>just exercise bro, it'll make your depression go away
>go jogging
>still feel empty
>go jogging again
>still empty
>going to go jog again
will it work this time?
Just exercise bro, it'll make your depression go away
If you have no foundation, you can't build anything.
How far do you go? The runner's high does not last long.
Step 1: Stop masturbating
Step 2: Try everything you were told to try before
You're failing before you're even out the gate if you're depleting your life essence, user. Stop masturbating, then focus on everything else.
Get medicated then force yourself to exercise, don't like jogging? Lift, don't like lifting? Fucking lift do it bitch.
you're supposed to stop thinking you retard
if you don't think it goes away
do jump rope instead
Jogging is legit pretty fucking shit. Eating shitton and lifting actually gave me little better results, started feeling pretty good then for some reason I started playing vidya and stopped lifting, so I am back to the first step.
what the fuck is that supposed to mean? I have a heart, two lungs and two legs, what else do I need?
Until I'm tired. I don't know a mile or two.
why the fuck would I lift if I don't like running?
>just stop thinking bro
is the goal to turn myself into a fucking vegetable?
might try this
Jogging (or hiking) should be done in nature not in concrete jungle, seeing natural spaces, water, grass, trees, makes you happy.
Sunlight makes you happy.
Solo time to listen to music and let your imagination run is good for you.
Do many different types of exercise. High intensity, low intensity, weight training, calisthenics
To find a exercise you actually like doing you autistic fuck
Once I exercised till I vomited.... I felt better for 20min...
>nothing but bush around
the sun burns any grass, and all the trees are woody shrubs.
For fucks sake nigger stop posting that disgusting shit, fuck off and kill yourself. Not even reading what you wrote.
>don't know a mile or two
Track it through a GPS activity program like Strava. You got a bit to build up your aerobic base. You should build up to 6 miles.
OP jogging is not exercise, lift some actual weights and you will feel way more accomplished, trust me
Do you drink alcohol? Stop it.
You can run away from a lot in life, but you can never outrun those feels.
A third lung might do the trick.
>dude just go for run bro
>go out for a run
>some high school chads drive by slow and yell
three questions. are you fast? are you getting faster? do you want to go fast? i don't know, buy a bike.
I have exercised 6 days a week most of my life, it doesn't change shit and I don't expect it to anyway. If your brain is fucked up, there is no magic fix.
Not OP but I dunno man, I can run pretty damn fast. Not even black. I swear if I would have been a negro I would have been the new Usain Bolt.
>are you fast? are you getting faster? do you want to go fast?
yes yes yes
try LIFTING faggot
>excercise is not excercise
Fuck off
I dont. What is you niggers and these random ass assumptions?
Why would anyone do that? Specially when you're actually out there trying to correct that.
No, I want to run. What is it with you niggers telling me to do something else beside what I want to do?
Lift yourself out of here you faggot.
running is gay desu
lifting heavy things makes me feel like a man
nothing makes me feel more alive than beating a personal record after struggling through a rep
>Why would anyone do that? Specially when you're actually out there trying to correct that.
some people get dopamine rushes from being mean, it's brutal out there.
>What is it with you niggers telling me to do something else beside what I want to do?
That's called life, get used to it.
You're probably a homosexual
Should've killed them desu.
How about you kill yourself instead?
research HIIT
it increases metabolism throughout the day and lowers resting heart rate
That actually sounds interesting, thanks mate.
Joke's on you; I don't not want to kill myself.
If you don't combine it with a good diet and some iron in your ass it'll be no different to trying to mke yourself presentable by purchasing a nice suit. If you neglect your hair, getting a nice trim, washing, and smiling, you may as well just stick that iron into a cartridge and point it at yourself.
Why do you live where you do?
Lush mountains or near a body of water
Grassy valley and forest
Or sunburnt pseudo desert
>nothing makes me feel more alive than beating a personal record after struggling
Brainlet doesn't know cardio can also have personal records
It's not about the physical exertion, OP. It's about the ethic of dieting and exercise. Adherence to that ethic will give you motivation and a reason to get up in the morning.
>why the fuck would I lift if I don't like running?
It's way less monotonous and way more fun. Strength exercises actually feel good, cardio is just tedium.
Made some changes to my diet. Hopefully you're right and combined they'll do something.
Because I was born here and really can't imagine living elsewhere. I have never felt snow in my life, and rain only happens for 2 months a year. Ok