>100 word essay due in a week
>Haven't started it yet
Anybody as fucked as I am?
>100 word essay due in a week
>Haven't started it yet
Anybody as fucked as I am?
Underage b8.
100 words is nothing, in 2h it's done.
Oh boys he took it, he took the fucking bait HahAhahah
In a week??? Shit. Well GL, bro, you will need it.
lol just wait til you get to college, had to write 1200 words for my thesis
>40 word essay due in a MONTH
How the fuck am I supposed to manage this shit seriously?
Is this bait? I just finished a 4000 word essay in a week.
How fucking dense are you?
Stop posting this meme. It's actually triggering me.
I think so
I've never seen it before, though.
Fuck me, what's your IQ? This must be bait.
4000 in a week is nothing. I had to do a 4001 word essay in 6 days
Oh yeah you fucking idiot well I finished a 4200 word essay in 69 minutes
I just writed 200 words to teacher. I did it exactly opposite through, and used last 20 words to write i will write 20 words.
>had two weeks to finish a 6 panel slide for a group project to pass
>only would have taken a few hours to do
>decide to drop the class and fuck over the other people in the group instead
*opposite what she asked
She's annoying pedant
>4 word essay due in a year
Oh no, bros.
>50 word essay due in 4 months
I literally think this is impossible. I might just kill myself now.
Hope, you somehow managed to fuck it up somehow
i just finished a 9001 word essay in a day you fucking maggot
We had tests back then where we had to write 200 word essays in 30 min nigga
>Be me college fag
>1 word essay due when the president leaves office
>Guys I'm fucked unless we make trump a dictator
>5 letter essay due in a decade
>100 words
>in 2 hours
Are you actually illiterate?
>2 word essay due in an hour
I was never meant for this world.
>1 word essay due in 10 years
>11 word shit post due right now
I can't handle this.....
a letter in 50 years
>4 million page essay due in the next millisecond
>have to learn the alphabet
>only have one decade
I'm fucked
the man is clearly a jap
>blank sheet of paper due in 5 millennia
>Documentary film due immediately
>sorting my life out due 10 years ago
I don't know, I think you have me beat OP
You think you have it bad?
>500 word essay do in 2 months
I'm dead
>2 word signing of my name on a paper due next semester
Should I just drop my research lads?
>a blank page essay due whenever I want to submit it
I literally can't even
i almost shat myself just now, want story?
>100 words
No u
Ore no post ga Konna ni original Wake ga Nai
I'm sorry but if 100 words takes you 2 hours you are still a fucking brainlet. That's barely even a paragraph
Bitch I wrote a 10 page research report with 30 sources the day it was due. You Got a damn week
>ive got a 10 word essay due too next century
fucking kill me already senpai
>Haiku due in a month
I'm done for lads
>tfw repetitive shit reply due before repetitive shit thread archives
>haven't even checkboxed the captcha yet
>100 word essay
Are you a fourth grader?
God damn. Never get into SEO. You need to write 500 to 1k words a DAY
>1000 word essay due in 3 months
Okay give it to me straight... I'm fucked aren't I?
just do a word a day and you'll be good
6 million word essay due in 1488 days
I'm 3 days past the deadline on a 500 word essay. I just can't concentrate on anything anymore. Probably spent at least 20 hours on it but it looks like I've spent 30 minutes.
>1 sperm cell due in a female ovary by the end of my life
>cough on a page due in 12 eons
My life is over.
7 page essay due by Wednesday. 2 and a half pages done, How fucked am i lads?
>Empty page due when the sun explodes
Alright fucking delete this one
>1200 words for my thesis
lol so like one page?
This but unironically.
>tfw teacher actually made us write a 700 word essay in an hour as a final exam
>tfw would've finished it if I hadn't spent like 20 minutes freaking out thinking I wouldn't have enough time to do it
>40 word paragraph due next month
>only 35 words in
I think im gonna fail the course boys, please help.
kek'ing at all of you, talk when you know the pain of a 1 week essay due in 40 words
>Original Nursery Rhyme due in 40,000 years
I'm at wits end with this one lads, think I'm just gonna escape and end it all
>haiku due on Friday
im so fucked
>one fulfilling life due in 50 years
>haven't even started
>family home from dinner in 20 minutes
>haven't killed myself yet
>have to blink my eyes before the sun dies