What have you faggots been doing where self improvement is concerned?
So far I've
>started going to the gym 3 times a week
>fapped and smoked weed less
>played vidya and watched anime less
>meditate 10 minutes after waking up, 30 minutes after noon, and 10 minutes before bed
>starting reading
>got a fucking hair cut finally after months
>started being more talkative at my wage job
What have you anons been doing, you haven't been sitting on your ass all day shaking your fists at the world, right user?
Don't ignore my thread you cucks, I know you're out there
I've been lifting and dieting recently. I'm working harder at school.
A girl I find attractive is interested in me but the more I talk to her the more it seems like she has BPD or something. I don't know whether to pursue it further. This is my first time ever dealing with a girl who wants to talk to me.
Fuck I wish I had broad shoulders like the dude on the right.
My god
Experience if genuinely the best way to understand girls.
Not even being patronizing, girls are just really weird.
I just don't get it. She gives me different answers to the same questions, she constantly pries into things I don't want to talk about, she sometimes answers my texts and sometimes doesn't, she talks about how she has depression so I gave her some info because I have depression but then she acted weird and kept asking me "why do you think I have depression?"
I just don't get it
Keep up with the dieting and lifting user, you're doing great. But do not and I repeat DO NOT get involved with a BPD girl, their entire life revolves around manipulating other people for attention and unless you can keep your feelings completely divorced from the pussy, it's gonna end badly.
There will be other girls who will be interested in you, don't let some psycho bitch waste your time.
>ever smoked weed in your life
>not reading from toddler age until too blind to read
>being a gymcel roidrat
it's already too late for a worthless faggot like OP
Holy shit take this to Jow Forums and fuck off
Don't date someone just because they are interested in you. You have to genuinely like them.
In the past i've dated girls because they are really into me yet I'm not feeling that into it, they often turn out to be the crazy ones who cause so much stress.
If you see more than a one or two warning signs I suggest staying away from dating them.
what's wrong with a little weed here and there? I never said I LEARNED how to read I said I starting reading as in doing it more often. I don't use steroids either, why would you post such lies about me user?
Thanks. I'm thinking of just dropping her but the only thing that's holding me back is that she's very attractive physically and personality-wise too and I'm still a KHHV so this is tantalizing
I like her personality but there are just some of these weird bipolar aspects that throw me off. But yeah I think I'll just get rid of her
>lifting for roastie attention
Why ? The thread isn't dedicated to working out, that's just a single aspect in the self improvement process. Self improvement isn't limited to just fitness, it's an action that covers much more. I just chose that pic to attract attention.
I started lifting for my health and to feel better about my body. Not for women.
been trying to hard to pass this math degree, next step is trying to understand poincarre answer question.
who wants to look like those misshapen faggots?
Signed up to the gym a few days ago, haven't gone yet bc I'm sick. Slowly starting to think it's time to go back to school, (I'm only 22) my issue is that I've already acquired some debt from previously dropping out of college so I'm not exactly sure if I should risk it and get in more debt
they look hot though
no homo
what's even the point of meditating though?
>started drawing daily instead of whenever the mood takes me
>actually studying books, using my brain while doing so (for drawing I mean)
>brushing teeth daily
>saving some of my neet bux weekly instead of buying drugs and/or alcohol
the thing I'm most happy with is my last point. 3 weeks sober now, after ~2 years of not being sober for a single day. Next I wanna quit smoking.
google benefits of meditation faggot
I haven't done shit and I don't know if I'm going to ever try again.
I started seeing a new psychiatrist since the last 4 I've had were fucktards, as is the norm on medicaid, and she seemed like she understood how to treat my anxiety issues but then she quit working at that place and I have to see her replacement on the 3rd of May. They've been giving me 10 pill klonopin scripts to help get me into my first few therapy sessions and to get out of my apartment at all, but at the last therapy session the therapist basically said I'm a mess and it's going to take a long time and a lot of effort to fix me. So, if this new psychiatrist says fuck you no more klonopin while you wait an undetermined amount of time for therapy to work, or if they try to put me on buspar, I'm just gonna break down and give up completely.
