>Jow Forums is laughing at us again
Why? Why do chads always attack us even on Jow Forums?
>Jow Forums is laughing at us again
Why? Why do chads always attack us even on Jow Forums?
>Jow Forums
>he's not /r9pol/
I bet you aren't even WOKE
Had enough with bragging Chads even on Jow Forums. Call them out and let them know how much they suck.
This. /r9pol/ is the only way to go.
Jow Forums are home to the biggest incels, they just cope in a different way brother
Screenshot is of an Israeli poster
Who cares what /pol says or does? They are all being arrested soon anyways
Why would they be arrested? IF anything Jow Forums would be arrested because of that incel who drove a van into a bunch of people.
that has proven to be fake, false flag
>Why would they be arrested?
Just sit back and watch,you'll see
>proven to be fake
my fucking sides, proven by the sleuths on Jow Forums? wow you make a solid argument
keep believing MSM lies . i bet u think we went to the moon and 9/11 was a terror attack. oswald killed JFK too right?
Shut up incel
>no comeback
>s-shut up!!
>if you dont know your shit youll get torn apart in seconds
more like if you dont have enough shitty infographics to spam youll be torn apart in seconds
>They are all being arrested soon anyways
what a dumb fuck you must be
Even /s4s/ laughs at us. Don't give a shit anymore.
>free speech
isn't porn banned there despite being a nsfw board?
Shut up you lonely incel. Go rent a van.
Keep watching incel. You're next
>Wanting Jow Forums to be a porn board
Jow Forums are not chads, they're betas like you and me except they delude themselves into thinking they're chads through an appeal to white supremacy
I'm just saying, if you wear "free speech" like some sort of medal but don't actually follow through with it, then you are phony.
That's not a Jow Forums meetup, those are people who met eachother at the he will not divide us camera.
God, they all piss me off so much
It's a pol meet up. You are that fat guy in the gay hat.
>Jow Forums
>free speech
Good one
>Keep watching incel. You're next
keep crying reddit, i'm not going anywhere
Aww sweatie, did we hwut yow fweewings by cawing you an incwel? awww poor fucky wucky babby
>Using fake photoshopped bans to prove a point.
>Porn is free speech
>everything that proves me wrong is obviously fake and photoshop
You're thinking of asshole brad, Chad just wants a fun time and to satisfy his boner.
>30 day ban for insults
You are not fooling anyone.
They know what you look like now incel. When your fatass is in prison it will give a whole new meaning to pork butt.
>i know i'm wrong so i'll just double down on my stupidity
Yes you are,prison.
You were most likely banned for ban invasion or some shit and photoshopped the post to make it look like you proved a point.
>thwey know wut ywu wook wike now incwel wen yow fwat ass is in pwison it will gibe a whwole new mweaning to powk butt
kek, nothing cuter than a tubby incel calling a smart, able bodied chad like myself exactly what you are, anonymously. never change sweatie
Sure fatty whatever you say pork butt. Enjoy prison incel
>Jow Forums
>I believe in free speech
>oh but this one thing I don't like isn't speech
this doublethink is particularly grating cause you call leftists on it every time they do it, but you certainly don't hold yourself to the same standard.
You aren't a Chad fatty and you never will be. Keep pretending
>porn is free speech
?? you what nibba? That's like saying a car is free speech.
you what nibba?
that's pretty much the bread and butter of their arguments.
talking about and uploading pictures of cars is, but I digress.
I get the impression your only real interest in "free speech" is to be able to wear the label to gain some sort of moral high ground against people you don't like.