Isn't it just weird that no person ever has seen any value in me? Of course i can write a wall of text about how it doesn't matter to cope, but isn't it really weird? When it doesn't matter if person is smart or dumb, attractive or unattractive, wealthy or poor, short or tall, nice or an asshole, law-abiding or a criminal, literally everyone has had someone else in their lives and here i am living all by myself.
Isn't it just weird that no person ever has seen any value in me...
W-what happened to your biological family OP?
We were never close. I moved to another city and we don't contact each other.
Dang man, that sucks. Maybe try catching up with them on the phone sometime.
If all else fails you still have your pals here on Jow Forums.
I'm okay with this, i myself don't feel much to them.
What i'm not okay with is me not being able to find a single person who would care a little about me, or at least who would want to spend their time with me. No matter what i do, this fact is always in the corner of my mind, reminding i worth less than literally anyone around in the eyes of other people.
I care man. Otherwise I wouldn't be responding.
How often do you interact with people IRL? Do you have a job, go to school?
Don't let the normies convince you otherwise, OP. All worth is decided by the people around you and all human relationships are inherently transactional. Unconditional love only exists in the form of parental love, and sometimes not even then. Everyone else is constantly evaluating your worth based on what you give them and the moment you stop giving them what they want, they will throw you aside and blame it on you.
I have a job. But i'm a programmer and i rarely talk to my coworkers about anything not related to our job. When i first got there, i tried to be social, but it didn't work.
Well if you look at it a certain way, they saw enough value in you to hire you didn't they?
Some of us just aren't cut out for socialization, it just doesn't come naturally like it does for the rest. I know how hard it sucks to be the quiet guy at work, silently observing while the others are yukking it up with casual conversation. It really does make you feel like some sort of alien creature.
Sadness disregarded. I hate when well off people bitch, your problems are not real.
Shut up retard just because a person isn't NEET doesn't mean they don't have the same issues we all face
Maybe you should suck ops dick, loser.
M-maybe I will! no homo
Same here man, you're not alone. And i even had a 3 years long relationship, but still nobody ever cared about me. It's like i'm some kind of invisible being.
As we say here in Italy, ''se io muoio domani, nessuno lo noterebbe e il mondo andrebbe avanti'' (if i'll die tomorrow, nobody would notice this and the world will go on).
A virtual hug brother, that's the worst feeling a human being can experience. I've lost any hope.
>And i even had a 3 years long relationship
I'm unironical.
A destructive relationship, where she held all the ''powers'' and made me feel even shittier.
This is indicative 4 all of you virgin robots who think that a girl will change your lives.
Doesn't matter. If a girl has ever found you attractive, you aren't a robot.
>Same here man, you're not alone. And i even had a 3 years long relationship
That's weak bait.
You're a fucking faggot. Being more well off than others doesn't devalue any problems you may still have. Stick your whataboutisms up your ass.
People like you don't understand what it truly means to be a robot. It's not some black and white virgin or not virgin shit. It goes way deeper than that. Not all robots are virgin incels. Having sex doesn't automatically fix you.
That being said if you're currently in a happy relationship then you're likely not a robot.
>a rich guy's 132nd mansion burning down is just as bad as a kid in africa starving to death
Keep expanding the definition and being welcoming to normalfag scum. That is the reason why this place is dying. In a years time it will be full of "dude anxiety lmao" normalfags and roasties.
>Having sex doesn't automatically fix you
Unironically this. That's what many 'bots here believe. That's a LIE
No, but love and affection does. And if a woman finds you attractive enough for that, you sure as hell were never broken in the first place.
They think that unpayed sex is some kind of mystical and magical potion that will fix all their psychological and physical problems. Like ''Obliterate'' instant from Magic the Gathering ...
I've been on this site since 2007, I think I know what's up my dude
>he thinks sex = love
>he thinks women are capable of loving a man unconditionally
>he thinks having sex will make him human
Why do you people need to invade every single website? Why the fuck can't we have one place for ourselves? You have the enteire internet for your normalfaggotry
>No, but love and affection does
He stated that the girls never like him, so we can presume that was some kind of distorted relationship ... money maybe.
You have no idea what it's like to never in your entire life be loved by literally anyone. Fuck off. You're like a millionaire preaching to a homeless man about how money doesn't matter.
No one is invading, you just have a persecution complex. We're all losers here of varying degrees. Just because somebody is slightly less of a loser doesn't mean you need to fly into some jealous rage. At the end of the day we're the same, only we each have our own circumstances and some of us may have been luckier than others. Try to be more understanding and then maybe you could learn from other's perspectives on life and maybe even progress your life forward with that knowledge.
You're right, my mom loves me.
>easily attracting women
>being a loser
Pick one
I attracted one female 9 years ago, she dumped me because I had no career aspects.
Whoa, guess I'm a regular Casanova and totally not a NEET failure!
lol I meant prospects
I swear to god my brain is starting to malfunction regularly as of late
Yes you are. Unless you aged horribly or were disfigured in the meantime. I'd much rather be a neet Chad then a 2/10 robot working a mid-high end job
What's happened to OP ?