There are letters I need to send out to get old student loans from a state uni put on hardship forbearance that I haven't done. I also need to get my old AP scores sent to a CC I'm going to try to go to assuming the psychiatrist cooperates
Staying with a friend right now cuz disabled by anxiety issues and he has been strongly hinting that if I don't get a real job in next few weeks I'm gonna have to go since I've been with him for 2 years now.
My life is a mess and I can't even begin trying to improve it unless a doctor gets their head out of their ass and realizes someone that has taken literally every SSRI, a bunch of antipsychotics, mood stabilizers, and every non-benzo anxiolytic without result maybe should just be on the fucking benzos since they work every time they are given to me.
I hate this.
I'm really proud of you. It sounds like you've been doing well, and I truly believe that you can keep this progress up.
this doesnt seem like a big deal but i tracked my calories today and kept at a deficit which was nice. almost ruined everything by eating some cookies without checking calories, but i just ate less dinner. hopefully i can keep it up and lose weight
>Have the height, frame and shoulder width to waist ratio to obtain this kind of body
>realize how much work it takes to get it and then maintain it
I enjoy life more by not giving a fuck to be honest, I couldn't live that gym rat lifestyle.
You're on a good path, friend.
Probably meditates more than he lifts at the gym. 1 set 5 min rest 1 set 5 min rest, restroom break, selfie time ''at the gym!'' 1 set. Uf that's enough for today
Just use roids bro
I wouldn't know where to begin to find them
>started reading at least 30 minutes a day
>got back into working out (got depressed and quit for a few months)
>started eating healthy
>putting myself out there and socializing
>stopped coming to Jow Forums so often
Life is pretty alright.
today ive sat down for the first time to study for my upcoming final exams.
lol I was joking don't use roids these guys obviously use them
its not worth it especially if you don't have time to maintain
>started playing vidya again
>started watching anime
>started edging to cure my premature ejaculation
I usually just waste my time on Jow Forums so these are a big improvement for me.
Stopped spending so much money on drugs and starting to refind my passion for music production by investing in equipment, also bought Dior Cologne with money I would usually spend on drugs
The only thing i can't improve is social interactions, how to be better and not shy as fuck?
And no the bee yourself meme doesn't works.
How can i improve it?
>being a wagecuck
That automatically counts as a regression, not an improvement.
>Started learning Python
>Going to gym 6 times a week when I can, otherwise 4
>Taking cooked lunch into work rather than buying food
>Masturbating less to cuck porn
Also plan on trying online dating at some point.
pushing barafags off a garden shed roof
it doesn't kill them, so i can do it over and over
how do i learn Jow Forums?
>Started learning Python
Don't, it's a weak language. Go learn C or something, it's got more generalised syntax, has better IDEs, is more widely used, gives you more control, and a million and one othe-
>cuck porn
Oh no, yeah, keep up the good work with Python man.
Is this Chaddie Chaddie Gang Bang 4? One of my favorites. Or this might be from Bro White and the Dudes.
What if you don't want to be a Chad? I'd rather live in the woods or die.
>started to educate myself more and workout
>after 6 months I still have no bf
Kill me
It's called self improvement general. If going out into the woods to die is your idea of improving yourself then go ahead.
Even if you go to the woods to live as a hermit, you can still improve yourself.
>chopping wood for gains
>get gud at hunting
>write naturalist poetry
>build a cabin
*and the 7 Dudes, sorry
>>being a wagecuck
>That automatically counts as a regression, not an improvement
I have a comic just for you.
And here's the second part
What's with the meditation particularly on wake up? I'm too gang-over'd everyday, takes me 30-50mins to actually get out of bed.
Honestly, reading the Bible (a close reading) has been a big improvement for me
Pythons most useful for work and easiest to pick up in a short time.
why are you projecting?
>went from consuming 2000-3000cal/500g sugar in soda every week to just drinking water and some gatorade here and there
>some attempt at watching calories
>go on walks sometimes
that's about it
my ultimate goal is to be a futa goth mommy
Be my futa goth mommy
maybe some day user.
maybe some day.
paying people to have deep talks with you and giving you drugs.
dude just buy some weed and play vidya also workout.
