3 years on mones
live with parents they don't know
Fuck axe wounds
I'm coming back on a road trip from an appt so I'll answer when I can
3 years on mones
live with parents they don't know
Fuck axe wounds
I'm coming back on a road trip from an appt so I'll answer when I can
>started at 27
literally why would you do this to yourself? Do you look good? Most look terrible when they start so late
Why did you do it? In my head it sounds interesting but the cost is ridiculous and idk what to do after that. Family will probably hate me and I'll pretty much have to restart my life.
Have you cut your dick yet?
>cost is ridiculous
not OP but the cost is like $40 a month
it's not ridiculous at all, if you work for like a day in a minwage job you get $40
do you watch anime
>fuck axe wounds
my guess is no
where do you work? Imagine having a manual labor job and the guy you work with slowly gets weaker
What are your dosages? Do you want FFS?
How do your parents not know after 3 years?
why haven't you killed yourself yet, faggot?
added spices to dishes can be oregano, sage, parsley, and rosemary
>OP doesn't answer shit
nice thread faggot
It wasn't a thing when I was a teen in like 1997.
We had Jerry Springer and Susan's and Laura's playground which was all gross transvestite slags and hon fucks and I thought that's what trans was so I was like nah I'd rather die.
Then I found /d/ like 2005 and was like sweet I'm a futa. I can just be like that.
I was hardcore selfmedding with stuff. Shit was bad. I even got happy farmed. So I had to fix that first and then it took me years to get hormones. I also ran away when I was 17 and was homeless for years.
I've always been a girl. I've never been a boy. So it wasn't a "transition" to me.
It was more about being myself instead of doing weird fake boy persona and being forced crossdressing as a boy when I was a girl.
I used to attempt suicide everyday, so there was no choice.
I get mammed in public.
I think I look like a feminized version of my 15 year old self.
Basically bishie like sesshomaru or some gay yaoi anime character.
My internet friends say I just have body image problems.
No I'm poor. Plus I don't want a fucking axe wound kabab gyro meat vagina.
I want a real one grown in a lab from my own cells. It shrinking a lot from the meds helped with dealing with the whole thing.
>happy farmed
what is this?
do the hormones prevent you from having facial hair? or do you still shave?
No I'm poor. Plus I don't want a fucking axe wound kabab gyro meat vagina.
I want a real one grown in a lab from my own cells. It shrinking a lot from the meds helped with dealing with the whole thing.
Oop cost is like $50 for Spiro and$10 for estradiol.
Yeah some of it.
I finished Hunter x Hunter last month.
My favorites are probably princess jellyfish and trigun.
I have gotten tremendously weaker.
I used to work call center but unemployed now.
I'm a klutz and I broke my tail bone doing sick fails in my car and jammed the shifting knob up my ass.
2.5 pills of e
I stopped Spiro cause my body was pregnant levels of estrogen.
I had to get my gallbladder removed from the stones forming cause of the preggo levels which is normal for pregnant women.
I don't know about ffs.
I have a lot of body image issues already and I'm not mentally sound I think to make a decision like that right now.
I hide everything really well. I have lots of tricks.
Mostly trying to help young trans kids and I guess I have to suffer more until the universe accepts my punishment being served.
You need laser or electrolysis to get rid of facial hair. Body hair can thin with some people though
T. Another gross tranny
please leave. you're not a real girl, a man with a mental illness
>always been a girl
>born a boy and is currently a man
Interesting stuff right there. Too bad you are an adult male and have developed all of your primary and secondary sex characteristics. If you had started hormones at the age of 13 you'd probably be a semi-passable cute little sissyboi. Have fun being a freak in drag for the rest of your life
how are those A cups going hon?
>was a teen in 1997, 21 years ago
Wow, mentally ill AND bad at math.
you look great hon
What color is your pee?
>happy farmed
This is my question also.
Looney bin
I just leave my face 5oclock or a little longer cause my skin is sensitive.
Also I'm trying to hide the fact that I'm a tranny so the facial hair helps.
Facial hair doesn't change really.
You have to get it removed. Body hair dramatically changes. I used to shave my body everyday neurotically but it's like 10 year old boy levels now. It's like 90% less and it's super soft to the touch now.
I never understood why actual males have such a problem being males.
It was really easy for me.
It be actually gives me dysphoria when I'm more masculine than guys.
I mean I guess I was pretty psychotic so maybe normal guys don't operate on blind fucking rage.
