Can you imagine winning a lottery jackpot? How do you proceed?
Can you imagine winning a lottery jackpot? How do you proceed?
>collect money
>give 1 million to mother, sister and brother as well as my best friend
>leave the country immediately and never return, cut all contact with previous life
leave my family and move to another city
rent a very cheap house and stay there until my money dries out
I'd just add it to the pile. If it's a larger amount, like 10 figures, then I'd have to have a better plan.
Quit my job and fuck whores for the rest of my life.
Help out immidiaite family+ grand parents then vanish.
form a militia and overthrow the kikes
Plan on taking the annuity and expect to wait several weeks before actually receiving the money. Don't bother with things like trusts and LLCs to claim the ticket because your name will come out anyway, and instead use them for privacy in real estate and other areas.
Either lay low or take a vacation, depending on what time of year it is and what resources are available until receiving the money. Then get my shit together in terms of residence, transportation, insurance, and security/legal/financial protection. Once I get comfortable and everything is under control, I either decide if I want to be reclusive, avoid attention and use the money to enjoy a lavish private life, or take advantage of the publicity, hire an agent and get my own TV show based on "lottery winner does X."
I often waver between the 2. On the one hand, I hate begging and if I'm on the media that could draw lots of unwanted attention. On the other hand though, I really suck at taking initiative in anything and being able to organize any projects, so why not use the free publicity to get some media company to do set up everything for me and turn starting a business, self improvement.therapy, or helping prevent "incel terrorism" into a TV program.
Of course this all depends on what the jackpot amount is. If I win the "$10 million" Super Lotto jackpot the only option really is to take cash value, buy a home and vehicle then have the rest managed by a financial firm for passive income to live off of.
tell nobody and plan my exit to pattaya in thailand, when im there open a snack shack named "Bennos Bockwurst Bude" for german expats and sex tourists. after a few months or years i will be called "bockwurst benno", thats when part 2 of the plan kicks in and i get aids
Buy all of the waifu merchandise I can.
Buy a house to put it in.
Pay for my Dad and Sister's medical bills so they can get better with their conditions.
Give my friend the million he needs to be a government lapdog.
I can't decide what else to do.
I bought a mega millions tivket for tuesday drawing. Going to win it and open the office and you all can apply to work at the office. We will sell paper and do nothing all day. I'll make sure everyone gets fed everyday and 2 week paid time off. Maybe 30 of us in a building will be enough.
Iooking forward to it
I'd buy a house far the fuck away from people and live out the rest of my life in silence and solitude.
Neet corp.
I'm originally in
>get all of the surgeries I need
after this I will do whatever the fuck I feel like. No plans or anything, just winging it
sounds comfy man. I would like to do this
what is the significance of this picture? I know elliot rodger used to obsess with the lottery but why do people post this picture all the time
Donate 40% to charity then do whatever with the rest
It's an Jow Forums-relevant lotto picture, that's all
Blunder Mifflin
turn the world on its head.
I wonder how much can plastic surgeries actually improve my face...
If not than there's little I want that money can buy.
> tfw you want to give people money anonymously, but you know it would get tied back to you and you don't exactly trust everyone in your circle who'd find out about it to not kill you/attempt to blackmail you
> pay back boyfriend for years of using his beta bux
> dump him and live alone friendless and relationship less with two cats, MJ, and millions of dollars
I would probably call the lottery people the next day.