were
Then I would build my own subway sandwich and then fill my own cup of broccoli cheddar soup because I feel like they could had another 1/2 than when I order it
free subway everyday. Yum
this. this is amazing. Yes.
Probably just walk into the store and take all the snacks so I can stock pile them and not pay. However, if I could move people around I'd walk into someones house while they're having sex and swap one of the partners around with another person who I found having sex. Maybe break into some banks too but idk
Look at all these filthy and evil people!
I'd just use it to not come late to uni.
This. If I would just use it so I can stay in bed longer and not have to worry about being late for work
non stop rape on mass
Put an end to the joestar bloodline
Sleep whenever I want. Just got to work and you're tired? Take an instant 8 hour nap. Figure out a way to make money too. If the effects of whatever I did to people suddenly hit them all at once, I'd tickle at least one person a day for like 2-3 minutes and record them freaking out when I unpause time.
>being this angry
Just stop consuming onions
Strip women naked in public. Make random things happen to people. Commit as many crimes as I wanted and if I'm connected to any of those crimes, use it to run anywhere I want to get the heat off.
nice try fbi
Wipe my ass while time is frozen. I wipe for hours and hours just to be sure. Then I could play more vidya and see if my body will age. I would stop time forever and see how long I can go before running out of food or getting bored. Also I guess that vidya won't work due to lack of electricity. Will electrons, neutron etc work if time stops ? Because if time really is frozen, my heart would stop beating and I'll die. Which is fine btw
Steal a ridiculous amount of money and resume time again.
I'm a man of simple materialistic means
OP here. The question was meant in the sense of "Everything is frozen, but you can move things...if you want. Like move your penis in holes you normally shouldn't have the access to"
Stop time, kill self, hope I've ruined the universe for everyone else
I would probably nap whenever i wanted
and then i would go to the store and steal food, clothes, and toothbrushes and I would distribute them to people who needed them, anonymously.
probably i'd do a lot of napping. it would be really convenient to extend my day whenever i wanted. i could procrastinate all i wanted, too.
I'd guess I'd stop time and do lewd things to this girl I used to like and take pictures to Blackmail
>stop time
>never start it up again
>solve all the worlds problems and everyone gets to live forever
I'd be the hero of all mankind. But what I'd personally do is eat and drink a lot of expensive things, steal a lot of electronics and money, and take the clothes off of a lot of women and have sex with the ones that attract me.
Sometimes I fantasize and imagine that I had that power while also having the power to give it to others. I'd freeze time and look through people until I find a woman that I deem a fembot and then fuck her for awhile and then give her the power too. I'd explain everything to her and then I'd love to see what she'd do with it. I'd love to just give the power to other people and have them think nobody is watching me then just watch what they'd do. People watching to the extreme degree.
booooring. Why give this amazing power to people? They would notice if you froze time.
Throw Knives at edgy 17 year olds.
Then I would wipe my ass and play vidya until I get bored and probably do like by curiosity (even if I'm pretty sure that time will simply resume). I don't care about sex or women, I just want to be alone and comfy desu
empty stores.
so you have the ability to freeze time and do WHATEVER you want and get away with it and you chose to wipe your ass, play videogames and kill yourself. Like damn atleast steal yourself an amazing setup and play video games on a huge (stolen) screen with amazing (stolen) speakers running on 400fps with your (stolen) gaming pc
Build a village innawoods, stealing lots of weapons, ammo, money, equipment, food, seeds. Get fit, read hundreds of books. When i think i am wiser, i will unlock time and invite people i deem worth in my village. If it can work for at least 10 years i would build many more villages and accelerating yhe system collapse.
Nah, I'm fine with my shitty pc, and also what tells you that it's not a shit test and that aliens or jews are waiting for you do to some fucked up shit and laugh at you. I wouldn't waste such an opportunity to be comfy forever and to watch the universe die. I don't get why some anons would want to break stuff or hurt strangers when they have the possibility to live forever and watch astronomical habbenings. Like I said, I just want to be comfy
This is getting pretty deep. Nah I'd probably just molest strangers and or rape/use them until I got bored of it. Then I'd be with you user, watch how everything eventually goes down.
Go to all the gas stations in town, steal all the cigarettes
Go to all the delis in town, stick my feet in all the ingredient tubs
fill the catalog with pic related eheheh
Curse you, satan.
For all we know somebody could have stopped time for the equivalent of like 5 years and we wouldn't have noticed
rape some people in oregon
holy shit haha pretty nice
>time stop powers will never be real
>Kings app will never be real
You're not the hero we need
You're the hero we deserve.
Originally of course.
rob the pharmacy prescription aisle then kill some people
And rework the propane bomb while you're at it.
grope women and steal money i guess. Also maybe help people who need it. and drugs...lots of drugs
would do random unexplainable shit like enter a room and come out of another just to fuck with people.
I would stop time every day so I could get more tired and sleep at a reasonable hour.
I would also immediately commit far more crimes if I had no reasonable fear of consequences.
Rape every hot girl I see and steal every single penny I can.
Go to work and slowly work my way through all the females, caressin' and molestin' till i'm out of cum
Have sex unstoppable with my oneitis and kill her boyfriend, then steal thousands of dollars to buy a nice computer and food
No shit. Space and time are one. You can't actually freeze time, because then you must freeze space.