Why is there such a hatred for non-masculine looking guys? The guy in pic related looks like a normal beta dude, yet he's labeled as the archetypal nice guy creep and so many assumptions are made about him. There's nothing in his appearance that entails how he behaves or thinks. Are women really that shallow to believe something like this?
Why is there such a hatred for non-masculine looking guys? The guy in pic related looks like a normal beta dude...
The hatred isn't based on looks, it's based on behavior. I fit that bill to a T, yet I don't creep out women because I don't act like a repressed thirsty robot around them.
>can be found mostly in the company of even numbers
>Six foot or less
Why do women do this? It's an uncontrollable attribute, and yet for whatever reason I'm forced to accept obese walruses as normal, despite the fact that you can control your weight 99% of the time.
It absolutely is based off of looks. Why else would they choose a guy like that to represent it? Because they have pre-existing biases on what nice guys look like. In their minds, they all look like losers when in reality, appearances have nothing to do with how they act. Chad will never be labeled a nice guy even if he acts the same exact way. It's just a way to make beta men feel like shit.
Do you know the source of the image?
go outside and observe the couples, most of the married men look exactly like that
>I'm forced to accept obese walruses as normal
Only because you're a manlet. I'm 6'0" and don't have to accept that.
Nice guys might always look like losers but they definitely are always losers
How you look is how you are. This is only now changing with the internet and none physical methods of communication that are just as reliable as physical.
If you shave all your facail hair it says something about you, the same way doing to opposite does. How you dress also says a lot. Are you hands dirty? Do you comb your hair? What kind of shoes are you wearing?
These questions speak volumes, without you ever actually speaking.
If this man asked you to step out of the car, before even doing it, would you trust him enough to consider it? Why or why not?
compensating lol
>Nice guys might always look like losers but they definitely are always losers
Social conformity is the first argument a roastie will use against a man who can see through her vile tricks.
I think I triggered the "nice guy"
Pic related
Hot to spot a nice guy:
>isn't a dick
I am anything but nice. I don't need to pretend to be someone I'm not in order to get validation, unlike a toastie roastie.
>harps about face-saving buzzwords
>says "triggered"
that's very nice of you, guy
You do realize that you misinterpreted what the first guy said, and then said nothing to the second guy.
You're a moron. SAD!
spot on the spot
>posts a pic thinking it'll be an epic comeback
>yet nobody said he wouldn't get laid, just that he was a loser
If you support Trump the best thing you could do for him is not let onto it. You make him look worse
>stop being so nice, it's creepy
stop acting nice
>stop being such a douchebag
there's no winning if you aren't chad. every action you take is just wrong.
They don't mean "stop being a nice, kind, pleasant person", they mean "what you interpret as nice comes off as saccarine and try-hard, which is off putting"
No one thinks being genuinely nice is creepy, but considering everyone here is a seething virgin with a chip on their shoulder and self-diagnosed autism, it doesn't surprise me that you can't pull off natural human interactions with women.
And yet you ignore the fact that the pic "he" posted had 6 points where only 1 applied to me.
It's obvious that you're samefagging.
>post pic where one thing apply
>you post pic where nothing applies
>literally 1UPing yourself
Read point 2 you worthless cunt.
>women have effectively demonized ugly but overall inoffensive dudes
just lol
>p-point 2
lmfao kys sad cunt. You'll always be an angry, lonely bitter incel. If you disagree you simply prove me right ;)
What assmad reddit normie made this gay little picture
>You'll always be an angry, lonely bitter incel
Refer to point 1 before you open the door and hit the wall in front of you.
How do you know this pic is even from a female centric source and not a butthurt self-identifying "nice guy"?
Can we add "assmad reddit normie" to the list?
>a butthurt self-identifying "nice guy"?
That's more retarded than to willingly wear pic related in Nazi Germany.
wasn't even talking about the pic, "nice guys" has become a meme
Confirmed for being an eternal incel. Can't fault my logic werks every time :)
>tfw 0 is an even number
>not replying directly to me
>not replying to the image to give context to anything youre refering to
You must be a coward or a retard, not sure, hmmm
Self identifying nice guys usually aren't actually nice people.
>Only because you're a manlet
Reading comprehension below ground level.
based Gondola poster
95% of the people on this board are hopeless retards with zero empathy or observation skills. This is the bog of the internet for the people who never talked in high school. Naturally, if you are not correctly socialized, you end up in a fucked up little world where you are always right and everyone else is always wrong like it is here. It is sad all of you missed out on that vital socialization, but blaming others is no path to self improvement. For your own good, stop reading shit boards like this and pick up a book or go fucking do something. Time is going on and you really are the only ones holding yourselves back from the self improvement and the happiness you all yearn for.
you don't have the faintest idea what you're talking about but it's cute you think you do lol
T.FBI psychiatrist telling us 'don't do it, user!'
good thing we have you as a part of the 5%
Or maybe we just have a different view of the world and come here to vent. We don't want your normie happiness anyway.