Alright, all gather. The summer is on the verge of it's arrival, and the sorting hat will choose of your new board that you shall be lurking within.
Newfags, inscribe a sentence, and I shall choose your new summer home.
Alright, all gather. The summer is on the verge of it's arrival, and the sorting hat will choose of your new board that you shall be lurking within.
Newfags, inscribe a sentence, and I shall choose your new summer home.
>not pol not pol not pol
the magic hat speaks to say
>The berries may yet have not walked this land
>please pol please pol please pol
The autism sissy has invited you over to show you his minecraft house. You follow the directions leading you to a shady low-income apartment complex. You're slightly worried about being robbed but you do it for that autistic boipucci. Dodging packs of negros, you find the apartment number and hesitantly ring the doorbell. You can hear noise from inside as you wait, lots of moving around and what sounds like obscenities in a female voice. The door opens and the ecstatic boi looks up at you with a big stupid smile and a "Welcome, fren!". As he takes your hand and leads you to his room, you can see a woman in her late 40s sitting on the couch with a glass of wine staring at you in disbelief. You look around and see what you would think was a kid's room if you didn't know better. There's a stuffed bear on his k-on themed bedset, and posters for anime and games are taped onto the walls. On his monitor is a paused window of Minecraft in front of an /sortinghat/ thread opened in his browser. You can see a pink sleeve stuck in his closet door. You hear the door you both came through close as he rushes to his desk, eager to show you what he made in his game. You come up behind him and pretend to listen to him as he excitedly talks about some stupid miney crafta shit with his eyes focused on the computer screen. He doesn't notice you staring at his ass, legs, and little bare feet. After a minute of this you get impatient and move closer, reach down into his little shorts and grab his soft, squishy ass. He gasps and pauses, then looks back at you with surprise and sincere confusion, only able to let out a "h-huh?"
it says
the hat says
Jow Forums
Kill all niggers. Not black people.
I want to fucking die or commit a mass shooting. Possibly both.
the hat says
Jow Forums
moar btw
the hat says
Jow Forums
the hat says
Jow Forums
Please just don't give me /b/
sorting hat endorses gayposting on r9k
antifagposters btfo
>I am addicted to my betta fish
Free me from bondage, kudasai.
Take me there hatto
the hat says
the hat says
I can't pronounce wingardium leviosa
the hat says
the hat says
the hat says
Andrew Jackson was a great president
the hat says
the hat says
Jow Forums
Send me home
the hat says
I want to die
Originally of course
the hat says
Jow Forums
Hat speaks the truth
the hat says
uhhhh can i get a big mac no onions
the hat says
Death is preferable to lonliness
My SWF folder has over 500 files.
None of that gay shit, thanks
Make me happy, hat-sama!
searching for the wisdom of the sorting hat.
Why is Jow Forums 99% normalfags nowadays? And how do we fix it?
I have come here since the first day of the board's inception and now feel insanely detached from Jow Forums's userbase as it seems it is filled with children and people who can't create original content for the life of them, but I keep coming back, chasing the entertainment and feelings of community I used to get from this place.
Kill all females and extroverts.
The best thing about the nutshack is
it's title typography, it's really stylish.
Poopie de scoop
Woopie de scoop
bust a fat nut originally
>Please nothing boring please please please
I wanna stop being such a brainlet please
>omg i got slytherin lolool XD
harry potter is normie af
I'm learning piano
the hat says
the hat says
the hat says
the hat says
the hat says
Jow Forums
the hat says
the hat says
the hat says
the hat says
Normies think they are special and part of a elite group just for reading them
Classic /ck/ posting desu
I will lurk /x/
yeah but you can't just read them you have to obsess over them as if they are holy writ. and you have to consume all of jk rowling's SJW porn on her twitter
I wont stop until I am satania
Please don't say pol.
Seriously why is she so cute? Shes the only anime character that I find cute
Fill the void in my life hat
What about me, mighty hat?
I love orbiting attention whoring thots
Jow Forums makes me angry frequently yet I come back to it every day, I'm bored and unstimulated a lot of the time, and I procrastinate on my work to the point it affects my grades in uni.
I only go to /b/ for the occasional roll thread and boss fights. Everything else on there is just celeb and trap threads.
hey I just want some quality content
Please, hatto... Guide me to the path
The Wizard needs good badly
my post is ruined
Mainstream media is ruining art
Sorting hat is a newfag, himself.
SWF = Flashes
/gif/ does not host flashes.
Back to ledddit, hatfag.
Take your Harry Potter fans with you
we know what wisdom and knoledge are but we cant put a worthy definition on them.
Something that has porn but also has meaningful discussions
I barely have the will to live as it is
I hope I get Griffindor