Tfw hate christcucks but love crusader armor

>tfw hate christcucks but love crusader armor

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I KNOW THIS FEEL all too well

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you get to look at our badass armor while we kill you, a beautiful final sight of this world

you only hate christians because false zionist jews(modern day Pharisees) infiltrated the protestant churches of america and want you to hate christ
you got memed by Satan, it happens to the best of us

>that not da real christians...

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they literally aren't real christians, you have probably never encountered a real christian

A real christian is a Jew. Stop worshiping a kike on a stick

You must be one of those Russian orthodox shills huh

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I have identified you as a low IQ smoothbrain
you're implying that a jew from 2000 years ago is the same as the steppe-mongrel "jews" of today
jesus hates them just as much as you

mary was 14

Unironicaly American Protestanism is the most cancerous thing that could ever happen to any religion. There are thousands of different and independent churches all preaching whatever the fuck they want to preach.

twitter tradtardery is the most cancerous thing that could ever happen to any religion because it allows losers with endocrine disorders to turn the church into fucking wh40k

lol niiice!
thats the age of consent in japan right?

Kek are you actually Russian

Real christians were the ones that sucked jesus christ's cock and followed his rules (no one does this today, you can't prove me wrong)
Today no one is a real christian
Fuck you

i have no idea, jay, but it's funny slamming these fags' beliefs up against the actual content of their book

Sounds like you're a closet-christian

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and muhamed fucked a 9 year old when you only live to the ripe old age of 35 you gotta get moving


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childhood is idolishing christianity
adulthood is realising islam makes more sense

you don't know the first thing about our beliefs
what you seriously thought i'd be upset about the fact that mary was supposedly 14 years old when she gave birth?
old enough to bleed, old enough to breed as they say
what are you trying to say?

childhood is being an atheist
adulthood is chosing a faith

Islam does keep its whores in check pretty well tho I will give you that.

>tfw hate LARPagans but like Varg

Orthodox is breddy gud

>tfw love Jesus but also love black metal

hmmmm.... what do you guys think of pauline Christianity? do you have any opinion on it whatsoever?

what about how a ton of old testament stories can almost identically be traced to ancient sumerian theological tales and scripture. noahs ark, the story of moses, various other, existed there before the old testament

honestly at the end of the day i dont know how much i believe in the bible, i honestly doubt Jesus even existed, but i know for sure i 100% believe in God UNQUESTIONABLY

jesus most likely existed
historians make firm claims based on less evidence than there is for jesus

You have to be borderline braindead to think a faith can be chosen, let alone that the idea that you can possibly adhere to a mainstream faith without being indoctrinated or merely faking the belief.