>Be me >15 years old beta loser >meet this cute chick in class >we hit it off pretty well >she liked anime and shit , real cool person >but she has a nd >they don't seem to be going pretty well >thismightbemychance.jpeg >one day they fight >comfort her and tell her he doesn't deserve her >keep in mind this is over the internet >I see an whatsapp status of her that said something about choosing an emoji or some dumb shit >respond while simultaneously talking to her >she says something about wanting to tell me >"go ahead" I said , with the biggest shit eating smile of my life >"I love you.." she says , I'm tucking dead, my plan worked and I might actually get a gf >try to stall it so i don't look >"but you have a boyfriend" >"well what can we do about that"she says >tell her to leave him if she isn't happy with him >she then points out this was part of a little prank that anyone who answered her whatsapp status would get >am dead inside >she says she's sorry but she loves me as a friend >act like nothing has happened for the rest of the week
I can't keep this facade robots, what should I do ? She's obsessed with her bf yet he doesn't treat her well at all , I want to give her the attention she deserves but this Chad is really getting into her head , help me please
Well it now seems that you're friends only for the chance of sex. You made that clear. I suppose the best thing you can do is to remain friends in a passive way and maybe if you feel the close vibes with her, be better friends. Keep a look out for other girls though and try to get other girls as often as the opportunity comes up.
Your friend, if she invites you to a party, go to it and just be your charismatic self and be passionate about what you like, also get talking to a girl there too.
You're a man, men go for girls and you don't wait around forever for 1 girl. So maintain your friendship because she opens opportunities for you to meet other girls and it makes you seem less creepy, her bf might even pity and respect your attempt at her.
Brush it off, own it and take responsibility. Laugh about it even and just be casual. It's fine alright, and be sure that she knows you're fine about it and tell her not to worry or anything.
Joseph Martinez
damn shes ugly, i wouldn't even hit that if she paid me.
>15 years old beta loser WHERE THE FUCK ARE THE MODS KILL IT NOW
Robert Rogers
This isn't /b/, you fucktards. And this is an actual person asking for actual help. Not your faggot posts and anime avatars.
Fucking board's got too much cancer.
Dylan Stewart
Ai, ai, mano. Bem que todo mundo sempre te achou esquisito na escola mesmo. Ela me contou que voce tinha betado com ela e ficou rindo de voce, inclusive te chamou de trouxa. E por isso que voce e um fracassado, fica postando em site como esse cheio de virgem e aprendeu a ser beta.
Benjamin Nelson
LOL why u mad locobrono
Carter Davis
I've seen plenty of genuine posts decimated by the mods for the underage rule.
Fact of the mater is, this is a child on Jow Forums, a place which can only harm him mentally. Get the fuck off your high horse and consider for a second that there's a reason this rule exists and people wish to enforce it.