I think they made bioidentical estrogen in like 98. Prior to that it was premarin literally pregnant mare urine. I mean maybe if I was one of the test pilot kids. I might of got it. But my parents are hyper Christians so it wouldn't of happened anyways. I'm not a drag queen. I'm fairly andro. I'll always wish I had started prepuberty tho
Have you worked on your voice?
Light yellow smells like girls
Nooo pls I did fail math
Not to much cause I live with my parents.
My pattern is good and my voice is fairly high already. So I'm at gay guy voice but no lisping or nasal.
What's your opinion on traps?
>I want a real one
Bad news, it's either a fake one or a dick. And if you want to pass as a girl the fake one is what you want.
Trannies already look like a "bad" girl, so I guess it's okay if they have a "bad" vagina too. It's not like you can expect much more, but if you really have that mental illness I suppose being a "bad" female is better than being a guy.
Post your discord original x3
This upsets me. I admit that I get off to trap porn alot, but I can't have the sound on as the male voice is sickening. I also sometimes imagine the up-close faces of trannies, and how they would have rough skin from facial hair; their bodies would also smell of man. I am content with keeping this disgusting fetish online only
More straight than a cis male and female.
Less gay then two males buttfucking.
I'd never trade a working organ for a butchered shitshow.
I know they grew vaginas for those girls.
Anyone who gets a vatjob is a fucking lunatic tricked by Jerry Springer and Jewish memes. They are the same kind of people who get a fauxgina and say WELP IM DONE
Literally fake news so stronk Bruce jenners
Yeah that's what traps are.
Hormones makes your skin start to soften.
I'm fairly far in so my skin is really soft like a babys.
Hormones change how you smell.
Every smell you make changes.
Also lots of your sweat glands shut off, so you smell even less.
>I'd never trade a working organ for a butchered shitshow.
You already trade being an actual guy for being a hybrid "girl". About shitshows...
>tfw 24 and repressing
So do you feel better? Do you think you have a chance in hell at passing? How do you get your hormones? How do your parents not know after 3 years? Would you recommend someone that is 24 and thinking about transitioning to go for it even if they're worried about passing? Also what caused you to finally start hrt?
I'l be 23 very soon is it worth it starting hrt? any advice on passing? I'd greatly appreciate it
Will you make sucky blowy to my peepee and drink my milky?
>Do you think you have a chance in hell at passing?
>How do your parents not know after 3 years?
Make a guess. If their parents still can't see the difference there is no chance he looks like a girl.
I feel tremendously better. I was really worried about my mental problems getting worse, but fixing my issue with hormones took tons of stress out.
I never felt right on T and the more I had the worse I got and it just made me psychotic.
Sure I might get emotional but it's just a feeling like OH GOSH WHY HELLO LITTLE PUPPY LET'S DANCE and it's just a feeling. Where on test I was full on daily psychotic breakdowns punching brickwalls and breaking shit. I loved with some methheads when I was homeless and I made them look like the a stable ones. They were afraid of me.
I got on the state food stamps insurance so I could get in the free ride program and I used that to hide my trips to the state capital to see an endocrinologist.
I gained like 100lbs and was 280 and used that and my mental illness to hide my tits and meds, but I also stashed my meds. I'd pick up my meds in a town away and dump all of the packaging.
I'm fairly andro so I'd probably pass okay if I bring had a girl haircut and girl clothes.
I used to stick a gun in my mouth and try to od on a daily basis.
I decided that I might as well try cause there's nothing left to lose.
Emulate girls your age.
I do the mannerisms naturally.
It's turning off the "gay vibe" homophobia thing I have in my head thats my problem.
Like yesterday I was talking "too long" to a male friend in the phone so I randomly hung up on him cause homo vibes too strong.
I guess I also play up being masculine a lot too. Being fat helped. I'm running out of fat through. I'm down to 190 from 280 so it's getting a lot harder to hide my bigger than baseball boobs.
The fat definitely helped though. People don't notice the gradual changes seeing me everyday. They just think it's fat I haven't lost and I'm like lol yeah can't spot reduct #myth squats n oats and they leave me alone. Also shirts with logos, oversized clothes, and hoodies.
If relatives come over I keep a full beard lift heavy things and chop wood
im not very androgynous though but fuck id kill to be passable
Can always be a twink or something if it doesn't work out. Plus passing and being pretty are two different things.
Post yours