Girls often approach me since Im good looking and I always make sure to mention my fathers successful buisness and how...

Girls often approach me since Im good looking and I always make sure to mention my fathers successful buisness and how Im going to take it over one day.

But Im socially retarded and girls often comment about how quiet I am. Then they lose interest in me.

Why the fuck arent they dropping to their knees for me? Im attractive and rich. Wtf else more could a girl want??????

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you sound like a pleasant bloke

Elliot symptoms are showing

What are you doing here nigger holy shit lmao leave tWeKf82

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I have everything but Im just shy. Is that really a reason to become disinterested? I could give girls a financially stable life but because Im a terrible person

Why the fuck do girls prefer Chads who always talk about how broke they are when I have $13k in the bank at age 18?

cause its not ur money
boasting about nepotistic success is the dumbest shit u can do

Wow you're truly 1% tier.

Wow, get a load of Mr Warren Buffett! Truly a 1 percenter

I didnt even boast. When she asked me about carrer plans I said that my dad has his own business and I hope to take over and expand it. I dont boast. I just let them know about my family

This has to be very originally bait.

$13k at 18 as a college student is a ton. Everyone else I know is broke and has to take student loans.

yea thing is what you're actually saying is
"im gonna make a lot of money from my dads work"
even with the best intention, thats what a lot of people read into it.
best not to mention shit like that.
i've never told any girl i've been with first the first thing about my financial situation - it makes em know how much they think they deserve.
splash out on some nice clothes and some peng jewlerry and you'll be set

Will use the advice but will it help with the fact that im socially awkward? Will girls overlook that if im dressed well?

It's because you're a narcissist. You keep talking about yourself and how great and rich you are, and obviously you're so attractive that girls should just automatically suck your dick.
You're literally the feminist strawman of the average male, personified. If I didn't know people who were just as narcissistic as you IRL, I'd be inclined to think this whole post is just bait.

Stop talking about yourself. Stop thinking about yourself. Bring out whatever shreds of empathy you still have down in the deep dark pit of your soul. You're supposed to have a conversation with girls, not deliver them a sales pitch, you autist!

>Everyone else I know is broke
Your family isn't as rich as you think if your entire social circle is made up of broke people. Actually rich people mostly know other rich people.

Im not narcisistic at all. Im just saying that girls online find me really attractive and its a fact that my family is rich.

>I'm just saying that I'm rich and handsome
Yes, that's what narcissism is. Stop saying it. Nobody loves a guy who sucks his own dick.

Family makes $500k a year. I think were doing fine.

the more confident you feel in your image, the less likely u are to sperg out, plus fashion sense make you look way more functional

I never act narcissistic irl. Telling girls about my dads carrer and my future plans is not narcissistic at all

but i mean the best thing you can do for yourself is not talk about yourself

i'm not very good looking, am not particulraly wealthy nor have a achieved a whole lot. i've managed to get with a fair few girls jus cause i dont even try and compete or talk bout how good my prospects are.
trust jus talk to em like a fucking human


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It totally is, dude.

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>Mentioning your dad is rich.

Yeah, try not doing that.

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>tfw girls value personality more then only good looks and money
You guys lied to me wtf

>hey user! great to meet you! what's going on with you lately?
m-m-m-m-my d-daddy said i can run his b-business one day if im a g-good boy
>oh... umm... do you have any hobbies you like user? anything you like to do?
i-i-i-im attractive, r-right?? i-im gonna be rich too i s-swear

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Thats why im confused

I dont say im attractive. Dumbass

if i had to guess i'd say you rely to much on your supposed positives that you either appear to be disinterested since you assume the girl has to make further approaches, or you just never tried to improve your social skills in the first place.
Also the fact that you post here and have Yuru Yuri bikini pics on your PC are enough to asume that you probably have some problems with woman.

Try to imagine what you and other people want from an interesting conversation and find some topics you can bring up if a girl comes up to you, if it goes well come up with somethign to set up the next meeting (not necessarily a date) and try to talk roughly as much as she does.
If she does the talking try to seem as interested as possible, maybe ask questions, just so she knows you're listening.
I mean all the autists here mostly complain because they can't change their looks, anxiety or whatever, but conversation skills are something you can learn somewhat easy, i used to have problems myself.
Also don't get hung up on this "they only approach me becuse i'm attractive" shit, if they were actual hoes they wouldn't care much about your personality.

Only thing I can talk about is anime and vidya. Dont think I can really talk to girls about that. I cant even set up a date. I asked and she told me she just want to be friends

>anime and vidya
Guess that's the problem, maybe put yourself out in local nerd stores or something.
I also had some good talks about movies i only watched because they inspired games or anime i like, this is somewhat between normal and nerd culture so this might be something.

If a girl says she wants to be friends maybe actually take her up on the offer. I know this is used a lot as an easy out of relationship talks, but female friends are actually underrated, you might enjoy this friendship and i'm pretty sure your social skills imrpove a lot if you're able to keep up and actual friendship with a girl without falling for the friendzone meme like a "nice guy" idiot that can't see a girl as an actual person.

That's not rich, sorry to break it to you user. Rich is when you make that in dividends.

are you a manlet op? Are you beta? Women want confident 6'2" Chads to slam their pussy while they choke their throat

treat them like shit and your set

fucking bullshit they are happy alone because they get to extract resources from men thanks to the welfare state.

women are boring as shit and have nothing interesting to say. also all they do is bitch and complain. Why would you be friends with women when women backstab each other and hate each other?

Thats way above average income

Sure. That doesn't mean you're rich though. Just that you're above average. Well your father I suppose.

OP's on some Elliot Rodger shit

Anyway shouldnt women be all over me? I can literally provide everything for them

I do look up to him and think about doing something even greater than him.

Turns out telling a girl how rich your daddy is first thing isn't actually a panty dropper. Who knew.

Like actually opening doors?

OP. You need to learn how to be charismatic. You ever heard that song by good charlotte? 'Girls don't like boys, girls like cars and money'

Yea well there's a bit in there where they say they have a guy who doesn't have much to say at parties but he always pays the bill so...

Meaning, you're boring, have money and a comfy future and nothing to worry about so your emotional connectivity is lacking and you have nothing exciting to say. Did you break a bone at some point? Doing what? Have you risked your life at any point? When did something crazy happen to you? What's your non boring hobby?

Also, please go contribute to my original comfy thread I just made

Ive had nothing exciting happen. Some exciting moments while playinf vidya only

I dont brag about my dad and only indirecty said my dad is rich