Weed doesn't help me it just makes me paranoid
Videogames are boring because I'm miserable
Working out requires leaving my apartment and that's not going to happen unless I'm going to the psychiatrist
also it's free so I'm not paying anyone anything
doing good this year
>got a full-time job, making six figures
>fap less, probably twice a week now
>stopped drinking and smoking as much weed
>work out every other day, gained lots of muscle
>studying mathematics, particularly category theory at the moment, in my free time
>being more social, making friends and using normienet social networks
>drink almost no soda now, a little bit less beer
>getting good at cold approaching random girls, get rejected a lot but also got two dates on the same day. confidence is through the roof
2019: hold my beer
>What have you faggots been doing where self improvement is concerned?
>Day 1 of NoFap till ascension is reached @ May 1st, 2018
I really need to break this habit. Each and every attempt I relapse between day 4 and 6.
That's when I open my picture folder again (naked, real women only), get a boner, and sit there for one or more hours imagining banging them with my imaginary 12 inch dick.
I'm a 33yo khv, 5'11", 145 pounds, 6.2inch penor. Three years ago I couldn't get hard in a brothel. I have no idea if I could get hard if I actually ever get the chance to have genuine sexual intercourse with a female who's interest in me.
I'm pretty much at last ditch effort territory in my life.
I hope that if I can manage to break the fap&porn cycle (even if it's just pictures of naked women and [presumably toxic] imagination) that this will somehow get things going in the right direction even just a little.
I used to be borderline obese
congrats my dude
do recommend. even though i had a great weight loss, i feel like working out had more effect on me mentally/socially.
>making six figures
dude, you're making a minimum of 100.000 a month?
you're not "doing good", that must have been a typo... you're "doing GOD"
what are you? a druglord in Vietnam?
Height, original weight and how did you avoid loose skin?
looking good bro but had to laugh at those nipple placements im sorry lol
>started lifting twice a week
>started going to BJJ
>started nofap to help cure my ED
>started actually approaching and talking to girls
>started reading books
>trying (and failing) to draw 3 hours a day
you sound like those faggots who keep making excuses to try and get empathy from people.disgusting
you obviously want nothing to change and just want people to pity you
keep doing you then
5'10, 205 lb
I do have a bit of loose skin but not much.
Fffffuuuuu do they look weird???
no just a software engineer
and thats pretty decent for a C/C++ dev, if i chose some hipster js framework i would make much more.
Well good job man, what do you weigh now?
I'm 6'4" 275 and i really want to loose weight but I'm really scared of the loose skin, I cant afford to the surgery, so it puts me off doing it.
feel like i fucked up my body permanently
Nigga I tried to smoke weed for this for 2 years and all it did was make me paranoid in the end. It helped for awhile but now it doesn't. I've been seeing doctors about this shit for 12 years and been on every god damn drug there is for months and months and it doesn't do anything. Benzos work; benzos solve my problem and will let me function until therapy replaces them.
I absolute don't want to remain like this, but the answer to my problem is a fucking Klonopin prescription long term. Doctors don't want to help me. They want to give me shit like hydroxyzine and propranolol and buspar and it doesn't do shit. I have 12 years of medical records showing I've done everything in my power to fix this any other way, but if I just straight up ask a doctor for kpins it's a hard no. Every time.
All I need are these stupid fucking pills and I can't get them because apparently the Hippocratic Oath to do no harm means letting me stay stagnant and miserable is less harmful than having me MAYBE get a dependency in kpins but being able to LIVE.
im 6ft 205lbs
you callin me fat?
I weigh around 150 now. I stopped eating like a pig and lost like 30 pounds. Then i started doing 30 mons of ellipticals maybe 3 times a week
Gatorade has more sugar than coke dumb dick.
Little to no stretch marks? Super impressed great job user. That is of course if you aren't lying
I got banned from Jow Forums for shit posting so let me tell you robots a story
>Be 314 pounds 6'
>Have the classic trio, adhd, depression and anxiety
>Turn 18 and get medicated for adhd because parents refused to believe I needed medication
>Within five months lose 114 pounds, beat depression and anxiety
>Lifted 5-7 times during that time
>Turns out i'm very good looking even at 200 pounds
>Seems I developed schizoid personality disorder and or antisocial personality disorder during all the abuse I suffered through
So pretty good overall desu, my diet was vlcd and water fasting from time to time, now I just eat whatever and just watch my calorie count, 190 pounds at six months now.
What motivated me? I was to mentally fucked up the week before I got my medication, but I remember looking at the mirror and saying fuck that.