How did you overcome wanting to kill yourself?
How did you overcome wanting to kill yourself?
I don't, I'm just to much of a beta to follow through
I didn't
I'm hoping it just goes away
I just did it.
Being a degenerate is more tempting than suicide. This isn't always the case, but it's like this often enough that it keeps me from killing myself.
>How did you overcome wanting to kill yourself?
I have no reason to live other than that I want to see how the world will evolve. I want to see new inventions, technology, music, movies etc.
The realization that if an afterlife exists I'm going to the shit one. I don't fucking trust that.
That doesn't sound to bad actually. Imo it doesn't matter what reason you pick for living, assuming it's meaningfull to you
Occupy myself at all times and ensure that even recreation e.g. reading, video-games, films all have an edge towards them bent on obtaining historical context of various sub-cultures and gaining greater understanding of those belonging to such marginal communities. Additionally I study a lot in my spare time and tend to exercise a lot - not with the intention of becoming Jow Forums though more for simply retaining a decent physique. Also age I suppose; I've failed a lot and frequently experience disappointment, in fact its perhaps one of my only traits: constantly failing at things. Though in a sense its helped me take myself far less seriously and understand that many others are on the same page even if we are taught to put on a mask, that and I still feel that I have a lot to give back before I die. That being said I'm well aware that half of one's arguments against life and maintaining a legacy fall apart at a single touch, though I'd rather turn a blind eye these days than expend energy on something that turns everything grey.
Good reason user, it always sounds lack-lustre when one's reason to life is chalked up to a single sentence though it really is one of the best reasons to keep alive, hope you are doing well.
>go to heaven
>spend eternity conscious, forget all of your memories over time, gradually become an entirely different person and lose touch with everyone you've ever liked
>go to hell
>no afterlife at all
>absolute nothingness that is arguably worse than both
It really isn't nice at all.
I didn't, mate.
moving out of my parents house and being afraid of pain
May your drill never dull
*for life.
Apologies for that.
This by the way, good luck
i killed others
I don't want to kill myself, because I sincerely think I'll make it one day; also every night I take a leak outside and look at the stars, and I'm reminded of how beautiful this world is
having someone who relies on your (whether that be a pet, family or a friend) can be a great help.
learning to appreciate the little things in life (nice smells, beautiful things in nature etc.) also helps make living day-to-day more bearable for me.
pic related is the view from my bedroom window. i get a good view of the sunset and some nice woodland that adds a little happiness to each day.
Buy stuff online so you have something to wait for in the mail. I can be happy all week thinking about mail
After killing yourself it will probably go away, that's what i'm hoping for.
Reminding myself that it is a permanent solution to a temporary problem
Also my cats
Every time I think about killing myself it is preceeded with all the things I could do before I die. Like kill people, become a drug lord pimp, etc. That usually brings me back.
Does anyone actually think "yeah, I'll kill myself....without doing a bunch of sick shit before hand"
I've never wanted to kill myself. Dying and not being able to perceive things is my only fear.
A lot of drugs, and the social repercussions of a failed attempt.
One of you faggots told me life is pointless and I wont amount to anything. Fuck you user, you're right the world won't stop for me. But I'll be damned if I'm not gonna pull myself out of this hole.
>permanent solution to a temporary problem
This retarded phrasing should never have caught on, it makes no sense.
Ideally we want the solution to be permanent you dumb fuck, who wants a a temporary solution?
>it makes no sense.
I guess that is why you completely ignored the "temporary problem" part.
Thats exactly the point brainlet! You made a permanent solution to your temporary problems. Dam fuckface dumbshit.
I do that too user. I get so excited waiting.
I dont trust death. I want out of this world more than anything, but I dont trust killing myself will get me out. I need to know how to overcome that fear and just try it.
Are you actually retarded?
The phrase caught on because it literally explains itself
I tried to hang myself from my ceiling fan as a sophomore in high school, I fucked up the noose somehow though and I just kind of dangled slowly choking, survival Instincts took over and I just felt this adrenaline I hadn't in years accompanied by waves of regret. Started to really make the effort to put myself out there and make friends after that summer I wasn't happy I don't think but I had this like thirst for life again. I think I would've tried again though after I flunked out of college was seriously faded after using molly, synthetic ecstasy, like three or four times a week for like a month and a half. My last semester I would just drink whole bottles of ZzQuill if there was no one to hang out with for a couple days and wait until someone came into my dorm to buy weed or hang out. I had to live in the basement that summer because while I was at college my sisters roommate had moved into my bedroom at home while he was waiting for the dorms to open up in the fall.
I did a lot of acid that summer and started to grow as a person for the first time since high school probably. Mellowed out, started to carry less of a temper, and be less self conscious. Over three years since then I've lost ninety pounds and now only smoke weed mostly. I finally got my first gf and lost my virginity this last summer at 21. I'm back in school, at community college and I worked for the first time this summer, I feel like my family respects me again. I did a bunch shrooms a month or so ago and just saw like this entity watching everything through me like standing behind me or some shit, like not literally there but like when you can feel someone watching you. They were all my ancestors and all my descendants including me all in one voice telling me what I needed to do and what I was going to be and ever since then I've felt this like intense drive. I want to carve out a cozy little section of the woods for my girl so she can grow her flowers and whatever else will make her happy.
for the most part, meds and therapy.
the other part of me still kinda wants to die but it's very rare now.
thank you, kamina
thank you for existing
>survival Instincts took over and I just felt this adrenaline
As a kid I hung myself for fun by putting a robe tie through the top of a closed door. I can't remember a time I've felt more alive.
The thought of what that would do to my already damaged family keeps me from going through with it. I don't want to let them down in that way. That and the hope that one day I will have the chance to do something good in the world before I go. Maybe things will get better for me, maybe not. A big part of how things will turn out rests on me, but some things are beyond my control.
Keep fighting the good fight.
Post got cut off. I think most of all in the last year I've realized where I want to die, not hanging from a fan in the room I grew up in but laying in shade on a porch I built with my own hands with the smell of the earth around me. I can't let anything stop me until I get there, I can't die until then.
It's a feeling I will never forget.