I swear to god if any of you have talked to women the way these utter retards have I have given up all hope
>inb4 reddit
yeah I know. i never go there but a friend of mine just showed me this reddit page and i just couldn't take the autism. I liked this board because of depression feels and fucked up humor but i think i might leave if this is the way you guys actually approach women
This better not be you bots
normans don't deserve a reply but I will stoop to your level to say something quickly.
Kek I want to see more like that.
I wanna make a tinder just to do this desu desu
just go to that reddit page. honestly some there make the people in that sub seem like shallow bitches but others like OP and this one have cringing
>t. roastie
this comment is like so totally original omg
>force of a thousand sons
That's Magnus the Red you faglord
another totally original post from op
100% this was a Jow Forumsizen. they banged the next day.
*stares at you confused* what did you just say to me, baka? *unsheathes katana I'll have you know I graduated highschool and was part of numerous anime clubs *laughs menacingly (like Dante from Devil May Cry 4)* and I've been in numerous wars with the most notorious larpers.
Who cares? he has the right to be pissed off. all men do. it's the principle that you should feel proud enough to feel entitled to sex
owo whats this, another original post?
you know what masculinity means to me and i think to most people? restraint. sure you can be pissed, but letting it affect your behavior/conduct with the other party is a sign of weakness and immaturity and will most likely result in your ostracization from that social group. also. asking someone for a girls number as opposed to asking her directly...? how did that retard expect that conversation to go lmao
This is 100 percent justified. She a cunt that wastes men's time and she knows it
moar moar moar! orginally i would like moar!
Not really you're just being a crypto feminist. if it amuses a man to insult a woman, he has every right to and there is nothing weak about it
>messaging the girl to begin with
I don't understand
i cant stand to be on that site anylonger ima go pop open a beer and play som vidya. just go to the fucking subreddit and sort by top
talking and being friendly with someone != attraction
>if it amuses a man to insult a woman, he has every right to and there is nothing weak about it
I agree with that, but to do it in the face of rejection shows that you have no sense of appearances and appearances, after all, are everything. also
>crypto feminist
yeah right i'm more misogynistic than most people here, but i also understand how work people ffs
okay last one
>when a robot finally gets a gf
I know the specific examples are autistic but I'm talking about the bigger picture and hidden agenda of that subreddit with it fake exaggerated conversations
I wonder if there's a point where it gets so autistic, this actually works?
"How to get a woman to cheat on you 100% success rate."
>yeah I know. i never go there but a friend of mine just showed me this reddit page
Oh shut the fuck up.
It's a defeatist cuck attitude to not feel entitled to sex. Don't ever let anyone tell you, you're not entitled. If a girl is being a bitch to you, you can tell her, the only reason you might not want to is because her beta orbiter legion will try to publicly shame you.
Nothing wrong here. he's establishing boundaries
>redditcucks take issue with this
heres some orginalio
Honestly... I don't really think it's cringe if they start calling them a whore and shit after being shot down. It's when they keep getting more desperate it becomes pathetic
If a girls polite about rejection then I'd just move on, if she's a bitch and says I'm gross or something, I'll call her a worthless cunt. Redditors don't see the distinction and it's just ''the wymyn is always right''
>I don't really think it's cringe if they start calling them a whore
That'd be because you're a cringey person with no self-awareness.
>Go out with me?
Not him, but there's nothing wrong with wanting to make your true feelings clear after you have nothing to lose. she's just a hole
to be fair a lot of it does feel fake or contrived in some way, that's why in OP i was saying this better not be any of you guys. Like I just can't imagine there are that many clueless people
I have no idea how anyone defends these assholes behaviour.
>true feelings
>wanting to make them "clear" to somebody that doesn't give a shit
You're a bitch
establishing boundaries is healthy. this is neither healthy nor what establishing boundaries is lmao
Nigga that's the kind of guy who gets you vials of his blood and yours mixed together for Valentine's. Utter fucking nutcase.
I'm pretty sure like 90% of these are fake because they make r9k seem sensible in comparison.
Stay the fuck away from my board.
No one defends these because theyre extreme, cherrypicked examples. The problem arises when roasties conflate all non-Chad males who attempt to speak to them with these extreme cases. is a good explanation of how the nice guy meme is mostly a feminist psyop
Sorry for the autism but what's wrong with asking someone for a girls number? Doesn't show that you're interested or something desu
yeah but what does showing your (presumably guy) friend that you're into her accomplish? nothing, ask HER
>girls only date assholes reee
People are attracted to physically & mentally attractive people, fucking period. Romantic comedies are fucking fantasies, r/nicegirls is a thing. The trick to getting a gf isn't being an asshole or a tyrant or sticking to your fever dream pop psychology bullshit, it's to be above a 6 w/ a decent personality.
Girls aren't attracted to nice guys because most of them are ugly fucks who come off as creepy because they're ugly. I saw this as a bordeline asd uber manlet virgin with a variety of mental health issues but I still realized this shit when I was 14.
