Do you guys have steam profiles? Have you ever added people from here before? How did it go?
Do you guys have steam profiles? Have you ever added people from here before? How did it go?
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most people here are weebfaggots with cringy anime profiles.
stay away
I made the mistake of adding people in a different time zone. I am not that smart.
>Do you guys have steam profiles?
>Have you ever added people from here before?
No. Everyone on Jow Forums is a gay or mentally ill faggot.
A few
Most of them were nice but the worst one was a underage who was sad because he broke up with his gf.
It takes dozens of attempts to find someone who's not completely retarded.
I added two guys, one random from /v/ that I never talked to but would randomly harshly judge whatever vidya I was playing and ree at me, and one guy from here that I played one game with and then he stopped talking to me
What letter does your discord start with
It originally starts with the letter A
I added someone from here once and he took advantage of me for nude pictures when I just wanted a friend
Would not do again
Post nudes or didn't happen
Yeah my friend added someone from here, but just got bullied into wearing girl clothes and taking pictures of himself
Anyone want to chat once and then probably never again?
i dont taIk
jesus christ you literally dont have a life do you
Why are you here, tofu boku normalfag?
>I don't talk
And from the looks of that profile you'd have nothing worthwhile to say either.
greatest steam profile of all time coming through
>tfw i would love to be friends with her
im having that many hours from idling for cards
but your correct, i dont have a life, i'm a literal cuck
>here's my list of retardation disorders i've self diagnosed
nice. also depersonalization and dissociation are two different things. don't be a selfdiagnosis cocktail faggot.
decent anime taste tho. basic, but decent.
damn dude, sort your life out.
I made a good group of friends here awhile ago, although we all split over some drama sadly
my steam profile is as simple as it can be
I like this one, he is very cute!
drop me your steam or discord
link lastfm
any siege vermintide 2 day of infamy peeps out there?
or just hoi4 people to talk with about the game?
Region? I would be down for some vermintide or maybe siege.
NA central
originally of course
EU here, we could still play vermintide I suppose and maybe talk about some hoi4.
just flexin boys...
nice whats your steam or discord or if you just want to throw a burner email out whateves is cool
when the steam feeIs threads were around, i added some people. it went very badly
i really hate Jow Forums
what originalIy happened user?
>Do you guys have steam profiles?
>Have you ever added people from here before?
I believe not
wew people on here really are cancerous aren't they? Were those trannies that blackmailed some kid into dressing like a girl from here?
>play dota 2
>a guy in your team with a weeb avatar acts like a total fucking faggot
really hate you guys just wanted to say that
If you enjoy RotMG or have played it before and are interested in trying it out again, add me.
hehe haha add me lets talk once and never again
Ive added a few from r9k and only one i still talk to once in awhile
this is mine
Secret steam thread?
tumblr might be more your speed, faggot
(pls) add if you want, i'm not really on it though. i mostly play pirated shit
I've added plenty people from steamfeeIs/steamfriend threads. Most were full autismo but fun a few cool peeps. And BPD destroyed one of my best friendshipslmaoing @ myself
Stop watching lives, nerd.
It's ok nerd I'm going to an actual live next month.
Damn, proud of you, dude.
This entire steam profile just screams self-obsession.
new phone
who this???
I have a hunch.
If you have a hunch, what's the person's first letter?
You tell me.
But where is the fun if you don't try guessing?
There is no fun steam threads have been dead for at least a year.
It was for the better to close down the degeneracy. Even you should know.
I just laughed at the degeneracy since they would fight over each other sometimes. I sometimes miss the full blasted austimo cortana
your fault for falling for it and actually sending nudes to a stranger you autistic whore
>I added someone from here once and he took advantage of me for nude pictures when I just wanted a friend
Are you a literal roastie or just a retard?
I have a steam profile, added one person from here and they never messaged me or played any games with me. Removed them after three months of them just sitting on my list not bothering to contact me. I don't mind posting on here but you guys make fucking horrible friends. That's not even to mention all the faggotry when it comes to anime avatar shitters in steam threads on this board.