That could be your life but instead you chose video games and Japanese cartoons.
That could be your life but instead you chose video games and Japanese cartoons.
Because it felt great.
I enjoyed my teen years, it's only now as an adult that my dick's saying that I should mate with women.
Lol chose. Nice b8 m8.
I get more enjoyment out of video games than I would out of having a tattoo.
Shit bait
But seriously though, it isn't as extraordinary and remarkable as it is being advertised as. It's a normie thing.
>That could be your life but instead you chose video games and Japanese cartoons.
Yup, made a great decision.
>tfw 27 year old virgin
>tfw had plenty of occasions to fuck 4/10 - 6/10 girls that were literally jumping at me offering me massages or giving me their phone numbers
>even few 7/10 here in there but they were usually slutty ones
>mfw I have uncontrolled autism and I deeply miss sex life so the only women I find really attractive are the 15-18 teenage girls which I can't fuck because I'm not a pedo and perfect 9/10, 10/10 women which don't want me because I'm not a confident chat that drives a brand new car
Am I the progenitor of all /v/irgins and soiboys? Is my t-level that low or wtf is wrong with me? I literally refused free pussy because the rest of the body isn't pretty enough to fuel my sex drive and I'm not desperate enough because I don't know how good it feels?
I find relationships tiresome, I can't even keep myself interested in friendships, let alone pussy. I'd rather die alone
Basically, you're a fucking degenerate retard who refused sexual contact with decent-looking women who wanted to initiate intimacy with you because you are an asshole. By that, I mean you objectified (and almost certainly still objectify) women to the point that you can't even become aroused by someone who is below whatever bullshit nebulous standard of attractiveness you decided was appropriate.
You want advice, degenerate? Stop jerking off to porn, get the fuck outside, and the next time a kind soul decides to initiate intimacy with you, be vulnerable and intimate back. You fucking autistic douchebag.
Yeah you are a porn addict who faps way too much. Even 4/10's start looking ok without constant porn and fapping.
that image is just a fantasy
video games and Chinese cartoons are actually real tangible things
I don't even play vidya or watch Jap cartoons
Why am I here so alone?
I made out with a girl yesterday, loser.
I made the right choice desu.
No faggot. We are here because we are not as attractive. Said hobbies provide solace to loneliness not cause it.
Tried too hard. Original
Crazy mom
Video games and anime were merely copes and escapism. To late to function normally now.
They're not happy either. She's probably insecure, controlling and a little crazy and he's probably getting sick of it but stays with her because he's terrified of change.
Damn, it's easy as hell to spot roasties
Are. U. A roastie?
Relationships are not that great
>have a coworker who was married a few years ago
>they had a few children
>they got divorced recently
>noticed he got more stressed at work, talking about all the things he have to do for the children after work, barely got time for himself etc.
>ex-wife calls him during work hours, putting him in a bad mood for the rest of the day
>constantly low on cash
Me as a single guy
>plenty of cash, time and can enjoy my hobbies in peace
I'm a man but I'm neither autistic nor a dickhead
Who hurt you? Some jerk who didn't want to fuck you just because you're fat and insecure?
>I'm a man
Yeah, and I'm Thor
>not having both a wholesome relationship and also being a huge weeabo
back to r*ddit with you onion onions boy desu
cuz people suck either way
>chose education
>chose gym
>chose good job
>it's still not my life
Why are you trying to fool even more people?
I am literally male. Being aware that women are human beings should not incite this reaction from other males. I hope you retarded degenerates burn in hell.
Video games and Chinese cartoons are a much safer option
Lol what? Jews want white people to breed?
No dumbass, Jews want you to be essentially separated from society and sterile, which.. You are.
Is sex with a mediocre girl really any better than masturbating to a super QT in POV porn?
>not into video games
>not into anime
>still a 28 yo kv
I guess I'm just fucked.
For some reason I thought females believed in love. Can't really explain why doe
this is so true it hurts
I should just take HRT to seal the deal, it's not like it matters at this point
Good goy don't forget to upgrade your car to a family car and upgrade your cheap apartment to a family house.
It is. You can't make your hand ask you to stop
>I should just take HRT
I just wonder who could be behind that post.