Well the girl will know you like her when you text her and you went to the lengths to ask for her number
>it's to be above a 6 w/ a decent personality.
Personality is entirely determined by looks. For girls, saying a guy has a bad personality or is a
is just code for hes unattractive. Study after study has confirmed that the only personality traits women like are Dark Triad, and those are strongly associated with attractiveness.
last line you your pic related is the truth tho. just be an asshole. its so much easier and people respect you for whatever reason.
>Girls aren't attracted to nice guys because most of them are ugly fucks who come off as creepy because they're ugly
Thanks for confirming that its all about looks and not personality like youre claiming
I was once a cringey niceguy in high school. Not as bad as some of these examples though. I don't even know where the fuck it comes from. Like I remember doing the asterisk/RP thing. I don't even know where the fuck exactly I picked that up. Maybe Roblox. Idfk
>Like I remember doing the asterisk/RP thing. I don't even know where the fuck exactly I picked that up.
same with me. maybe it's an aspie thing.
The essence of a nice guy meme, found in those cherry picked examples from the sub, is someone who acts all gentleman-like and fedorai-tippingly to the point of being a weirdo, and then immediately flips to being full of hate after being rejected.
That is an example of someone with a bad personality who typically has bad looks. An example of someone with good looks and a bad personality is one of those overly aggressive women-hating Jow Forumsizens. There are ugly people with good personalities out there, and they're the ones featured in the "this guy has a gf what's your excuse" meme threads.
Honestly I think the source for most the beliefs of people on this thread are the traumas they endured under jocks in high school, who all had girlfriends of course. So it's clear that a lot of people are gonna believe that immature shallow teenage girls only date areshole xD but the thing they're missing is that those jocks didn't act like arseholes to their gf, only to you. Besides, the highschool cheerleader stacy memes are just shitty people in general and are the female equivalent of the chad meme, and they don't represent all of 3.5 billion people.
Well the creepiness of a guy pursuing someone is directly related to their physical attractiveness, that's pretty clear. It's just how this shitty world works. The asterisk RP thing is creepy all around though even if you are a solid 10. The thinly masked intentions of nice guys would also raise a red flag even if the guy was a 10 as well. What I'm trying to say is that fedora-tipping gentlemanness != good personality. Good personality is being honest, communicative, forgiving, not being aggressive, and not being petty.
Doing what you just criticize.
Oh wow, spoken like an adult I'm impressed, didn't think there were any on this board
>gets upset by the truth
>claims not to give a shit
>not going to the party with her
>being overly controlling to the point of abuse and revealing a fucked up power dynamic in a should-be-equal relationship
>should-be-equal relationship
Women aren't men's equal though.
Now that's fucked up. I can't change your mind but you should go to therapy to work things out.
>Now that's fucked up
I didn't ask how you felt. What makes a woman equal to a man?
Reading that subreddit makes me feel like at least half of those are fake. I get some people respond like that but theres posts thats literally the meme word for word in flow chart.
I am fucking praying that this cuck comes and acts tough to me when I'm out and about with my gf. I will beat his ass and knock his teeth out in three punches. I will hit my bitch if she acts up and there is nothing cucks like him can do about it. I only hit her when it is deserved.
It's cringey because it's childish and pathetic. You're literally throwing a hissy fit because you didn't get your way. Taking it like a man would be to just say okay and stop talking to her, not acting like a babby and masking your tears with anger.
Normies and women have such low views of us they actually believe we would write these things.
I've never understood the thought process behind calling someone a whore/slut because they WON'T sleep with you.
Robots hardly ever think of themselves as nice guys. Almost every "nice guy" I have met is a redditor.
They just get angry and think that you only fuck guys hotter than them. It's really retarded
it's just an insult
Arent women allowed to decline a date just like men...?
This is what anime does to you, folks
Anime: Not even once
R/nicegirls is objectively better.
My ex texted me like this. Needless to say, we don't talk anymore, for several reasons.
Women shouldnt be out past 9 pm anyway. Mine is lucky if she's allowed to grab fast food. As soon as she gets home she goes back on the dog leash.
I'd probably do something like this but jokingly bc I have a weird sense of humor.
Yes if they don't fake being friends with the man they sure as fuck can. However, men shouldn't be pretending to be friends with women either. Platonic relationships are a fucking lie only a retard would deny this.
Never ever date someone who hangs around the opposing sex and only marry what doesn't have social media.
we really need to find a way to get the "incels" off this board... this isnt really the right board for them any way...
We don't taIk to women here
You're mistaking us for reddit
Been happening a Iot since the inceI meme took off
>le incel meme is recent
This isn't the proper way to fit in, retard. Incel was said here before r/incels closed down
sage sage sage sage sage sage
And there's been a huge uptake in posting it and peopIe associating inceIs with robots since the inceI ran over a bunch of peopIe in Canada
InceI started on arcanine after that documentary in 2014 or whenever on them and we mocked them for being autistic faiIed normies
Incel was used before Love Shy came out though I do agree there is a distinction between robot and incel