>NEET Chad
Now that's a new one, thanks for the kek
>neet Chad
This sound like the commie-nazi from The Simpson
Chad is all about being attractive. Do you really think Sean O'Pry wouldn't slay even if he was a neet?
Dude being Chad goes way deeper than appearance, it's a way of life. They enter a positive feedback loop from an early age and that snowballs into a successful life. They have it all, personality, looks, success in their chosen career. The antithesis of the robot.
Just because somebody is physically attractive doesn't mean they have a good personality to attract women. That doesn't mean they have a good job to provide for a woman.
There are attractive robots. There are robots with good personalities. There are robots with good jobs. But one of these things alone isn't nearly enough to be considered "Chad".
I will see value in you owo
>Just because somebody is physically attractive doesn't mean they have a good personality to attract women.
>he fell for the personality meme
>There are attractive robots.
No there aren't. If you are attractive you could be literally autistic and would still do well with women and be socially successful.
You're absolutely delusional if you think that the only factor in attracting a woman is physical appearance. Or maybe you're still young and naive.
Money is the only other thing that matters. You are the naive one if you think and ugly 2/10 fuck can a woo a woman with his personality. I'm sure pic related would just slay if he bought a couple of pua books.
If that guy was the life of the party during some normie event you know he'd get some drunk skank all over him. Sometimes all it takes is full confidence in yourself and the ability to socialize successfully with others.
Lots of "ugly" people fall into the negative feedback loop early on in life though, which absolutely crushes any self esteem or will to socialize with peers due to bullying. But the same could be said for kids who aren't ugly but have issues with social interaction. Once you enter that negative feedback loop for whatever reason, it's almost impossible to climb out since you've just been shit on your entire life and know little else.
The cold reality of things are that no female will ever unconditionally love you. It's always going to be a transaction of sorts. The question is if you can gather enough resources to attract a female, whether it be through personality and social status or the amount of money you have and the ability to successfully provide for a family.
>pua books
Those are total bullshit btw
>If that guy was the life of the party during some normie event you know he'd get some drunk skank all over him.
Even if by some miracle he was, he wouldn't. Girls are absolutely repulsed by ugly men, no matter what.
>Sometimes all it takes is full confidence in yourself and the ability to socialize successfully with others.
Sure thing. Tell me more about this fairytale land you are living in.
>Lots of "ugly" people fall into the negative feedback loop early on in life though, which absolutely crushes any self esteem or will to socialize with peers due to bullying.
And the reason they are unsuccessful is there ugliness, not the lack of social skills.
>Once you enter that negative feedback loop for whatever reason, it's almost impossible to climb out since you've just been shit on your entire life and know little else.
True, not gonna argue with that. But if you are attractive, the odds of that happening or that keeping you from being successful are next to non existent.
>The cold reality of things are that no female will ever unconditionally love you. It's always going to be a transaction of sorts. The question is if you can gather enough resources to attract a female, whether it be through personality and social status or the amount of money you have and the ability to successfully provide for a family.
Doesn't matter. The only three things that matter are looks, money and status.
>Those are total bullshit btw
That's the point, user. Pua is bullshit just like the whole personality thing, because women don't care unless you are attractive or can provide them with money or status.
You're so deep in the LMS bullshit that you can't even open yourself up to the idea that personality does indeed matter.
I'd consider myself an attractive male. I know for a fact that girls have had crushes on me in the past.
But guess what is in the way? My total and complete lack of personality. I can't even speak to females that I'm attracted to, I clam up and avoid them. I was subject to lots of bullying while growing up, it completely fucked my personality in a way that made me afraid to socialize in fear that anything I'd say or do would just be used to make fun of me.
This has severely impacted my life and has set me on the path of failure. Even now that I can recognize my issues, I can find no way to overcome them.
Just consider that everybody is different, and just because they're strong in an area in which you are weak doesn't automatically make them a runaway success in life.
>You're so deep in the LMS bullshit that you can't even open yourself up to the idea that personality does indeed matter.
Because all proof points to the fact that it doesn't. At least not to any high degree.
>all the rest of this woe is me tirade
Now imagine not one woman in your life ever being attracted to you to any degree. Imagine everyone treating you like inhuman filth. Do you not see how that is worse? Also, unlike an 2/10 face, social anxiety is easy to treat. Alos, if you looked like Sean O'Pry, your social anxiety sure as hell wouldn't matter.
this guy is one single rhinoplasty away from chad status
Are you retarded or just baiting? It would take hundreds of thousands dollars of surgery to make him look even remotely decent.
lmao just get plastic surgery bro your problems aren't real
>just work your ass of till you're 50 to save up for plastic surgery to look like a 4/10 instead of a 2/10
Just take out a loan brah, it's easy!
>they just hand out 200k loans to random ass eastern european schmucks